Did You Know?: I'm One of the Most Influential Disabled People in the UK....And a Super Hero
As accolades go....That ain't bad.
The Shaw Trust compile a list every year of what they deem as the most influential disabled people in the UK, and this year I'm included.So as Uncle Ben said in Spiderman: "With great power comes great responsibility"
The question is what to do with my new found super power? The answer is influence, influence and influence some more.
So here's a couple of nuggets from my grand plan, which focuses on making Wales a leading nation for inclusion:
- Engage, educate and empower employers to support 50,000 disabled people in Wales measurably closer to or into work over the next 12 years, including through job creation.
- Make Wales a centre for tech based accessibility advancement
- Create and inclusion led environment by having a network organisations that lead around the inclusion agenda based in Wales
- Attract businesses to work in Wales and alongside Welsh businesses on the basis of our successes around inclusion
- Recognise inclusion as an economic enabler within Wales
- Position Wales as a global leader for inclusion
Wow, that sounds a bit of a task. It is, but it's all achievable......I just need a few more super heroes to help me and that's where the influence bit comes in.
But, I've not missed the mark yet so I wouldn't bet against it. Being a superhero is about saving the World.....I'm up for it.....Are you?
2019 the year of positive change, of empowering employers and individuals....2019, the year that we save the World and it starts in Wales
Global Marketing and BD Manager at Eversheds Sutherland, Consumer sector | Multi-award-winning disabled writer, speaker and disability rights activist | #DisabilityPower100 #FutureList ♿🏆
5yAh I KNEW I'd known you from somewhere prior to the RIDI Award judging! I was in great company then. Such a wonderful accolade, isn't it!
Internal Communications Advisor
6yWell done, I hope you can continue the endless battle that is acceptance. Like many disabled, and to paraphrase Jim Gordon: "He's the hero we deserve"
Founder of WelcoMe. Empowering disabled people AND service teams by reducing anxiety and increasing confidence in their face to face interactions. #NationalDiversityAward Winner #DiversityPowerList top 50 #ABISurvivor
6yEnablers assemble