Deploying Keycloak on Kubernetes
Keycloak is an open-source Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool that provides single sign-on, user federation, and various authentication/authorization capabilities for applications. Running Keycloak in a Kubernetes cluster provides scalability, manageability, and resilience for your IAM needs. In this tutorial, we’ll walk through the process of deploying Keycloak on Kubernetes, ensuring it's ready for a production environment.
To follow this, you’ll need the following:
Kubernetes Cluster: You can set up a local Kubernetes environment using Minikube, KIND (Kubernetes IN Docker), or have access to a cloud-based Kubernetes environment like GKE, AKS, or EKS.
kubectl: Installed and configured to connect to your Kubernetes cluster.
Helm: Installed on your system for deploying Keycloak using the Helm chart.
Persistent Volume (PV): For storing Keycloak's database in a production setup.
Ingress Controller: Optional, but recommended for external access.
Steps Overview
Step 1: Install the Postgres Database
Keycloak uses a database to store its configuration and user data. We’ll deploy PostgreSQL, which is a recommended database for Keycloak.
1. Add the Bitnami Helm repository:
helm repo add bitnami
helm repo update
2. Install PostgreSQL using Helm:
helm install keycloak-db bitnami/postgresql \
--set auth.username=keycloak \
--set auth.password=keycloakpass \
--set auth.database=keycloakdb \
--set primary.persistence.enabled=true \
--set primary.persistence.size=8Gi
This command installs PostgreSQL with persistent storage enabled to ensure that the data is retained across pod restarts.
3. Verify the database is running:
kubectl get pods -l
Step 2: Install Keycloak Using the Helm Chart
With the database in place, we can now install Keycloak using its Helm chart.
1. Add the Keycloak Helm chart repository:
helm repo add codecentric
helm repo update
2. Install Keycloak:
helm install keycloak codecentric/keycloak \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbVendor=postgres \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbName=keycloakdb \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbUser=keycloak \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbPassword=keycloakpass \
--set keycloak.persistence.dbHost=keycloak-db-postgresql.default.svc.cluster.local \
--set replicaCount=2 \
--set ingress.enabled=true \
--set ingress.hosts[0].host=keycloak.local \
--set ingress.hosts[0].paths[0]=/
Keycloak will be installed with the necessary configurations to connect to the PostgreSQL database deployed earlier. We enable ingress here for external access (make sure you have a functional ingress controller like NGINX).
3. Verify the Keycloak deployment:
kubectl get pods -l
Wait until both Keycloak pods are up and running.
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Step 3: Expose Keycloak with a Service or Ingress
If you’ve set up ingress, Keycloak should now be accessible through the specified host (keycloak.local in this case). You’ll need to edit your /etc/hosts file to point this hostname to your cluster's ingress IP if you’re using a local setup like Minikube.
Example /etc/hosts entry:
<MINIKUBE_IP> keycloak.local
Alternatively, if you want to expose Keycloak via a LoadBalancer service, you can modify the Helm installation command to:
helm upgrade keycloak codecentric/keycloak \
--set service.type=LoadBalancer
This will assign an external IP to the Keycloak service.
Step 4: Configure Keycloak for Persistence and External Access
For Keycloak to be production-ready, it's critical to configure it with persistent storage and high availability.
By default, Keycloak uses ephemeral storage, which means the data will be lost if the pod is deleted. To enable persistence:
1. Install Keycloak with persistence enabled:
helm upgrade keycloak codecentric/keycloak \
--set keycloak.persistence.deployPostgres=false \
--set keycloak.persistence.existingSecret=keycloak-db-secret \
--set keycloak.persistence.size=8Gi
This ensures that Keycloak's configuration and data are retained across restarts.
External Access
To make Keycloak externally accessible, we’ll either rely on the ingress we set up in Step 2 or use a service of type LoadBalancer. In a cloud environment, the LoadBalancer type is typically preferable.
Step 5: Securing Keycloak (Optional)
For production-grade deployments, securing Keycloak is critical. Here are a few steps you can take:
1. Use TLS with Ingress:
Ensure secure communication by configuring TLS in your ingress resource.
- secretName: keycloak-tls
- keycloak.local
You’ll need to create a Kubernetes secret containing your TLS certificate.
2. Enable HTTPS on the Keycloak instance:
Modify the Helm values to enable HTTPS on Keycloak itself.
helm upgrade keycloak codecentric/keycloak \
--set keycloak.ssl.enabled=true \
--set keycloak.ssl.keyStoreFile=/opt/jboss/keycloak/standalone/configuration/keycloak.jks \
--set keycloak.ssl.keyStorePassword=yourPasswordHere
This ensures Keycloak’s web UI and API interactions are encrypted.
3. Use External Database with TLS:
Ensure the connection between Keycloak and the PostgreSQL database is encrypted by enabling TLS in PostgreSQL.
Keycloak is now deployed on a Kubernetes cluster, with persistence, and configured external access. This setup ensures that Keycloak is scalable and resilient, making it a solution for managing user authentication in your applications.
You can further customize the deployment by tweaking Helm chart values, adding additional configuration options, or integrating Keycloak with an external identity provider. For production use, always ensure that the communication between Keycloak, the database, and external clients is secured using SSL/TLS.
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