Disaster Recovery in the Cloud
Disaster recovery is a critical feature that every business, large or small, should employ. From hardware failures to large-scale natural disasters, businesses must be prepared to bounce back within the shortest time-frame possible. Disaster Recovery as a Service is ideal for organizations where dedicated, off-site, disaster recovery infrastructure is not accessible.
Use of our cloud platform enables DR plan testing that can be regularly undertaken without disruption to your production environment. It's an incredibly cost-effective “pay as you grow” approach you pay a minimum monthly fee based on the number of servers protected and storage consumed, avoiding further infrastructure investment.
What We Do
- Reduce capital expenditure
- Rapid recovery process
- Regular testing available
- Fully flexible and customizable
- Our commitment to outstanding support
Reliable disaster recovery and backup solutions are critical to ensure that consumers have the instant access to information and services from your business that they need and have come to expect. Legacy solutions such as offsite tape repositories do not provide the immediate and dependable response needed to meet end user and business demands. Disaster Recovery as Service (DRaaS) has emerged for businesses that are seeking comprehensive protection of their vital data and applications with multiple failover options at attractive price points.
DRaaS benefits businesses of all sizes with:
Immediate Recovery
When a disaster strikes, every second of downtime translates into huge productivity, reputation, and financial losses for your business. Businesses can rapidly recover with an immediate system failover to a secondary infrastructure within minutes, returning the business to normal operations.
Increased Flexibility
DRaaS offers one unified solution to recover from all types of disasters, from malware and ransomware to fires.
Businesses can customize their required recovery scope depending on their needs, resources, and RPO and RTO recovery objectives, and choose how their most-critical applications are protected.
Options span from continuous replication and hot site recovery to time-based backup and warm site recovery.
Improved Security
DRaaS providers utilize state-of-the-art infrastructure with seamless redundancy and no single point of failure to keep your data securely backed up in the cloud and protected away from your primary site. DRaaS solutions can also be customized to meet your business’s security and compliance requirements.
Lowered Cost
Businesses can rapidly recover from disasters without incurring the major capital costs of additional and redundant hardware. Flexible pay as you grow models and a variety of options to meet RPO and RTO objectives enable businesses to satisfy their requirements with room to adjust as needed.
Specialized Support
DRaaS offers a practical solution for companies of all sizes, and especially those with more limited IT personnel resources and capital to handle unpredictable disaster and emergency events. Leveraging specialized DRaaS services enables businesses to focus their IT teams on core business needs while providing stand-by supportive resources when they need a helping hand the most.
An experienced service provider can also provide advice and guidance, to improve on compliance and security readiness of your business.
With the help of our engineers, you'll be able to implement your tailored DR plans quickly and efficiently. Ongoing management is simple too, so you can add or remove servers as needed.
For details please write to sales@angani.co or call +254788185005