Directions in Venous Therapy
Vol. 22, no. 7

Directions in Venous Therapy

In This Issue

Drs. Karem Harth and Marie Josee van Rijn summarize our latest venous edition that aims to identify where data-based answers are most needed & key next steps to ensure each patient has access to and is offered the right therapy.

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Trends and Needs in Deep Vein Thrombosis and Central Venous Occlusion Care

Drs. Kush Desai, Rick de Graaf, Misaki Kiguchi, and Jorinde van Laanen talk deep venous occlusion, considering their thought process for preventing/predicting redo procedures, defining “threatened” venous stenting cases, and more.

Decision-Making in Submassive Pulmonary Embolism

In our panel on submissive pulmonary embolism, Drs. Vladimir Lakhter, Gerard O’Sullivan, Mona Ranade, and Akhilesh Sista tackle data, indications for extraction, knowing when to conclude the procedure, and more.

Pelvic Venous Disorders: Practice Realities

Drs. Karem Harth, Aleksandra Jaworucka-Kaczorowska, and Ronald Winokur converse about pelvic venous disorders, including research priorities, real-world challenges, and education of other providers.

Saphenous Trunk and Tributary Incompetence: What Is Your Approach?

We asked Thomas Aherne, MD; Dejah R. Judelson, MD; and Renate R. van den Bos, MD, to each outline their algorithm for treating patients with truncal disease with associated tributary incompetence.

Three Tips to Ensure Your Deep Venous Intervention Isn’t Doomed From the Start

Drs. Raghu Kolluri, Aditya Sharma, and Michael Jolly provide tips for minimizing thrombotic complications in high-risk patients undergoing deep venous intervention.

Practical Lessons From PRESERVE

We summarized key findings from the PRESERVE study of inferior vena cava filters in patients with venous thromboembolism, with additional commentary from Principal Investigators David L. Gillespie, MD, and Matthew S. Johnson, MD.

VEIN: The Venous Ulcer Platform Study

Dr. Sarah Onida, Dr. Francine Heatley, and Prof. Alun H. Davies introduce us to the design of and rationale behind the VEIN platform study of venous leg ulcers.

What Are Three Keys to Improving Access to Venous Care?

Drs. Kathleen Ozsvath and Sheila Blumberg each propose three ways we can address the barriers to venous care & ensure that all individuals, regardless of demographic or geographic background, have the opportunity to receive timely, appropriate care.

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Lightning Bolt™ 7 and Lightning Flash™: The Next Generation of CAT (Computer-Aided Aspiration) | Sponsored by Penumbra, Inc.

Physicians offer case examples for Penumbra’s next generation of computer-aided aspiration devices, highlighting Lightning Bolt 7 for arterial thrombectomy and Lightning Flash for PE and venous thrombus. | Sponsored by Penumbra Vascular

Treating Venous Stent Occlusions With the Novel RevCore Thrombectomy System | Sponsored by Inari Medical

Dr. Steven Abramowitz talks about his experience treating patients with Inari’s RevCore Thrombectomy System. Case reports from Dr. Abramowitz and Dr. Michael Siah follow. | Sponsored by Inari Medical

The Time Is Now to Enter the Out-of-Hospital Market | Sponsored by Philips

Dr. Pradeep Nair and Mike Ferguson discuss the evolving environment and opportunities for opening an out-of-hospital care site, such as an OBL or ASC. | Sponsored by Philips

Pioneering Neurovascular Office-Based Labs: Enhancing Patient Satisfaction and Accessibility With Advanced Biplane Systems | Sponsored by Siemens Healthineers

Dr. Andrey Belayev describes his experience opening his OBL, Raleigh Neurosurgical Clinic, with support from Siemens Healthineers and their Artis Q Biplane fixed euro angiography system. | Sponsored by Siemens Health


Best Practices for Avoiding Venous Stent Migration | Sponsored by Medtronic

In the Medical Affairs Corner, Prof. Stephen A. Black and Dr. Karem Harth talk venous stent migration (clinical experience and link between NIVL and migration), plus tips for patient selection and stenting success. | Sponsored by Medtronic


Designing a Platform/Adaptive Trial for PAD: The PAEDIS International Platform Trial Development Project

Prof. Athanasios Saratzis provides us with an update on the PAEDIS platform trial for peripheral artery disease.

An Interview With Naseer Ahmad, BSc(Hons), MBChB, FRCS, MD, PgD

Dr. Naseer Ahmad discusses his work with the Manchester Amputation Reduction Strategy and its role in addressing health care inequities, thoughts on unmet needs in diabetic foot ulcers, and more.


On the Horizon of PE Care  An update from The National PERT Consortium™  Sponsored by The PERT Consortium™

Learn about the many PERT Consortium™ initiatives, including PE Centers of Excellence™, PE clinical trial updates, an update on PERC™ and collaboration with the FDA, AI and acute PE, and the “PE Looks Like Me” campaign | Sponsored by The PERT Consortium

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