Do the thing “You will Regret”
When I was a Child and Youth Worker in 2004 I really wanted to go back to school to become a teacher.
This was the response that I heard from people:
“There aren’t any jobs.”
“You’ll be stuck on the supply list forever.”
“It’s too competitive.”
“You won’t have money to support yourself.”
“You can’t work part time and go to school.”
“It’s too expensive to go back to school.”
“You will regret it”.
Despite the “advice” from people around me I decided to do it!
I applied and got into the program. I finished school and got an interview right away. I got hired on at the school board and got a year long term position. The next year I was hired on full time. Just like that.
Fast forward 12 years. I decided I wanted to leave teaching and become a full time coach.
This was the response I heard from people,
“Are you crazy?”
“You’re giving up job security?”
“What about your pension and benefits?”
“What about your daughters- You’re a single mom- what if you can’t support them?”
“It’s selfish to take a risk like that! You’re not thinking about your girls!”
“Do it part time! You’re not thinking straight!”
“You will regret it!”
O.K….there were some supporters! But the majority were not!
This is what I want to share with you.
Whether it’s your health you want to take on, a relationship that’s not working, a job that is unsatisfying, a new haircut or home renovation… Do the thing people say, “You will regret”.
If your gut is screaming, “Listen to me!” Pay attention! That feeling we label as “anxiety”, is our intuition telling us we are meant for more. Food, booze, pills, sex, gambling- will not take away that anxious feeling for long!
When you think of the possibility of that “Thing” and if it lights up your heart- DO IT!
People innately don’t have the courage to take bold action towards living their best life. Our primitive brains are wired to stay comfortable and “safe”. It makes sense that people respond that way even when they see others taking risks.
People stay stuck in their own fear and project their fears onto you- BE STRONG!
Trust your gut. If you want something- GO GET IT!
I’m NOT saying quit your job tomorrow.
I’m not saying kick that relationship to the curb.
I am saying if you aren’t satisfied in an area of your life don’t be afraid to take action towards a life you want to live.
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Do the thing others say you will regret.
Listen to your gut. Listen to your heart. If you are willing to do the work, there is nothing you can’t do.
What an amazing Reclaim Your Feminine Power: Weekend Retreat!!! Such a wonderful group of extraordinary women joined me September 9th-11th to unwind, rejuvenate, and reconnect with their entire being.
From the connections, to the speakers, to the ceremonies, to the inner healing…we ALL experienced the most dynamic shifts within, and everyone left feeling completely transformed, empowered, and ready to take on their next level with ease and flow. I can’t wait for my next retreat!!
Here’s what one of the participants had to say:
Christa Rose: “Tina Marie Brigley is not only an amazing coach and speaker she is a compassionate, authentic and generous person. I was able to meet some extraordinary people, try different modalities, and find inner peace that I didn’t know I had! Tina poured her heart into this retreat and I hope she has another one, I’ll be the first one to sign up! I definitely left with a new loving energy. I’m blessed to have been part of this weekend.”
Unwind your Mind Virtual Retreat – October 7-9, 2022!
Have you ever felt stuck or trapped in one or more areas of your life?
Have you ever found yourself asking, ‘Why am I here?’, ‘What is the point of it all?’ or ‘How can I feel freedom, joy, abundance and just LOVE my life?’
Chances are you have pondered at least one of these life-altering questions.
If so, fear not! I have some great news for you.
If you are searching for the answer to these questions or more, you will want to join me for an upcoming virtual series.
My colleague, Melissa Lyons, has chosen 10 panelists, along with myself, for a complimentary interview series called the Unwind Your Mind Virtual Retreat. I am so excited to be part of it!
This year’s theme is Freedom Rising. Join us and discover simple, sustainable ways to create more FREEDOM in your life. Along the way, you will also be creating more love, joy, and abundance… Bonus!!!
There is a FREE front-row seat with your name on it!
Hope you choose to join us!
Discover how to access and ignite your personal freedom!
>>> Claim your front-row seat to the online event here:
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Learner. Teacher. Coach. Leader. Teambuilder. at KA MacIver and Associates
2yYour terrific post is a great fit with Dan Pink’s new book The Power of Regret.
Abuse & Suicide Awareness & Prevention Advocate-Motivational Speaker-TV/Radio Host-Bilingual MC Presenter-Survivor & Healer-Recovery Specialist-Author-Invite Me! Lets Connect!