Do You Know Your Values?
This may sound like a strange question since, of course you do, is the logical response, yet…
My LinkedIn profile says: Guiding Visionary Leaders Through Transition. Challenging existing paradigms, discovering innovative solutions, and honoring value-driven leadership, through personal transformation for success on all levels.
Before working with someone, one of my questions is, what are the values you bring to the table that are most important to you? There may be a blank stare since they hadn’t really thought about it, or they may recite what they believe are the values they “should” have. In reality, the “should” values may be what they learned as children or heard about at a seminar.
With hundreds, if not thousands, of values that are worthy of honoring, looking for the “right” ones is a mind game. It also can make it very difficult to live by them if they don’t reflect who you truly are. For me, being a visionary, inquisitive, thinking out of the box, being innovative, compassionate, non-judgmental, and upfront are imperative. Humor and faith are my guiding principles.
These all reflect who I am as well as how I approach my work and my life. For someone else, some or all of these may be absolutely uncomfortable and foreign. Knowing my values would either drive them to work with me because they realize they need that perspective or drive them away because these are so opposite of theirs. Not right or wrong, just not at all what they want in their life – thus a bad fit for them. It’s a good choice for each of us.
Are the values you profess to have truly how you live your life? Do you profess openness yet really mean, only when they believe as you do? Do you reject all ideas you didn’t come up with?
Perhaps openness is really what you value but you have been living in self-betrayal and that is why you are now uncomfortable in your own skin. Perhaps fear and self-protection has caused you to hold on tight to who you think you need to be, or believe, versus taking the risk of living by beliefs that make you feel most alive, most at peace, and most able to see life as the gift it is.
We know our values, and/or our commitment to them, solely by how we live.
Knowing your values, allows you to only bring in the friends and business associates who most feed your soul, your life purpose, and your sense of wellbeing. They call you to act, lead, and influence in a way that calls others to live theirs or perhaps even to elevate their own to model yours. Your ability for impact and influence increases enormously when your authenticity, values, and vision align with others calling them to stretch, to grow, and be inspired. Take the time needed in reflection to discover/remember these invaluable tools for inner peace and joy…
For those who may want to work with me and get more unique and personal support there are three ways:
DMV LIVE: What's One Trait You Would Want To Reclaim Or Develop Further?
Outrageousness and out of the box thinking are traits that provide visionary leaders with passion, vibrancy, and a vision. Reclaim yours for whatever is coming next. Click here to watch my latest video on the topic.
You can also subscribe to my YouTube channel here to enjoy all of my live videos as they are published on a variety of leadership topics.
Women In Transition Program
Are you a woman at a place in your life where you are ready to pursue your passion and increase your joy?
Join me and a small group of women who are ready to step into the next stage of their journey.
No matter your age, position, or dream, transition is a time of excitement, fear, stepping into the unknown, the resultant confusion, and the need for risk taking.
It is also a time for letting go, dreaming bigger than ever, and realizing that your next step in personal and/or professional growth is at your doorstep.
Recommended by LinkedIn
In a small group setting you begin to see how “normal” your shifts and fears are and how, energetically, everything in you is already saying it’s time.
We'd love to have you join us!
With practical advice, emotional, and spiritual support and a whole new perspective on where your life can go – anything is possible.
The group meets every other Thursday from 8:00 - 9:30am.
Contact me if you like to know more about the program.
Email or Text: (860) 543-5629
Leadership Self-Assessment Tool
Leadership is not a one size fits all – we are each a unique byproduct of our upbringing, our values, our strengths, and our beliefs.
Know what it is you bring to the table and how to make it even stronger.
What type of leader are you?
In my years working with leaders of all types, I have come to see that there are 5 major styles of leadership – all great yet varied.
As a result, I have created a self-assessment leadership tool to support clients in understanding their style, along with its strengths, limitations, beliefs, and the diseases each is predisposed to.
The free Self-Assessment Leadership Tool is below. Simply click the button to learn where you fit. It can only make your life easier, and far less stressful.
If you are interested, take the Self-Assessment Tool and learn about your leadership skills and strengths, you know you have them…
Where's Dorothy?
April 30th - TNG Coaching Group
May 1st - TNG MOM
May 8th - NSA Monthly Meeting
May 28th - TNG Coaching Group
June 5th - TNG MOM