One of the secrets of attracting wealth is understanding that money is an energy.
To attract more money, you need to remove all negative associations about money.
If you have resistance towards the idea of having to pay for something or towards others asking for payment, then you are limiting yourself from receiving money for anything that you do, since you believe that the services you are receiving, should be provided for free.
If you unconsciously perceive paying for services as a negative thing, the same negative instinct will kick in when you have to charge for something that you do. This unconscious disconnection within our beliefs, causes self-sabotage money behaviors.
This is a reason why many people struggle financially.
They limit themselves with negative unconscious beliefs. Instead of seeing opportunities, they see obstacles. Instead of seeing abundance, they see scarcity.
The underlying value of any commercial exchange in business is in the organization and promotion of things.
When we buy a bottle of water, we are not paying for the bottle, or the water because nature supplies the water.
We are paying for the work done in obtaining the raw materials, putting them together, marketing it, packaging and supplying it to us conveniently.
All of this takes work, and therefore those that do all the work for us where we can experience the benefits without doing any of the work ourselves, receive money in exchange for their work.
Money is only an idea to represent how much value you have provided for others.
That is why ill gotten gains do not last because the energy of money is always reflecting what you do.
When you take money without providing real value, money will be taken from you without giving you real value.
When you provide lots of value for others, you are meant to receive lots of money so that you can use it to receive value from others that is yours to rightfully experience.
Then you are better able to provide even more value with your wealth.
In conclusion, if you do not have enough money, ask yourself - "Am I providing enough value to enough people?"
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The Project of 11
4yHey Ron. Just going through some of your articles. Okay, have you heard of ancestral karma from our past lives or even our fathers father's father or mother's mother's mother is what's that's relating to. Our blood line/family tree. Some say some people even would have to quote unquote break these ancestral curses. What do you think of that stuff?
Head : Sales and Distribution || Leader|| Speaker || Sales Coach.
7yi agree
Financial Systems Manager at Clifford Chance US LLP
7yAn interesting way of looking at things. If everyone buys little in order to save money then we will G-D forbid go into a depression. If we spend money then society benefits over and over. However to some extent we need to be careful about spending within our means so the right balance can be tricky.
Co-founder | CEO | Data Scientist
7yI think the conclusion "Are you providing enough value to enough people" encapsulates it. Money is a currency that we use to measure value, but again in and of itself is paper and meaningless.
Accounting officer at Risk MSPI
7yRon, Excellent article regarding the Law of attraction like any aspect of life. Alike attracts alike. We live in dimensions where energy is materialized. Skeptical!!! this one is energy too. Thank-you for sharing