

It is said that if you hear the sound of gunshots, the bullets were not really meant for you. As the assailants hit the ground lifeless, Thari looked up, and almost instantly, his gaze locked with that of his saviour- a sniper on an elevated position, a few blocks away.


The sniper disembarked slowly from his vantage point and walked towards Thari. In his disbelief, it seemed like time had frozen still. As the sniper got closer, Thari noticed the strands of grey hair on his beard with his circular grey hat, making him conspicuous.


Thari was in awe and grateful. Every breath he takes from this moment on, is owed to this mysterious gentleman, who by now is just a few feet away.


The man then knelt next to Thari and with a gentle grip on his shoulder asks him if he’s okay.


Thari nodded weakly, unable to find the words to express his gratitude.The man rose and stretched out his hand. As Thari tries to get up, a surge of pain sweeps through his body. The man notices and immediately helps him to a bench nearby.


Thari sinks onto the seat heavily and from what looks like a guitar carrier, the man pulls out a first-aid kit and begins to tend to Thari’s wound. Thari watched with a mix of awe and curiosity. As the man fastens his shirt sleeve to get it out of the way as he works, a tattoo on his arm catches Thari’s eye. His eyes are immediately fixated on it- it is the same symbol from the notebook he had picked up from the train.


The man notices the fixation on his ink but says nothing. He’s done patching up Thari’s wound, puts his kit back and stands up to leave. 


“Wait,” Thari says, “You’re a Nomad.”


“Yes, I am, Thari.”


Thari is puzzled.


“You know me?”

“I do.”


People had begun gathering at the scene.


“I had hoped that our first meet-up would be under better circumstances but here we are. You have something that belongs to me, and I answers to questions that keep puzzling you. Let’s meet on this bench same time two days from now,’ the man says and walks away.


Rimon appears from the crowd. Eyes are said to be windows to the soul and from his Thari can tell he was just as scarred as he is.


“Are you okay?” Rimon asked.

“|Only time will tell,” responds Thari.


“Check them for any intel,” Thari directs Rimon, pointing to the assailants.

Rimon quickly but carefully frisks them. The only thing that seems out of place is a letter from the female assailant’s pocket. He hands it to Thari who puts it away immediately as sirens ring in the air.


The crowd has nearly tripled, curiosity written all over their faces.


“Where’s Rocky?” Thari asks.


“Hurt but will recover. Took down one assailant. Deserves a badge of honour, if you ask me,” replies Rimon.


“Is that what is bothering you?”

“Maybe,” Rimon replies as he helps Thari get on an ambulance that has just arrived.


Rimon climbs on after Thari, and off they go, leaving a chaotic scene as people try to piece together what is happening.


Smoke and debris litter the streets, remnants of the battle that had gone down.


A group of police, exhausted and battered, walking. Their faces covered in dirt and sweat, their weapons still smoking.


As the ambulance stops at an intersection, Thari stares at the extent of the damage. Buildings damaged, windows shattered and people crying in the streets. Silence lingers as they take in the gravity of the situation.


When they arrive at the hospital, ‘chaotic’ cannot begin to describe the scene before them.


Doctors, nurses and volunteers rushing around frantically with instructions flying everywhere.


A team rushes past, pushing a stretcher with a critically injured patient on it. The patient is covered in blood and hooked up to multiple machines.


After helping Thari onto a wheelchair, Rimon leaves in a hurry. Almost as if he is avoiding someone there.


Thari waits patiently, acknowledging that there are others who probably need more help than he does. He even waves off a few doctors who want to attend to him.


A young nurse, tears streaming down her face administers CPR to a patient.


“We need more blood! Get hold of the blood bank” a Doctor instructs.

A nurse nods and hurries off to the blood bank.


In another corner an exhausted doctor slumped against the wall taking a deep breath before jumping back into the fray.


Suddenly, there was a gentle touch on his shoulder, followed by a soft feminine voice. “Have you been attended to?”


Thari turns to find Ari. She immediately insists on taking him to a nurse for pain meds but he declines. She is volunteering at the hospital to assist victims of the attack and as they wait, they begin to catch up from their last meeting on the ship.


“Good to see you’re relatively okay,” says Ari jokingly in a bid to lighten the mood.


“I am. Your face, like the sun after a dark night, brightens up my universe,” Thari replies.


“They were really interested in you when we docked. All staff members, myself included, were heavily interrogated when they found out you had escaped. Would you know why?”


“Isn’t that the norm when a stowaway disappears?”


“We’ve never had a stowaway,” said Ari, “The interrogations persisted. I had to escape and come home.”


“That’s odd, but I may have an idea.”


A doctor cut them short to attend to Thari. His wound needed stitching but at his insistence, he refused any kind of anaesthesia. He wanted to feel the pain. It reminded him that he was alive.


When the doctor left, there was a lingering silence in the room.

“Aren’t there others you can assist?” Thari asked.

“Why didn’t you want the anaesthesia?” Ari countered.

Carefully, Thari reached into his pocket and took out the letter. He handed it to Ari.

“Please read this for me.”


Ari takes the letter and begins to read.


“If you come across this, please get it to my son.


To young Andy,


My words may not make much sense now, but hopefully one day they will. If you’re reading this, I am no more. I wish I spent more time with you when I was your entire world. I wish I managed to confront and ruthlessly eliminate negativity from my life. Remember, it is easier to allow negativity to linger than to have tough conversations to eliminate it. Negativity is a black hole, it sucks happiness from your universe.

I admit I did let money rob me of my time and fulfilment. I didn't place family and my core values first. I allowed my quest for more to distract me from the beauty of enough. True wealth, I’ve realised, is not attaining more but discovering your version of enough.

I don’t know the narrative that will be pushed with my demise, now that I am out of the picture. Whatever they say, let me set the record straight for you. I truly loved you. Our fight is not out of honour or allegiance to our people. We’ve been hired as mercenaries, I suspect, to spark a war with The Ambuka. I write to you because I doubt we will make it out off the island.”


Ari finished reading the letter, tears welling in her eyes.


“Whose is this?” Ari asked.

“One of the assailants.”


Ari folded the letter and gave it back to Thari just as Rimon walks in.


“I need to talk to you,” he said to Thari.


Ari excused herself and as she is leaving, Rimon spots a tear running down her face.


“She seems upset,” he notes.


“Anyway,” he continues, “I visited the librarian and I kid you not, Destiny had a message for you on the memory chip you gave me.”


Destiny is an agent for the now perceived hostile faction. By all standards, she is an intelligent, attractive and charismatic agent who can blend in seamlessly. She is highly efficient and can be trusted to complete tasks or coerce others to do her bidding. She is a dangerous but valuable asset in the world of espionage- hated and admired in equal measure.


Thari remembers how shocked he was when his commanding officer relayed to him that he would have to turn Destiny into an informant. Thari took on the task and came out successful. But even then, he was never completely certain where her loyalties lay.


The anatomy of a double agent involves a strong sense of ambition and a willingness to take risks. They are motivated by a desire for power, money or other forms of personal gain and are willing to betray their people for that gain.


Destiny was making strides into Thari’s heart. In her presence, he felt vulnerable. From time to time, he questioned if it was he who had been recruited.


After being recruited, Destiny had suggested for cover and to meet in public, they would give the illusion of being lovers. Thari had not been comfortable with that arrangement and he had always questioned if he agreed to it to get the job done or for his own selfish wants.


He’d brought her a necklace once, its packaging wrapped with a red ribbon. She promised the ribbon meant more to her than the gift and the next time he would see that ribbon would be a sign that all hell had broken loose.


“Hey, Thari, focus!” Rimon said, jolting him out of his daydream.


“Destiny apparently helped you,” he continued, his tone betraying his surprise.


“Oh, it was her?”

“Not surprised, are you?” Rimon inquired.


“What else did she relay?” Thari asked, ignoring Rimon’s question.

“That some soldiers from her faction were being recruited for a private mission. She added that she would send a signal when she got some headway…Wait…She is your mysterious source!” Rimon said excitedly as the pieces fell into place.


“She is.” Thari said calmly.


“Damn! You turned her,” said Rimon, his expression on his face in awe of Thari’s achievement.


“Is that everything?” asked Thari, unfazed.


“Oh! She added that someone is onto her and her signal will probably be the last before she escapes into the forest to make a run for the island.”


“We have to go, help me up.”


“Shouldn’t you recover first?” Rimon asked as he reached out to help Thari up.


“Can't wait,” Thari responded.


They made their way out of the hospital.




Reference: Words from the letter are from Sahil Bloom’s twitter thread “a list of 10 things I’d regret on my deathbed”. I appreciate the genuineness in them helping me cover that gap.

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