Discovery Has Now Ended in Dr. Akram Boutros's Lawsuit Against the MetroHealth Board of Trustees, and the Facts Remain Firmly on his Side

The first glimpse of what Dr. Akram Boutros can prove at his trial coming up in February against the MetroHealth Board of Trustees is revealed in his motion to compel the deposition of Airica Steed that was filed on September 21, 2023, and which is accessible at, by doing a civil search by case (type is civil, year is 2022, number is 972601).

There is a protective order in this case, and none of the deposition transcripts have yet been filed with the court, but the fact section of Dr. Boutros's motion states as follows:

On November 21, 2022, Defendant The MetroHealth System terminated the employment of Plaintiff Akram Boutros in reliance on an investigative report which concluded that Dr. Boutros had received “unauthorized” bonus compensation from 2018–2022 which he had supposedly concealed from the MetroHealth Board of Trustees, from the Defendants’ executive compensation consultants—Sullivan Cotter and Findley Davies—and from the media.  The termination and subsequent statements released by MetroHealth and its agents destroyed Dr. Boutros's reputation and eliminated his future prospects for employment.
The termination was rushed and by its very terms, the investigative report was incomplete.  The Board of Trustees received the report on Saturday morning, November 19, 2022, and voted to terminate Dr. Boutros's employment less than 72 hours later, on Monday evening.  Discovery has revealed that every basis and supposed justification for the termination was false.
MetroHealth terminated Dr. Boutros's employment because he supposedly concealed his receipt of supplemental incentive payments and his actual total cash compensation from the Board of Trustees.  But even the Defendants' incomplete discovery has revealed documents plainly showing that as of 2019, Dr. Boutros formally presented his actual total cash compensation to the Board of Trustees, including all supplemental incentives.  Such documents were withheld from the system's investigator, John McCaffrey of the law firm Tucker Ellis.  Discovery has also confirmed that MetroHealth books and records showing all of Dr. Boutros’s compensation, and all manner of details about the supplemental incentives received by him and other senior leaders, were at all times available to members of the Board of Trustees and that Dr. Boutros did nothing to prevent them from accessing them.
And discovery has revealed that the Board of Trustees had its own independent compensation consultant who was contractually obligated to “report to the Board on all aspects of Plaintiff's total compensation, including his ‘current remuneration,’ his ‘base,’ and his ‘variable compensation.’”  The consultant’s contract stated that it would provide the Board an “analysis of MetroHealth executives’ total remuneration package with recommendations and observations concerning specific items of consideration.”  The engagement further provided that the consultant, Findley Davies, would provide the Board with a review and analysis of “compensation history” and “incentive compensation documentation” for Plaintiff and other executives."  Once the Board’s independent consultant was in place, Dr. Boutros was recused from the consultant's discussions with—and work done for—the Board.  He had no involvement in the Board consultant’s compensation analyses and presentations to the Board in 2017 or any time thereafter, and no ability to influence or interfere with the consultant’s complete and total access to MetroHealth’s books and records.
Another conclusion justifying MetroHealth’s termination of Dr. Boutros’s employment “for cause” was that he supposedly concealed the existence of the supplemental incentive portion of the PBVC plan, and the amount of supplemental payments he received, from the system’s compensation consultant, Sullivan Cotter, on whose analysis the Board of Trustees’ compensation consultant, Findley Davies, purportedly relied.  Yet documents produced by these consultants show Dr. Boutros explaining to both consultants that an “[a]dditional Supplemental incentive is distributed only (1) after everyone has been awarded their PBVC payments, (2) there are monies remaining in the funded incentive pool, and (3) there are personal significant achievements outside the organizational scorecard."  These emails were not provided by MetroHealth to their investigator for preparation of his report, or to the Plaintiff in discovery.
Also supporting MetroHealth’s wrongful termination of Dr. Boutros’s employment was the supposed concealment of his receipt of supplemental incentives from the Plain Dealer in 2018. Discovery has revealed that the information provided to the Plain Dealer was the result of a normal, public records request response process led by MetroHealth’s legal department and was followed up by a disclosure from Dr. Boutros to the entire Board of Trustees and the system’s chief legal officer explaining what was presented and stating the he “informed the reporter that it may be difficult to understand and does not represent the full picture ... [that he] would be open to meeting with her next week if she requires additional explanation [ and inviting the Board of Trustees to] contact him directly on [his] cell ... if [they] had any questions.”  None did.  Nor did the reporter.  Nor did the investigator inquire of Dr. Boutros what he meant by this disclosure.  More importantly, MetroHealth never provided the investigator with at least 3 other articles that appeared in Cleveland, Columbus and Cincinnati, subsequent to the Plain Dealer report, where Dr. Boutros’s correct compensation, including supplemental incentives, was fully disclosed.
Finally, MetroHealth claimed the right to terminate Dr. Boutros’s employment on the grounds that the Board of Trustees had never delegated to him the authority to participate in all components of the PBVC plan, including supplemental incentives paid to all eligible executives, or to self-evaluate.  But discovery has revealed that in 2017, in conjunction with changes to the PBVC plan that resulted in the payment of supplemental incentives in subsequent years, then Board Chair Tom McDonald and his successor Defendant Vanessa Whiting, were informed by MetroHealth’s chief legal officer that “self-evaluation” by Dr. Boutros was to be an integral part of the process for “Board consideration of executive compensation arrangements,” including CEO pay.  And discovery has revealed that at no point did the Board reserve for itself any exclusive right to approve or award supplemental incentives, or other fringe benefits, either under the PBVC Plan or pursuant to its own policies and delegations.  Nor did the Board of Trustees conduct evaluations of Dr. Boutros for purposes of determining any element of his compensation.
Contrary to the Defendants’ contention in announcing Dr. Boutros’s firing that he acted without authority, resolutions approving the Board’s Executive Compensation Methodology from 2013 through 2022 each state that "the Board will delegate authority to the President and Chief Executive Officer to implement and follow this Performance Based Variable Compensation plan, as amended annually.
The Board did not reserve to itself any authority to award such payments under the Plan to Dr. Boutros or to other senior leaders.  In fact, the documentation explicitly gives that right and authority to Dr. Boutros himself.  Dr. Boutros played by the rules set for him by the Board, yet the Board still fired him and defamed him by calling him a liar and a thief.

Motion to Compel, at 1–5 (footnote omitted).

If one goes back to read my following articles:

02/21/23: The MetroHealth System Board of Trustees Lies in its Answer to Dr. Akram Boutros, available at
03/05/23: The MetroHealth System Board of Trustees Lie Out of Both Sides of their Mouths, available at

One will see that the publicly available records that I relied upon tell the same story above as the extensive discovery that seems to have just ended in this case, but discovery seems to have provided greater detail with greater context, reference, and support, which is to be expected.

As I have maintained over my previous sixteen articles on this topic, which are listed at the bottom, Dr. Boutros was the kind visionary, who reinvented MetroHealth. The MetroHealth Board of Trustees were, in fact, politically appointed and of varying skill, but none of whom spent more than a couple dozen hours a year overseeing a billion dollar hospital system. At the end, Dr. Boutros did not renew his contract a year in advance, and while we don't know the exact dispute, once can infer that this Board was difficult for a visionary to deal with, as visionaries like to fly, whereas politically appointed Boards tend to not pay attention, because they are not paid to. At the end, it is obvious that the Board outright lied over-and-over again to contrive grounds for just-cause termination, which simply did not exist. And my observation and opinion from all that we have seen so far is that they did so out of spite, because Dr. Boutros in leaving on his own volition was giving them the slight that they weren't good enough for him to work for. Now we all know how true that is. A smart Board would have negotiated to keep Dr. Boutros until his natural retirement age of sixty-five, which was his request, but the Board didn't want to pay him what he was worth a year before this all blew up.

As I said in my previous article:

03/07/23: The Cuyahoga County Executive Was Supposed to Have Taken Charge of the MetroHealth System by Now, available at

So where is our County Executive? There have been three vacancies on the Board for more than half a year, the previous chair and vice-chair, who still maintain their seats until replaced, plus the trustee who resigned, because he said the Board had authorized everything that Dr. Boutros did. As I have said more than twice, this entire Board needs to be terminated, and a qualified new Board needs to be seated with sufficient stipends to devote the huge amount of time needed in overseeing a billion dollar hospital system.

In the meantime, the hospital system has gone from profitable to unprofitable under its new leadership, which I have explained more than twice was not even qualified in my opinion to have been interviewed for the jobs the CEO and COO now hold, while other very qualified top management has abandoned ship. Is the County Executive going to wait until MetroHealth cannot pay its bond obligations to try to fix this mess? His failure to do what he said he would do may have vast consequences.

*****Index to other articles I have written on this dispute:

Here's a list of the articles I've written here on the Akram Boutros/MetroHealth Board dispute:

12/08/22:  MetroHealth Is Dr. Boutros, In Case You Don't Know or Remember What It Was, available at

12/10/22:  Why Can't the Metro Board Apologize to Dr. Akram Boutros?, available at

12/15/22:  The Sham Search for Dr. Akram Boutros’s Successor, available at

12/21/22:  Why Can't the Plain Dealer Admit It's Flat-Out Wrong About Dr. Akram Boutros?, available at

12/24/22:  The Plain Dealer Almost Apologizes to Dr. Akram Boutros!, available at

12/29/22:  The MetroHealth System Is Poised to Sink Like a Rock without Dr. Akram Boutros, available at

01/04/23:  When Does the Plain Dealer Cross the Threshold of Malice Towards Dr. Akram Boutros?, available at

01/14/23:  The MetroHealth System and the Plain Dealer Smear Dr. Akram Boutros by Repeating Knowingly False Allegations, available at

01/23/23: The MetroHealth System Drags Its Feet in Responding to my Public Records Requests Regarding its Board's Misconduct Towards Dr. Akram Boutros, available at

01/29/23:  The MetroHealth System's Death Spiral Has Begun …, available at

02/04/23:  Would the Plain Dealer Please Stop Running Press Releases for the Metro Board?, available at

02/07/23: Stiffing Public Records Requests the Metro Way!, available at

02/18/23: Can You Believe How Hard It Is to Get Public Records from Metro?, available at

02/21/23: The MetroHealth System Board of Trustees Lies in its Answer to Dr. Akram Boutros, available at

03/05/23: The MetroHealth System Board of Trustees Lie Out of Both Sides of their Mouths, available at

03/07/23: The Cuyahoga County Executive Was Supposed to Have Taken Charge of the MetroHealth System by Now, available at

10/02/23: Discovery Has Now Ended in Dr. Akram Boutros's Lawsuit Against the MetroHealth Board of Trustees, and the Facts Remain Firmly on his Side, available at

Richard G. Johnson

Plaintiff's Lawyer & Sports Agent Malpractice • Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility Issues • College Athlete Rights Advocate


In their response in opposition, the Defendants did not address or refute any specific facts alleged in Dr. Boutros's motion, other than calling them his "biased and often mythical narrative of his termination from MetroHealth." Well, if my public records review matches Dr. Boutros's review after discovery has closed, pretending that the facts aren't the facts is not a strategy. According to Dr. Boutros's motion, the Defendants are withholding quite a bit of evidence, like the former chairwoman's text messages to other board members, and you don't withhold such things unless they are incriminating. With only four months to go until trial, we'll see how this all plays out quite shortly. Stay tuned ...

Michael Anthony Santo, Esquire

Trial Counsel for injured parties.


Good luck to a good man. Hang tight.

Jim Kandrac

Chief Executive Officer @ Contract Guardian | Healthcare Contract Management


Richard, Thank you for the update. Where IS the County Executive? 🤷🏻♂️ Crickets 🦗

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