Developing High Performing Team

Developing High Performing Team

Building an high performing job is not easy and need growth minded leadership skills and drive and maintaining a high-performing team.

High performance teams are filled with passionate, talented, and very opinionated individuals. They’re used to being stars individually, so the transition to being stars as a cohesive, productive team might have a speed bump or two.

Developing High Performance Teams

The first challenge is developing a high-performance IT team is we need to recruit team members who have high-level skills that are complementary to those of the rest of the team.

Then, we have to cultivate an environment that’s conducive to that team growing, learning, and accomplishing goals together. The team needs to have a clearly defined purpose and values, and each member of the team needs to be equally accountable for what the group accomplishes.

Finally, team members need to have equal ownership in the team’s success, so that everyone is committed to achieving a goal or purpose together.

Key Traits of High Performing Teams

According to LeadChange, high performing team have seven key traits

·       Purpose and Values

·       Empowerment

·       Relationship and communication

·       Flexibility

·       Optimal Productivity

·       Reorganization and appreciation  

·       Morale

High performance teams are often found some conflicts and how a strong foundation of the seven key traits above can help overcome them.

 Trust is an essential part of a high-performance team that allows the members to develop a rapport with one another that gives them the confidence they need to freely share ideas with one another. Trust also leads to sharing of failures and vulnerabilities, which instils honesty as part of the team’s culture. When there’s a lack of trust, team members might default to working individually instead of as a cohesive unit.

We set aside productivity and professional goals in favour of preserving harmony. Foster open communication that includes facing trouble head-on, prioritizing resolution of conflict for the team over individual needs. Reconfirm each team member’s commitment to working toward the shared goal of the team

It is important to team members to be empowered. If it is missing, we need to find out.  Are they missing the skills, materials, or support they need to do their jobs? Is there an organizational hurdle in the way of their goals?

A common conflict for all kinds of teams arises when members have their own goals that they’re placing ahead of the goals of the team as a whole. Revisit the team’s purpose and values to start, and make sure team members are all in support of the team’s common goal.

High performance team is optimal productivity, and part of that is that team members all hold one another equally accountable for the success and achievements of the team. Team needs to work on its relationships and communication to ensure the environment is one that’s safe for team members to be vulnerable.

High performing team, members are inherently better prepared to resolve their conflicts because of the traits they possess.

Recently I meet in lunch with Bhaskar Rao (Head of Client Services India) and received a very valuable insight that we need to support each other, connect regularly either in office or in team outing to make our relationship strong to achieve ambitious goals.

#highperformance #highperformingteams #leadership #leadershipstyle #growthmindset






Arindam Sengupta

Corporate Real Estate | Business continuity | Vendor & Asset Management | Performance & Change Management


Awesome !

Teesham Pal

Senior Product Manager - Workspace Platform | HSBC


Good read

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