Differentiating between fake news, scams, the real deal, and interesting trends: Relevance to Ukraine war included
Highlights as to some really foundational events
A. First on the honor role is the AZOV regiment.
Moscow has regularly decried the Azov battalion for its past extremist right-wing links, using it to justify its invasion of Ukraine that the Kremlin calls its “denazification” of Kyiv this year. The battalion formed in 2014 as a far-right volunteer paramilitary unit fighting against pro-Moscow separatists in eastern Ukraine, but was later reformed and integrated into Ukraine’s national guard.
end of quote.
Here is the little fact never mentioned in Russian FAKE news. The far right has at most 3-4% of the Ukraine Military, as opposed to 10-12 % in EU militaries, and about 14 % in the USA military , and about 22% in the Russian military. OOPS
B. Putin's man photos
All of that matters a great deal in Russia. Russian political power is centralized with Putin, and if he were to suddenly die or become ill, it's not at all clear what would happen next. As a result, even the slightest hint of illness or weakness can cause agitation and fear. Last March, for instance, Putin withdrew from public life for a few days without explanation, and there was immediate, widespread speculation that something terrible might have happened to him, such as a serious illness or even a coup.
Photos of Putin looking shirtless, healthy, and powerful are a way to reassure the public that there's no need to worry. If Putin is fine, then Russia is fine.
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well what does the weird photos of Putin at the end of a 20 foot table from Macron in March 2022 convey ? OOPS.. And what if he is actually NOT healthy ?
C. Polish president states the bald truth
"Today, Ukraine defends Poland, Europe, including Germany. If Ukraine's heroic resistance cannot resist Putin's imperial plans, Poland and the Baltic countries will be under direct threat of further expansion of the Russian sphere of influence in Central Europe," Duda said.
He mentioned "ideas of great Russia, which mean the subjugation of other peoples."
End of quote
Well it is a bit worse than that. If Ukraine had been taken out of commission in February 2022, Russian tanks might be invading BERLIN, in a replay of April 1945
Confirmed, in the worst way possible
D. Brass tacks as far as Ukraine delivery of Grain from Odessa
Now, Russia is left to leverage its blockade against the rest of the world. In recent weeks, Russia has been in negotiations that would allow Ukraine — one of the world’s largest exporters of grain — to move its products out of the port city of Odessa.
A ship carrying 26,000 tons of corn left the port city of Odessa on Monday. In a separate deal, Turkey agreed to open the Bosporus Strait so Russia can export its own grain and fertilizer, according to reports from National Public Radio. The negotiation did not affect the movement of warships in the strait.
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The alternative is at least 10% of the world's population will undergo famine conditions
E. Cyber currencies, often a front for Russian Organized crime have the emperor has no clothes moment
So even though it’s hot outside, we’re in the middle of a crypto winter that may never end. During the pandemic, the cryptocurrency market ballooned to $3 trillion, helped along by new platforms that made investing easy enough for just about anyone to do. Since last November, however, the market has plummeted. It’s now worth about a third of what it was at its peak, and there’s no sign that value will bounce back significantly anytime soon. The crash has devastated some of the companies operating in this space — and their customers, too.
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I.e. get that figure, 65% collapse in Crypto evaluations, And the RUSSIAN MAFIA has been involved with crypto, often through the city of LONDON from the BEGINNING. Annoying side bar: " Pig Butchering scams" from Chinese triads, but the real mojo of this in the CITY of LONDON itself was and has been the RUSSIAN MAFIA. FOR THE RECORD, SPLAT.
F. Finally a real breakthrough, not fake as far as energy production,
The facility, described in a paper in Joule, features 169 sun-tracking reflective panels that redirect and concentrate sunlight into the solar reactor perched on top of a 49-foot-high tower. Water and CO2 are pumped into the solar reactor, which contains a porous structure made of ceria, an oxide of the rare-earth metal cerium.
The ceria helps drive a redox reaction that strips oxygen from the water and CO2 to create a mixture of carbon monoxide and hydrogen known as syngas. The ceria is not consumed by this process and can be re-used, while the excess oxygen is simply released into the atmosphere. The syngas is pumped down the tower to a gas-to-liquid converter, where it is processed into liquid fuel that contains 16 percent kerosene and 40 percent diesel.
By using the heat of the sun to drive the entire process, the setup provides a way around the considerable electricity demands of more conventional approaches. However, the researchers note that the efficiency of their system is still relatively low. Only four percent of the captured solar energy was converted into chemical energy in the syngas, although they see a route to increasing that to above 15 percent.
The overall production levels are also a long way from what would be required to make a dent in the aviation industry’s fuel demands. Despite the facility taking up space equivalent to a small car park, it was only able to produce just over 5,000 liters of syngas in 9 days. Considering only 16 percent of that was then converted into kerosene, the technology will have to scale up considerably.
But this is the largest-scale demonstration of using sunlight to create sustainable fuels to date, and as the researchers point out, the setup is industrially realistic. With further tweaking and a lot of investment, this could one day offer a promising way to make sure our flights are less of a burden on the environment.
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You can access the articles below. I cannot possibly put them in line per line as this would then balloon into over 34 pages long. But the articles are cited below and you can see what I quoted from them.
Again, due to space constraints, if I printed all the above out and pasted it in, the Pulse article would be over 34 pages. Not acceptable, but the summaries of leading indicator events have been given from A to F above
Now as to what I think it means
My abbreviated summary of points A to F above
1st, As far as the Azov regiment. Aside from the horrific human rights issue , claiming that a regiment less than 5% the size of Ukraine's fighting forces , signifies that Ukraine needs to be deNazified is ABSURD. Bonus points if you include Lavrov stating ERRONIOUSLY that Ziliniskyy is a NAZI and also stating that Hitler had Jewish inheritance: This is fake news on steroids
2nd, Putin's Man crush photos. One has a hard time reconciling the weird photo of Macron 30 feet away from Putin, in March 2022 with the Man Crush photos of a hyper masculine Putin. i.e. the man crush photos of Putin are out there to reassure the Russian public, since Russia is so hyper centralized. From Moscow. Something does NOT add up
3rd, Polish President gives Ukraine its due. About time. Without the Ukraine resistance efforts, Russian tanks would now be in GERMANY and there would have been an uproar only equaled by the strategic collapse of Germany in 1944 - 45
4th, Brass tacks as far as Ukraine delivery of Grain from Odessa ( MAIN POINT)
A ship carrying 26,000 tons of corn left the port city of Odessa on Monday. In a separate deal, Turkey agreed to open the Bosporus Strait so Russia can export its own grain and fertilizer, according to reports from National Public Radio. The negotiation did not affect the movement of warships in the strait.
end of quote
The alternative is at least 10% of the world's population will undergo famine conditions
5th, Cyber currency scam conditions and this mess in the City of London often due to the RUSSIAN MAFIA
So even though it’s hot outside, we’re in the middle of a crypto winter that may never end. During the pandemic, the cryptocurrency market ballooned to $3 trillion, helped along by new platforms that made investing easy enough for just about anyone to do. Since last November, however, the market has plummeted. It’s now worth about a third of what it was at its peak, and there’s no sign that value will bounce back significantly anytime soon. The crash has devastated some of the companies operating in this space — and their customers, too.
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6th, Steps toward industrially useful production of jet fuel, from nonstandard technology
The overall production levels are also a long way from what would be required to make a dent in the aviation industry’s fuel demands. Despite the facility taking up space equivalent to a small car park, it was only able to produce just over 5,000 liters of syngas in 9 days. Considering only 16 percent of that was then converted into kerosene, the technology will have to scale up considerably.
But this is the largest-scale demonstration of using sunlight to create sustainable fuels to date, and as the researchers point out, the setup is industrially realistic
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That concludes my snapshot as far as noticeable trends for early August
Andrew Beckwith, PhD