Did you see our new LinkedIn Banner?
The Friedman Group, LLC is rolling out a new look for all of our social media channels!
The classic “chat bubbles” that represent The Friedman Group, LLC are front and center in our new social media banners. Motion lines guide complementary shapes around the chat bubbles, patchworked together to represent all the ways that technology and conversation connect us.
There are a couple of easter eggs hidden in the image! A cell phone peeks out from the bottom edge to the right of an opening door. Above that are the iconic chat bubbles, next to a bar graph, representing the importance of data in marketing decision-making. Finally, a page of text takes up the right-hand corner. This represents written media as a form of connection! Emails, letters, handwritten notes, or text messages: they all strengthen our connections to one another and our audience.
Overall, this banner is a roadmap of how marketing flows together in all its forms to strengthen connections.
To learn how to integrate all these things into your business and marketing plans, contact Brad to sign up for one of his coaching programs, or let us know how we can help you develop and implement a marketing strategy designed to grow your business.
All the design work was done by a young, outstanding designer who’s just getting started in the biz. I’d love it if you would reach out to Liz Marvin and visit her website, lizmarvincreative.com, and be sure to check out her working portfolio on Behance @lizmarvincreative!