The Dystraction of Traction
Startup CEOs face a dilemma. Their focus needs to be on creating and validating a value proposition and business model by finding their first few customers that will create a sustainable revenue stream. They do it with limited people, money and resources and, thus, have their picture in all but a few of the boxes in their organizational chart. Some would say every CEO, not just startup CEOs, have the same conundrum to one degree or another when market share drops, competitors eat your lunch or the environment radically changes and someone moves your cheese.
Here is an example: Spoiler alert take homes are 1) stick to the plan and 2) crossing the chasm is different from customer #1
Here are some thoughts about how to overcome the traction gap:
For newcos, once their product gets traction, things start to speed up and several things happen that can cause the leader to lose focus. I call it the distraction of traction. Here is the problem with multitasking.
Startups are not the only ones at risk. Companies that are failing and in need of a turnaround and also potential victims.
The distraction of traction is a predictable, manageable disease. The treatment is to:
2. prioritize the things they want you to do that will generate the most revenue or reduce your costs the most
3. prune things that are no longer working or a drag on resources
5. get the right people on the bus, including advisors and consultants, in the right roles for the right amount of time receiving the right amount and type of compensation.
6. Don't try to scale too quickly. Stepping on the gas when you have an engine knock could result in throwing a piston.
7. Don't cave into pressure to sale it when you have not yet nailed it
8. Focus on the core components of what Gino Wickman describes in the Entrepreneurial Operating System: Vision, Data, Process, Traction, Issue and People.
10. Use OKRs: Objectives and Key Results (OKR) is a powerful goal-setting methodology that drives alignment, performance, and results in growing and high-performing companies. At the most basic level, it is a simple toolalign and engage everyone at the company around measurable goals. It is a management goal-setting system and methodology that helps to focus everyone’s efforts on the most important priorities and connects the work of employees to what truly matters at the organization. The OKR methodology is a “Shared Goals” system which creates clarity and aligns your organization, connects everyone to your Top Company Goals, increases performance and drives better results
Here is a description of a process that can streamline your innovation engine once you get traction.
Don't take your eye off the ball-revenue growth derived from doing the job your customers want or need through the deployment of innovation.
Arlen Meyers, MD, MBA is the President and CEO of the Society of Physician Entrepreneurs on Twitter@SoPEOfficial
IMEUS Founder
7yGreat observation. So very true. The danger of losing sight of the Revenue Ball is so real. Rgds