Discover the 6 critical imbalances stalling your team's progress.
Learn to fix the system, not just the symptoms
To succeed as a leader (or as an individual), you need to unify:
See the system: To move your organization or team into the success zone, you need to put your system into congruence.
Here's a picture of a healthy system where the essential elements are balanced.
Is your system out of balance?
Oftentimes, our systems, as organizations, teams, or individuals, are out of balance.
Seeing this imbalance is the first step towards getting unstuck.
Here are 6 typical ways our system can get out of balance.
#1 Protocol-Crazy
Does your organization value STRUCTURE ➟ hierarchy, titles, rank, who reports to whom,…) and PROCESS ➟ „This is the way we’ve always done it.“ over anything else?
It’s protocol over substance.
#2 Off-Kilter
Is your organization high-performing but caught in a seismic shift in your industry? Your system may be aligned but aimed at the wrong task.
#3 Discombobulated
All the right elements are present within the system - even a vital and compelling purpose. But nothing pulls them together. Each element is working against the others. The system is out of balance.
Think about an organization that is going through a major restructuring or two firms that have been merged.
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#4 All Heart, No Action
Do you have an amazing purpose, but little means to act on it?
Think about having an important mission, but lacking the talent or discipline to execute.
#5 All Brains, No Brawn
All strategy, but no ability to pull it off.
#6 Stuck In Your Own Lore
Do you have a culture so dominant that it has become impossible to innovate within it? Everything is about preserving what has been, not focusing on what could be.
Think corporations gone complacent.
Do you recognize any of these in your system?
Maybe your situation looks completely different.
If you had to draw it, what would the visual look like in your case?
To move your team into the success zone, you need to put your system back into balance.
Next week, we'll look into 7 more reasons your system might be out of balance and hence stuck.
Source: Yamashita + Spataro "Unstuck"
Leadership and Organizational Development
9moDiscombobulated feels familiar Dr. Marc Sniukas. Organizations tend to do many things well, except they tend to lack that one element that pulls everything together and makes things work in unison. Finding your balance is key to getting things done. No question about it.