A Dive Into the Most Playful Brand on the Planet
Kristi Herold, CEO of JAM, joins me for the most fun episode yet!

A Dive Into the Most Playful Brand on the Planet

Episode 30: Play Your Way to Success: A Conversation with Kristi Herold of JAM

What does it take to create a brand that results in nearly a million people sharing camaraderie and competition, thousands of babies, and at least four tattoos over the past three decades?

A commitment to being the most playful brand on the planet!

Kristi Herold joins me on the Brand to Fan Show in episode 30 to discuss how to put Play back into our lives at work and home. Kristi is the CEO and Founder of JAM, and in this episode, we spoke in depth about her journey from founding the Toronto Sport and Social Club to rebranding as JAM during the pandemic.

Kristi's mission is to make play a central part of the workplace experience and offer everyone a colorful escape, regardless of age, whether through recreational sports or team-building activities.

Kristi wisely says, "You're never too old to play!" Her perspective is all about fostering unity and connection. And it's working – Kristi's goal of getting a million people playing every year through JAM is closer than ever.

The JAM Work Culture

JAM isn't just about team sports and helping participants hold onto their inner athletes. It's about nurturing a playful, vibrant work culture that radiates through their employees, partners, and the world. When Kristi talks about her employees' emotional attachment to their JAM jerseys, it's clear that it's more than clothing; it symbolizes joy and camaraderie.

So, here's a question: Does your company culture reflect your brand? Sometimes, it might mean taking bold steps like a rebrand. But often, it's as simple as recognizing the importance of play in your workplace.

Prizing Playfulness

Take a moment to think about your workplace: Is it playful enough? It's common in corporate business environments to think that incorporating play into the workday wastes precious, productive hours. Our conversation highlighted how playfulness can boost employee engagement, reduce turnover, and supercharge productivity. Just look at companies like Glassman Wealth Services , which champions integrating playfulness into their work culture and is consistently rated as a top place to work in the DC Metro region.

Here's the real question: Would you rather be just another corporate outfit or the coolest kid on the block with whom everyone wants to hang out?

Playfulness: The Key to Stronger Professional Bonds

Injecting playfulness into your workplace is about more than just profit margins or your corporate image. It's about fostering employee camaraderie and strengthening your organization's foundations.

Here are some starting points:

  • Foster an environment of playfulness: Creativity is key, whether it's actually using that ping pong table in your office for a quick "Around the World" break or collaborating on a playful round of memes with coworkers.
  • Celebrate your employees: Daily huddles, Shout Out channels, and sharing customer feedback can uplift team spirit in new or different ways.
  • Infuse playfulness into different aspects of your business: Even the more mundane parts of daily business activities can be playful. Brainstorm how to use playful language or inject character into existing processes with your team. Think of how Southwest Airlines does this effectively with its humorous approach to the pre-flight safety demonstration.
  • Offer opportunities for extracurricular activities: Company sports teams aren't the right option for everyone. Book clubs, choirs, and game groups are additional ways for your employees to connect and grow through play.

In a (Literal) Jam

Being the most playful brand in the world doesn't make it immune to the same business challenges we all face. During our conversation, Kristi shared some of her struggles as CEO due to the pandemic in 202, as her Canadian sports leagues were temporarily shut down and the company faced a dramatic loss of revenue. But, resilient as she is passionate, Kristi used this opportunity to rebrand the business and put JAM back on track by hosting virtual corporate events and team-building activities virtually. The new line of business is called JAM Events and now offers consulting services in addition to virtual events.

The Takeaway: Keep Jamming

Work doesn't have to be a bore. Taking a leaf out of Kristi's playbook, it's evident that play, fun, and camaraderie don't just create a work culture that shines; they shape a brand that soars.

"When 60% or more of your employees state that they have a friend, a close friend in the workplace, your business is 12% more profitable." - Kristi Herold

So, here’s my challenge: Does your workspace feel like a fun place that fosters play? What type of impact do you make on your team culture through play?

Affinity in Action 💚

On our quest to build beloved brands, these questions help you put into practice the ideas from this episode with Kristi Herold. Let's add some playfulness to your brand! 

  1. Think about your brand as a character with unique traits. Reflect: How can your brand be playful and high-spirited yet hold authenticity?
  2. List three playful traits that would make your brand more approachable. How can your brand incorporate a playful element? 
  3. How can you communicate this playful aspect of your brand to your customers? What about employees?

TL;DL (too long; didn’t listen)

My real-time notes from the conversation with Kristi Herold

  • She always loved to play. Sports were her favorite, but more so playing and not watching. 
  • There were no girls' sports leagues when she was growing up, but she joined a boys' league as “Kris” and played for two seasons. 
  • Play as a connector — started adult rec sports leagues in 1996. 
  • In 2020, Kristi’s company pivoted and created a program for corporate workplace engagement. 
  • At least four tattoos and thousands of babies have been born due to JAM’s rec leagues.
  • The gift of social play results in happier people at home and work. 
  • Mayo Clinic proved that physical activity and social sports add 20% longevity to our lives. 
  • Play is inherent to early childhood development, but we lose the opportunities to play when we age. 
  • Integrate play into your workday  
  • Sports may only be the answer for some, but there are many ways to play. 
  • Choir, rock band, book club, “Lunch and laugh” virtual event Make these optional; no one likes forced fun! 
  • Play is a connection point — have a little fun about how you communicate. 
  • Southwest Airlines proves that safety messages are important enough to make it more fun. 
  • JAM takes T&Cs for corporate events and puts them into “JAM English” as their interpretation alongside the legalese. 
  • Buy-in is easier when it comes from the top; productivity increases, retention improves, and investing in fun and play is better to reduce turnover than pay to replace employees repeatedly. 
  • Having a ping pong table is virtue signaling if it has an inch of dust on it. 
  • Put time aside to allow your team to play — lead by example from the top. Include time for daily connection, like a Mandatory Daily Huddle at 1 pm ET (accessible to everyone across continents and time zones) 
  • Customers make your best copywriters — especially those who are your biggest fans! 
  • Word of mouth was the biggest business and team sports experience driver. 
  • Next for JAM: Acquiring sports leagues across North America; biggest seasons ever, spring-summer-fall. B2B business has also generated consulting opportunities for corporate culture. 
  • Fan of: The fan-first mentality of Savannah Bananas ; Peloton Interactive for making working out fun; and the Morning Brew newsletter.


My favorite piece of fan wear would be my JAM Hockey jersey, which originally was a Sport and Social Club hockey jersey. When you've worked with us for a year, you become a veteran, you get officially drafted to the team, and you get your JAM veterans jersey. It's a hockey jersey because we're Canadian, you get a hockey jersey. The JAM logo is on the front, your name is on the back, and your number is the year that you started working with us.
JAM Team Photo, provided by Kristi Herold


Brand to Fan Show is produced by Teague FC and supported by FANWAGN

Audio production by Bryan Griggs / Griggs Production

Producer: Kimberly Voorhis

Video Editing by Garrett Teague ague

AI assistance from Pictory.AI and Castmagic

And I’m your host, Lauren Teague .

Thanks Lauren Teague, I'm such a fan of your work (see what I did there 😏 ) - thanks for having me on your show - loved our chat. Keep playing!

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