Ditch Anxiety and Panic for Good

Ditch Anxiety and Panic for Good

Studies show that improving your gut health and microbiota can help reduce panic, anxiety, and burnout. Learn how the fundamentals of the gut-brain connection can lead to a healthier gut and elevate your mood!  

"I had reached ‘rock bottom’.  I was experiencing extremely distressing thoughts, unable to sleep, and was suffering from weekly, sometimes daily, panic attacks that I felt paralyzed my day-to-day life".  

Does this sound familiar?  These are the symptoms that prompted my client, Fiona, to seek help. Fiona was a dynamic professional who had huge hopes and dreams for her career. But she was being held back by recurring anxiety attacks.

Sounds miserable, right?

After working with me, she then wrote:

"I felt – and continue to feel – like a different person, who found their ‘joy’ and love for life again in just 6 weeks of working with Raewyn”.  

How did we create such a dramatic shift in just 6 short weeks? 

To start, we recognized that the mood issues were not the problem.  The mood issues were the result of the problem.

Addressing pervasive issues like panic, anxiety, and burnout typically involves a multifaceted approach, including everything from therapy to emotion-numbing medication.  But this approach doesn't address the root cause(s). And yes - there could be multiple factors contributing feelings of anxiety or overwhelm.

An often overlooked component that could play a crucial role in mental health is the state of your gut health. Mounting evidence suggests that the billions of bacteria living in your digestive system can influence more than just digestion—they may have a profound impact on your mood and mental wellbeing.

The gut-brain connection is a complex communication network linking your enteric nervous system to your central nervous system. What you eat can feed into this intricate system, potentially affecting your feelings of anxiety or depression. By understanding and nurturing this connection, you can unlock dietary and lifestyle changes that support not just a healthier gut, but potentially a calmer, more balanced state of mind. Taking steps such as incorporating nutrient-dense foods and managing stress can cultivate an environment conducive to mental wellness.

Key Takeaways

  • The mood issues may not be the problem.  The mood issues may be the result of the problem.  True healing cannot occur until the underlying problem is resolved!
  • Gut health is closely linked to mental health, impacting emotions and mood.
  • A balanced diet and proper nutrition can foster a healthier gut.
  • Sustainable lifestyle habits contribute to managing anxiety and burnout symptoms.

Mood and Mental Health: Panic, Anxiety, and Burnout

When it comes to panic, anxiety, and depression, the relationship between your gut and your mental health is profound and intricate, with the gut-brain axis playing a pivotal role. Understanding the symptoms of these conditions is a key step in recognizing the influence your gut health may have on your mental wellbeing.

Your body's response to stress, characterized by elevated cortisol levels, can disrupt the delicate balance of your gut microbiome. Over time, this may affect not only your gut health but also your mental well-being. The nerves and microorganisms in your gut are so influential they are often referred to as the 'second brain'.

Regularly consuming probiotic foods can introduce good bacteria that bolster your gut-health, which, in turn, can help regulate mood and ease the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Just like you need to relax your mind, your gut needs attention to harmonize the enteric nervous system, which can impact your overall mood and stress levels.

In essence, for better mental health, don't overlook the power of nurturing your gut bacteria through proper diet and lifestyle—your nerves, mood, and well-being require it.

The Gut-Brain Connection

Your gut is more influential than you might think, especially when it comes to your mental health. Dive into the nuances of the gut-brain axis and see how your gut health can impact everything from your mood to anxiety levels.

Understanding the Gut-Brain Axis

The gut-brain axis is your body's bidirectional communication superhighway between the gut and the brain, facilitated by nerves, hormones, and the immune system. Central to this relationship is the enteric nervous system (ENS), often dubbed your "second brain," which governs the function of the gastrointestinal system. Thousands of nerve cells lining your gut intricately influence the nervous system, connecting directly to your brain.

Impact of Gut Health on Mental Well-Being

When your gut health is compromised, it might manifest in more ways than just an upset stomach; it can affect your mental well-being too. Here's how the two are linked:

  • Anxiety and Gut Health: Disturbances, like the overgrowth of unfriendly gut bacteria, food sensitivities, or even a leaky gut - can create mood changes.
  • Mood and Microbiota: The microorganisms in your gut, which include a mix of good bacteria and bad bacteria, produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, directly affecting your mood.
  • Stress Responses: Your gut reacts to stress, releasing hormones like cortisol which can alter gut bacteria and communication within the gut-brain axis. Gut microbiota alterations (including changes in the types of bacteria present) influence gut permeability and are associated with depression.

Role of Microbiota in Emotional Health

Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria, essential players in maintaining the balance of your body's ecosystem. Here's where they fit into your emotional health:

  1. Microbiota's Effect on Neurotransmitter Production: Microbiota can synthesize neurotransmitters, affecting your brain's chemistry and, consequently, your mental health. Gut dysbiosis (changes in the intestinal microbiota) can influence the brain and affect mood.
  2. Probiotic Foods for Mental Well-Being: Ingesting probiotic foods can introduce beneficial bacteria to your gut, potentially easing symptoms of depression and anxiety by influencing the gut-brain interaction.  However while it's popular to just jump to taking a probiotic supplement, I caution you to actually test what is going on with your gut BEFORE doing so - as there are certain situations where probiotics are contraindicated.
  3. Gut Feeling and Mental Health: The gut's flora affects how you process emotional information, lending a literal meaning to the phrase "trust your gut" when it comes to your emotional responses. The relationship between gut microbiota and higher risk of depression has been well documented.

This intricate network within you is powerful, proving that to heal your gut is to take a step towards, not just physical health, but mental health as well.

Cutting-Edge Lab Work

When your gut's not right, it can lead to health conditions and throw everything off, including your mood. Discover the root cause with specific advanced functional testing.

Uncover H.I.D.D.E.N. Stressors

Identifying stressors that wreak havoc on your gut health is key.  H.I.D.D.E.N. stressors can include Hormones, Immune System, Digestion, Detoxification, Energy Production and Nervous System.  If we don't know where the problems are, we can't work towards resolution of your health challenges!  Let's look at some common tests we may consider if you're suffering with panic, anxiety, or depression.

Mediator Release Test

Food sensitivities can play a huge role in your mental wellbeing. The MRT provides a comprehensive look at how your body reacts to various foods, measuring the release of mediators like histamine, which can influence mood. It's like playing detective with what's on your plate, uncovering the culprits to anxiety and depression. Getting this test can help you craft a diet that supports a healthier gut and a happier you.

GI Map Stool Test

Pinpoint what's going on inside your gut with the GI Map Stool Test. This high-tech stool test utilizes qPCR testing to detect tiny invaders and imbalances that could be contributing to your emotional distress. It's a game-changer for getting to the heart of your digestive woes and therefore, your mood swings. It's actually the test that helped me understand which specific pathogens were driving my IBS. Once I knew that, then I was able to get rid of it!

These are just a couple of the labs I like to use. If you want to learn more, click here.

Dietary Choices to Optimize Your Gut and Your Mood

Making the right dietary choices is critical for your mental wellness. Let's dive into how the foods you eat can support your gut and, by extension, influence your mood.

Foods That Promote a Healthy Gut

Your gut microbiota thrives on fruits, vegetables and fermented foods. Including probiotic foods like kefirsauerkraut, and kimchi in your diet can boost your gut health. Reach for veggies and high-fiber fruits, which are pivotal for nourishment and digestive health.  But remember, a probiotic supplement taken when your gut is out of balance can serve to increase that imbalance!

  • Fruits & Vegetables: apples, berries, carrots, greens
  • Fermented Foods: yogurt, kombucha, tempeh

Foods That Promote a Healthy Brain

Omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseeds, have a positive impact on mood. Likewise, vitamin D and antioxidants, abundant in fruits and vegetables, support brain function. Regularly consuming nuts and seeds provides essential minerals and B vitamins which are required for neurotransmitter function.

  • Omega-3 Rich Foods: grass-fed/finished meat, wild-caught salmon, chia seeds, walnuts.
  • Vitamin D Sources: Sunlight, eggs, mushrooms. Use caution with Vitamin D supplements unless you're supplementing with its co-factors.
  • B Vitamin Rich Foods: Eggs, oysters, mussels, and leafy greens.

Understanding the Impact of Nutrition for Brain and Mental Health

The link between diet and mental health is significant. Anti-inflammatory foods can lessen the risk of depression and influence the microbiota-gut-brain axis. Conversely, diets high in processed foods and sugars may exacerbate inflammation and mood disorders.

The 7R Program for Gut Health

Finally, consider a holistic approach called the 7 Rs Program for Gut Health:

  1. RESTORE - You need energy to detox. It’s wise to begin with targeted supplementation and cleaning up your nutrition to include more energy creating minerals and nutrients.
  2. RELEASE - Opening your drainage pathways to get your body prepared for the Remove phase to avoid herxheimer reactions or a healing crisis.
  3. REMOVE – anything that could be irritating the gut - foods, pathogens, parasites, mold, heavy metals, candida, toxic situations, toxic water, toxic air, etc.
  4. REPLACE – certain elements that may be missing and are key to digestion.
  5. REPOPULATE – with healthy foods that will help rebalance the gut microbiome.
  6. REPAIR – by introducing nutrients that will create a gut-friendly environment.
  7. REBALANCE – by addressing lifestyle habits (stress, sleep, etc.…).

By focusing on these food choices and lifestyle changes, you're on your way to a happier gut and a brighter mood.

Lifestyle Choices to Optimize Your Gut and Your Mood

It's not just about what you eat; how you live plays a crucial role in both gut health and mental wellness. Regular exercise, quality sleep, nurturing the gut-brain connection, and effective stress management can all boost your mood and gut health.

How Regular Exercise Benefits Your Gut and Your Mood

Getting your body moving isn't just great for shedding pounds; it's also key for gut health and keeping the blues at bay. Remember however that overexercising can be just as stressful as under-exercising. So it's important to get the balance right. Pilates and Strength Training are my Go-Tos for Type A women dealing with anxiety, burnout or poor sleep.

Improving Gut Health and Mood Through Sleep

Speaking of which, never underestimate the power of a good night’s sleep. When you hit the sack for 7-9 hours each night, you're not just resting your body; you're giving your gut a chance to recover and rebalanceQuality sleep can help reduce inflammation and is crucial for mental recovery—think of it as resetting your stress levels and giving your mood a fresh start each day.

Improve Vagal Tone to Improve Gut Health and Mood

The Vagus nerve is like the high-speed highway between your gut and brain. By improving your vagal tone through relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, singing, or meditation, you can enhance communication along this route. A toned Vagus nerve supports digestion and is a champion for your mood, making relaxation practices a double win for your gut and your mental well-being.

Stress Management Techniques

In the fast-paced world, it's critical to find your chill mode. Whether it's through mindfulness practices, prayer, catching up with a friend, or engaging in hobbies you love, effective stress management can help maintain a healthy gut microbiome. Cognitive-behavior therapy sessions are structured stress relief as they focus on the here and now, and reframing negative thoughts with positive ones.

Working with a Functional Diagnostic Nutrition Practitioner

When you're tackling anxiety and depression, healing your gut is a game-changer, and a functional diagnostic nutrition practitioner will partner with you on this journey. Through functional testing that inform supplement strategies, lifestyle adjustments, you'll have the power to make the right steps in your health decisions.

Advanced Functional Testing, Guidance, and Support

Your functional practitioner starts by getting to the root of your gut issues with advanced functional testing. These tests can reveal imbalances in your gut flora, nutrient deficiencies, or inflammation markers, and even exposure to heavy metals and mold. No more guesswork, only tailored guidance that speaks to your body's needs.

Targeted Supplementation

Depending on what your tests show, you may need specific supplements to support your gut health. Quality fatty acids, for example, might be recommended to help regulate your immune system and soothe inflammation.

Create a New Vision for the Future

Together we’ll design your new vision for the long-term. We'll help you integrate new lifestyle changes and relaxation techniques that support mental health and facilitate stress reduction. Think of it as a blueprint for the healthier, happier you.


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is a powerful tool in your arsenal for dealing with stress and anxiety. As I'm a CBT Hypnotherapist, I can incorporate CBT strategies to help you challenge negative thought patterns, leading to beneficial changes in behavior and emotion.

Become Empowered to Reclaim Your Own Health!

Taking charge means recognizing the role of exercise in releasing endorphins, the benefit of regular sleep for recovery, and the importance of mindfulness and meditation for relaxation.

Getting your health on track guided by a practitioner, who has lived experience of what you've been through, is one of the smartest moves you can make – for your gut and your mind.


We've seen there's a significant connection between your gut health and mental well-being. Pretty cool, right?  Remember, taking care of your gut is a legit way to help manage those feelings of panic, anxiety, and overwhelm. So, let’s recap what you can do:

  • Mind your meals: Incorporate foods that are buddies with your gut. Eat in a slow and mindful way so you can actually break down and absorb your nutrients.
  • Consistent sleep: Catch those Zs every night. Your body's got a rhythm so it's best to work with this!
  • Stress less: Easier said than done, but your gut's not a fan of stress. Whether it’s prayer, meditation, Pilates, reading, or walking, there are many ways to stress less and reset your mind.
  • Training the brain: Your thoughts can influence your gut, and vice versa. Training your mind through practices like mindfulness can create new habits for your mood.

Managing gut health goes beyond easing tummy troubles—it’s about improving your overall mood and mental state. Sure, it's not an instant magic fix, but it's a solid start. Focus on sustainable changes, listen to your body, and know that I'm here to guide you on your healing journey.  To help get you started, please download my Positive Reset as my gift to you!

Frequently Asked Questions

Your gut health is more pivotal to your mental sharpness than you might think. Here's the lowdown on how it connects with anxiety and burnout.

How does improving gut health help alleviate anxiety and burnout?

When you boost your gut health, it positively affects your brain chemistry and stress response. That's because a healthy gut produces neurotransmitters like serotonin, which is also known as the "happy chemical," aiding in mood regulation and potentially reducing anxiety and burnout symptoms.

In what ways can anxiety manifest in stomach issues?

Feeling anxious can actually trigger stomach problems like bloating, gas, and even IBS. Your gut is sensitive to emotions because it's lined with neurons that react to stress hormones, which can aggravate your digestion.

What's the role of gut bacteria in managing burnout?

Good gut microbes play a major role in producing and managing neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine. Keeping these bacteria balanced can support a better mood and help ward off feelings of overwhelm.

Can you describe how the brain-gut connection influences anxiety?

Communication between the gut and the brain is facilitated by the Vagus nerve which sends signals both ways. If your gut's upset, it can signal your brain, triggering feelings of anxiety. Likewise, anxiety can upset your gut, creating a continuous feedback loop.

What steps can I take to restore my gut health after experiencing anxiety?

To get your gut health back on track, focus on eating a balanced diet with plenty of fiber, fermented foods, and staying hydrated. Managing stress through mindfulness or therapy can also help rebalance your gut.

Is Cutting-Edge Functional Testing worth the investment?

Absolutely!  To get answers, testing is preferred over guessing.  In my personal experience, modern medicine failed to give me answers, but Functional Medicine was able to quickly hone in on what was out of balance, and helped me correct imbalances so I could get back to doing what I really loved. 

And it could do the same for you!

Have a look at the Freedom from Anxiety and Burnout Roadmap.

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