Let Me Keep It Real... There's Just No Guarantee
As much as I preach the PR gospel and want every company and every brand to invest in public relations and media outreach for their business, I also sermonize on the fact that NOTHING is GUARANTEED in PR. That’s a global sentiment. The Public Relations Institute of Australia’s code of ethics states: “Members shall refrain from proposing or agreeing that their consultancy fees or other remuneration be contingent entirely on the achievement of specified results.” I know that it can be a hard pill to swallow but the truth is, no matter how good a public relations professional may be, it is not ethical to promise coverage, pickups, and placement for earned media.
Let me see if I can make it make sense for you.
1. Earned is different from bought. If money is paid and space on air or in a publication is guaranteed, that is called advertising. You paid for an ad even if it looks like a story. To be specific, if it looks and reads like a story bloviating about how amazing you or your product is, it’s called an advertorial. For those that do promise and pay for coverage, they are engaged in payola. This undermines the integrity of the industry.
2. It’s out of our hands. Because earned media relies on journalists, writers, publishers, reporters, and correspondents who are pulled in various directions, there’s no guarantee that a story will appear or what it will say when it does drop. As a public relations professional, my job to open the door of opportunity for my client. What happens after that is unfortunately out of our hands.
3. Marketing is not PR. Without a great understanding, one could mistake the two. They are both a part of raising brand awareness, but the functions and processes are different. My way of explaining it: Marketing is you telling people how amazing you are and PR is other people telling other people how amazing you are. It’s a 3rd party endorsement. There is an art and a science to it. The job of your PR professional is to get other people talking about you, your organization or your product.
4. Social Media is not PR. Seeing something on social media can make somebody that does not understand how PR works think that they are getting coverage. Well, just like #3, if it’s you that is putting things out on social media, that’s marketing. When somebody else’s platform highlights you, promotes you, or celebrates you, yes, that’s a form of PR. Focusing on strategic collaborations is a tactic often used to elevate and expand a brand.
5. Media placement is not the only job of a PR or Communications professional. Working on tightening up your brand and shaping the company message is a major part of the work. This includes counseling and directing those responsible for social media and other marketing duties. We work to leverage brand-appropriate outreach programs to reach or expand the target audiences.
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6. Constant breaking news breaks the news cycle. There is no slow news day. News breaks around the clock. This can mean that the space set for you to occupy gets shifted to something more pressing. Again, that is outside of the control of your PR pro and you. Many times it’s even outside of the control of the journalists that may have written the story or recorded the interview.
7. It wasn’t good enough. Your public relations representative works hard to get you media coverage and podcast interviews. We cannot even guarantee that those will be published. A podcaster can choose not to publicize your interview if it was not compelling to they don’t believe that you would captivate their audience. If this has happened or to keep it from happening, you likely need media training. That’s on your rep. Again, we do more than just pitch the media. Your image, your message, your brand is in our hands.
Here is my best advice for any business owner, personality, organization, or author that wants to build more brand awareness and elevate their message in the various forms of media. Choose a public relations firm or professional that understands your story, can help you strengthen your brand, and be your cheerleader. When they want to see you win, they are constantly finding ways for you to show up in front of your target audience. It’s a creative business with strategy and a bit of luck. They also need a great network. The more you know, the better choice you can make for your business and brand.
Check out the last guest from the Sand & Shores podcast, Leaders & Learners. Jeremy Slate is a titan in the field and took the time to chat with us about branding, PR, podcasting, and his new book.
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