Do You Periodically Take Serious Periodic Organisational Strategy, Performance and Results Audits and Transformation Action?
The Gallup Organisation produces annual employee engagement surveys in organisations around the world every year. The results are constant and never really change that much. Sadly the results are not pleasing because they suggest that employee engagement is very low in general, suggesting that employee engagement is, in best-case scenarios around 30 percent. The remainder of the employees, according to the research, are split between the non-engaged and disengaged.
One can conclude from the results that as much as 70% of employees in organisations might not be putting in their best possible performance but not necessarily because of incompetence but because of organisational issues that lead to employee demotivation.
Add to that, there is a general assertion that humans in general are operating at 20 percent or less of their full potential. I have reasons to suspect that this is actually true for most corporate, environmental and economic organisations and companies. First, the level of training that most people get in organisations is simply not enough to bring the best possible performance in their roles. Most organisations do not train people for mastery but for competence. In addition most of what is called training is education and general knowledge impartation which is very similar to the teaching people get in schools and universities. Many people get more knowledge over time, but not skills. Yet skills contribute a way more to performance than knowledge. Person development, which even contributes more to performance than skills and knowledge is ignored. Knowledge is still very important by the way, very important but knowledge is not a replacement of skills.
Underperformance in organisations, in the final analysis, is a leadership and strategic management issue. Many organisations are not managed strategically but tactically and operationally. Their do not periodically audit and review the strategic fundamentals and strategic elements of their organisations. This means they end up doing the same things in the same way over and over again especially if they are "doing well" or "doing fine". This leads to perennial or systematic underperformance. Let me repeat;
"Underperformance is a state where an individual or organisation is performing below full potential. It is different from poor performance." Simon Bere
Addressing Underperformance
The first step in addressing underperformance by periodically taking serious organisational strategy and performance audits and reviews. These reviews will help you identify untapped potential and also underperformance caused by ineffective theory or flawed processes.
Leadership and Management Performance and Results Improvement and Transformation
Leadership and management take the lead because little changes in the positive direction in organisations unless there is change in leadership and management. Change in leadership and management is not about replacing existing leaders and managers it is about change the theory and practice in leadership and management even for the existing leaders and managers. Many leaders and managers never periodically take audits and reviews of how they are managing.
Embrace The CANI or Mastery Philosophy
Many people in organisations are frustrated or demotivated. This is a leadership issue. Once this issue is addressed, organisations must also have a clear, powerful and empowering philosophy. Most high-performance organisations share the same philosophy-the CANI or Mastery Philosophy.
CANI means Constant And Never-ending Improvement.
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Mastery means "pursuit of excellence or discipline" or never-ending improvement in performance or results in a certain area.
Use External Auditors and Transformation Experts
Many leaders and managers know what to do but they do it in the wrong way. They try to audit themselves and also to review their own performance and results. It does not work and it is does, it wont give you the best possible results. Get external auditors and transformation experts to do it. +263-77-444-74-38
©Simon Bere, 2023