Fernando Alcoforado*
This article aims to demonstrate the pressing need for humanity to evolve from its barbaric stage from Antiquity to the contemporary era to that of civilization to put an end to violence among human beings around the world that manifests itself in the escalation of social conflicts within nations and with the endless wars between nations and peoples, in the exploitation of man by man, which resulted in social inequalities with slavery, human servitude in feudalism and the plunder of the wage labor force in capitalism and, also, the environmental devastation that resulted from climate change and pandemics that translate into violence against the existence of human beings. Barbarism has produced and continues to produce limitless violence against humanity. Although many thinkers mistakenly attribute the current stage of humanity as civilization, barbarism is still present in the world we live in despite some civilizational advances achieved. Civilization will only prevail when a new civilized world order to be built adopts the universal motto of "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity" as an Enlightenment heritage for the benefit of all humanity.
Until the present moment, humanity has evolved from savagery to barbarism throughout human history. The wildness began with the emergence of the human race when human beings lived in primitive communities in trees and caves amidst the great wild beasts. The struggle for survival in the confrontation with wild beasts contributed to a great solidarity between human beings within the community, therefore, there was no violence between them. The violence may have occurred in the dispute between rival primitive communities in the dispute over food sources when they were in short supply. The main progress of this period was the formation of articulated language. Because of the uncertainty regarding food sources, the anthropophagy of enemies at war seems to have been born at that time, which persisted for a long time. It was a period in prehistory in which the appropriation by human beings of products from nature, ready to be used as fruits, nuts and roots that served as food, predominated. Humans fed on aquatic animals and made use of fire to cook them. They began to use unpolished stone tools from the early Stone Age. The defense against wild animals and their hunting gave rise to the first weapons - the club and the spear. The invention of the bow and arrow made it possible to hunt animals as a regular food as one of the normal and customary occupations. The bow and arrow were, to the wild age, what the iron sword was to barbarism in the Middle Ages and the firearm to barbarism in the contemporary age. Still in the wild, human beings have spread over most of the Earth's surface.
Barbarism arose in Antiquity with slavery, immediately after the stage of savagery. The wars between primitive communities over food sources gave rise to the slavery of the defeated peoples, who began to be used as a labor force by the victorious peoples. In its beginnings, barbarism had as its distinguishing characteristic the creation of cattle and agriculture when the production of nature is increased through slave labor. Private property is born with the exploitation of agriculture and the consequent domination of one group over another within society. The difference between rich and poor was added to the difference between free men and slaves, and the new division of labor brought about a new division of society into classes. The difference in wealth between the different heads of family destroyed the old primitive communities when the common work of the land carried out by the primitive communities came to an end. Barbarism was characterized in its early period by the invention of the art of pottery, the domestication of animals, as well as the cultivation of plants through an irrigation system. The use of adobe bricks and stones in housing construction was also part of this period. Finally, there was the invention of the iron ore smelting process and the improved use of iron ore tools, the forge bellows, the hand mill, the pottery wheel, the preparation of oil and wine, metalworking elevated to the category of art, from carts and chariots, from the construction of boats with planks and beams, and from the principles of architecture as art, and from walled cities with towers to defend against enemies.
The barbarism began in Antiquity, which was characterized by the slave mode of production, from 4000 BC to 476 AD when the fall of the Western Roman Empire, it evolved during the Middle Ages between 476 AD and 1453 with the fall of the Eastern Roman Empire characterized by the feudal mode of production in some regions of Europe, it reached the Modern Age from 1453 to 1789 with the outbreak of the French Revolution from which the Renaissance, the Scientific Revolution, the Commercial Revolution with the maritime discoveries and the beginning of the Industrial Revolution that was characterized by the vertiginous growth of the capitalist mode of production and, finally, evolved to the Contemporary Age that comprises from 1789 to the present day, standing out for the great advances in science and technology, armed conflicts of great proportions and the advent of economic and financial globalization. The barbarism of the Contemporary Age, like primitive barbarism, is characterized by unbridled violence and contempt for human beings. Over the past five centuries, barbarism has steadily increased. Year by year, decade by decade, violence and contempt for human beings have increased and there seems to be no limit to this phenomenon. Something much worse: men and women have become accustomed to barbarism and there is no longer any amazement, strangeness or horror in the face of inhuman acts.
Barbarism has been marked throughout human history by conflicts between empires, nations and peoples, with very rare years in which no war took place on the planet. Death statistics demonstrate the growth of barbarism throughout human history. The Punic Wars (264-146 BC) caused the deaths of 1 to 2 million people, the Medical Wars (499-449 BC) caused deaths whose estimates are very imprecise, as it is a very old conflict, the War of the Hundred Years (1337-1453) caused the death of 2 to 3 million people, the Thirty Years War (1618-1648) caused the death of 5 to 8 million people, the Napoleonic Wars (1803-1815) caused the death of 3 to 7 million dead, the Taiping Rebellion (1850-1846) caused the death of 30 million people, the First World War (1914-1918) caused the death of 15 to 20 million people, the Russian Civil War (1918-1921 ) caused the death of about 10 million people, the Second Sino-Japanese War (1937-1945) caused the death of about 20 million people and the Second World War (1939-1945) caused the death of 60 to 70 million people.
From the end of World War II until 1992 there were 149 wars, where more than 23 million people died. The estimate covering all the deaths that occurred from 1914 to the present moment reached a total of 187 million deaths in acts of war or systematic extermination. The violence of conflicts in our time is unparalleled in history. Since the 20th century, wars have been “total wars” against combatants and civilians without discrimination. The latest wars continually increase these death statistics. There are several countries that may constitute outbreaks of wars in the world in the 21st century, among them, the United States, Russia, China, Syria, Palestine, Israel, Iran, North Korea, India, Pakistan and Afghanistan . In the contemporary era, international geopolitical chess points to the existence of 3 major protagonists: the United States, China and Russia. Currently, in addition to the United States, Russia, China, United Kingdom and France, India, North Korea, Pakistan and Israel are holders of nuclear weapons. Expert reports accuse Israel of having a large nuclear arsenal. In turn, Iran and Syria are accused of having secret nuclear weapons programs.
World Wars I and II established a new form of eminently modern barbarism, far worse in its murderous inhumanity than the warlike practices of the "barbarian" conquerors of the late Roman Empire. The Great War (1914-1918) opens the bloodiest stage in world history. 1914 begins with unlimited sacrifices in an effort to eliminate the enemy. This sacrifice incorporates the civilian population itself. 1914 begins with the era of total war, the absence of distinctions between combatants and noncombatants. Michael Lowy, Franco-Brazilian sociologist and philosopher and director of social science research at the CNRS - National Center for Scientific Research of France, states that modern barbarism or "barbarism generated within so-called civilized societies" is characterized by the use of technical means moderns (industrialization of homicide, mass extermination thanks to cutting-edge scientific technologies), by the impersonality of the massacre (whole populations - men and women, children and the elderly - are "eliminated", with as little personal contact as possible between decision-makers and the victims), by bureaucratic, administrative, effective, planned, "rational" (in instrumental terms) management of barbaric acts and by the use of legitimizing ideology of the modern type: biological, hygienic, scientific [See Barbárie e modernidade no século 20 (Barbarism and Modernity in the 20th Century) by Michael Lowy, published in Brazil by the newspaper "Em Tempo" - and, originally in French, in the magazine "Critique Communiste" nº 157, hiver 2000].
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In the 20th century, capitalism's crises have always resulted in social revolutions aimed at the overthrow of the capitalist system, as occurred in Russia in 1917, China in 1949 and Cuba in 1959, among others, with the implantation of the socialist system or in counterrevolution with the implantation of fascist dictatorships as occurred in Italy in the 1920s with Mussolini and Nazi-fascist as occurred in Germany with Hitler in the 1930s, among others. The Nazi genocide against Jews, Gypsies and Communists, the use of the atomic bomb in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, the Stalinist Goulag, the Vietnam war, the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center in New York, the two wars in Iraq, the war of Afghanistan and the civil war in Libya and Syria are perfect examples of the barbarism that characterizes the world in which we live. A report by the United Nations Working Group on Business and Human Rights highlights the evolution of conflicts in the last decade around the world. The number of civil wars nearly tripled worldwide, resulting in a six-fold increase in associated deaths which peaked in 2016, when 53 countries had conflicted situations. The Institute for Economics & Peace released its new ranking on peace and war in the world in which it brings an account of the most and least peaceful countries in the world. The bad news is that the world is getting worse. The last seven years with the increase of civil wars, attacks by terrorist groups and protests have worsened the situation.
The world, as a social, political and cultural organization is in disintegration. The signs are evident in all parts of the planet. One of these signs is the worsening economic and social situation in all countries in the contemporary era, which tends to make the growth of violence uncontrollable. In recent times, inequality in the distribution of income has grown in the central and peripheral capitalist countries.What seems to be a global phenomenon is the advance of poverty, which refers to a level of resources below which it is not possible to reach the minimum standard of living in a given society and time, and extreme poverty or misery, which is the highest level low income/goods distribution or deprivation. At present, 33% of the population of peripheral capitalist countries is in a state of misery. The result of the worsening of social tensions around the world and the financial incapacity of national states to meet social demands in each country, due to the fiscal crisis aggravated by the global economic and financial crisis, could lead to the formation of broad mass movements that could take the form of civil war at the level of each national state. This means that, in each country, we will be able to face the relentless struggle of everyone against everyone for power, income and wealth. The legitimacy of national state structures, and therefore their ability to maintain order, will be called into question. The violence that is already showing clear signs of aggravation in the contemporary era tends to assume catastrophic dimensions in the future. It is barbarism elevated to the highest degree. The term barbarism has two distinct but linked meanings: barbarian cruelty and lack of civilization.
It can be said that we are currently in a moment of transition in which the previous world characterized by barbarism is making the advent of civilization an imperative with the emergence of a new world. The new world can mean a new world order rationally built by humanity to overcome the current barbarism translated into violence among men, environmental catastrophe and global conflagration. Now, the barbarism prevails in which the supreme interests of humanity are not considered in every country and in the world. It is necessary to make the new world order based on cooperation between nations and peoples overcome the prevailing barbarism. It is necessary for civilization to overcome the barbarism that has characterized the history of humanity since Antiquity. In this context of gloomy perspectives, it is urgent to attack the evil of barbarism at its roots with the construction of a new world order in replacement of the dominant capitalist order that generated the attacks on Civilization in all parts of the Earth that have been registered for more than 500 years. The living forces defending Civilization need to coalesce across the planet to counteract the forces of Barbarism. The future of humanity depends on the outcome of this confrontation.
It should be noted that the antithesis of Barbarism is Civilization that is considered the most advanced stage that a human society can reach. There are some generally accepted elements about what would make a civilized society in all quarters of the Earth: 1) provide guaranteed security for all citizens who should not fear loss of life or physical harm; 2) provide the best possible medical care for all members of society; 3) grant access to food and water to all citizens so that no one goes hungry or thirsty; 4) provide basic housing and working conditions for all citizens; 5) have a democratic legislative system whose laws are established to preserve the well-being of the population; 6) provide an educational system that guarantees equal access to high level education for all people with a view to making its population highly educated; 7) ensure for the population freedom of thought, belief, religion, affiliation and expression and the right to participate in government decisions through plebiscite and/or referendum; and, 8) ensure the defense and preservation of the planet's environment.
To reach the condition of civilized society, it is necessary to create an environment of freedom, equality and fraternity among human beings in order to achieve their happiness, rescuing the ideals of the Enlightenment. Therefore, there needs to be a transition that can be the reform of capitalism with the construction of the Welfare State as built in the Scandinavian countries which, being a hybrid between what is most positive in the capitalist and socialist systems, would prepare the terrain for the achievement of high level of civilization. To reach the status of civilized society, it is necessary that there be economic and social interventions by the State to promote social justice in a capitalist system and a Social Welfare policy in the general interest of the population with interventions to promote a more equal distribution of income and a commitment to representative democracy. Scandinavia is the birthplace of the most egalitarian model of society that capitalism has ever known. The success of this model was due to the combination of a broad Welfare State with rigid mechanisms for regulating market forces, capable of placing the economy on a dynamic trajectory, while achieving the best social welfare indicators between the capitalist countries.
The Scandinavian model of political, economic and social development should serve as a reference as a model of society to be pursued by all peoples of the world for the conquest of civilization because the Scandinavian countries are considered the best governed on the planet, those with the greatest political, economic and social progress and have the happiest people in the world. Only in this way, society will be able to reach a high level of political, economic and social development and the motto "Freedom, Equality, Fraternity", a legacy of the Enlightenment, will be able to become a reality in the world. This motto invoked during the French Revolution, which is universal because it reflects the yearnings of all human beings, needs to be rescued by humanity. To make Civilization prevail over Barbarism, it is necessary that the living forces defending Civilization gather across the planet to counteract the forces of Barbarism. The future of humanity depends on the outcome of this confrontation.
* Fernando Alcoforado, 81, awarded the medal of Engineering Merit of the CONFEA / CREA System, member of the Bahia Academy of Education, engineer and doctor in Territorial Planning and Regional Development by the University of Barcelona, university professor and consultant in the areas of strategic planning, business planning, regional planning and planning of energy systems, is author of the books Globalização (Editora Nobel, São Paulo, 1997), De Collor a FHC- O Brasil e a Nova (Des)ordem Mundial (Editora Nobel, São Paulo, 1998), Um Projeto para o Brasil (Editora Nobel, São Paulo, 2000), Os condicionantes do desenvolvimento do Estado da Bahia (Tese de doutorado. Universidade de Barcelona,, 2003), Globalização e Desenvolvimento (Editora Nobel, São Paulo, 2006), Bahia- Desenvolvimento do Século XVI ao Século XX e Objetivos Estratégicos na Era Contemporânea (EGBA, Salvador, 2008), The Necessary Conditions of the Economic and Social Development- The Case of the State of Bahia (VDM Verlag Dr. Müller Aktiengesellschaft & Co. KG, Saarbrücken, Germany, 2010), Aquecimento Global e Catástrofe Planetária (Viena- Editora e Gráfica, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, 2010), Amazônia Sustentável- Para o progresso do Brasil e combate ao aquecimento global (Viena- Editora e Gráfica, Santa Cruz do Rio Pardo, São Paulo, 2011), Os Fatores Condicionantes do Desenvolvimento Econômico e Social (Editora CRV, Curitiba, 2012), Energia no Mundo e no Brasil- Energia e Mudança Climática Catastrófica no Século XXI (Editora CRV, Curitiba, 2015), As Grandes Revoluções Científicas, Econômicas e Sociais que Mudaram o Mundo (Editora CRV, Curitiba, 2016), A Invenção de um novo Brasil (Editora CRV, Curitiba, 2017), Esquerda x Direita e a sua convergência (Associação Baiana de Imprensa, Salvador, 2018), Como inventar o futuro para mudar o mundo (Editora CRV, Curitiba, 2019) and A humanidade ameaçada e as estratégias para sua sobrevivência (Editora Dialética, São Paulo, 2021).