Don't Say the "M" Word!

Whoever enters here honors me; whoever doesn’t- pleases me.

-Friedrich Nietzsche


    Live Yet Pre-recorded- Episode XXXI of:

 Don’t Say the “M” Word!


         A Silent Radio Hour: Live Yet Pre-Recorded

MWW: Amazingly cherished audience, once again, we’re back!

         PBD: How’s it so amazing Warren?

         MWW: Imagined that we were all in Hell already! Considering the alternative! Could be worse!

         PBJ: How much worse, Warren?

         MWW: Bakersfield Jonathan! We could all be in Bakersfield, California! Okay then! Let’s get right to it! Jonathan please! Continue reading from TheBook! Remember class! We’re People of TheBook or PTB!

PBJ: ‘For the record! Here’s how it’s going down according to St.

John the Apostle: ‘This brilliant if not truly remarkable narrative introduces us to the final judgment—the end of human history as we know it and the beginning of something called “the eternal state.” And yes indeed, we can all be sure of this because no mistakes will be made in our tribunal before the “Boss” or “B”!’

         PBD: You mean that TheDonald’s going to judge our “eternal state?”

         MWW: See! I told you so! And you’d two better listen! Continue please! Jonathan!

PBJ: Is there really a need for this?

MWW: Doubtful! But hey! We’ve time to fill and we mustn’t get ourselves into TOT or Time Off Task!

PBJ: And I’m missing being on TV? Being a star? Having TheWomens love me? Adore me? Having SEX with me? Because I’m here and not on the HGTV, Warren?

MWW: Pretty much Jonathan! Pretty much!

PBJ: TheSpread or TS they put out every morning! To TheJefferys! You should see it! And I’m missing out on it?

PBD: It’s magnificent Warren! Truly magnificent!

         PBJ: Like being in Vegas!

         PBD: Like being in Vegas!

         PBJ: Yeah! Like one of those High Class or HC Buffets or Bs which go on and on and on for miles! Miles and miles of food! Everything imaginable Under, as the Preacher says, the Sun or US! And Warren?

         MWW: Yes Jonathan?

PBJ: Once again for the record! They even have an actual PopCorn or PC machine! Like the old fashion ones you see at the carnivals! It’s so freaking great!

MWW: That’s too bad Jonathan! Much too bad! Continue please!

PBJ: Since TOT or Time Off Task’s also in this dimension, may as well! ‘And since we will be judged by a Perfect Administrator or PA, for certain, that’s TheDonald, this will manifest itself in many undeniable proofs.’

PBD: And what are these truths Jonathan?

PBJ: ‘First, God will be Perfectly Just and Fair or PJF! Second, God Cannot Be Deceived or CBD! Third, God cannot Be Swayed or CBS by any prejudices, excuses or lies! So hey, stop worrying about it because there’s nothing you can do anyway!

MWW: All hail TheSASMO! Jonathan! Continue please!

PBD: No Warren! I’ve seen the Light or L! All hail TheDonald!

PBJ: Indeed! All praise to TheDonald! ‘In legal terms, as God The Son or GTS, the Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or SHMJ has the right and authority to judge any and all “unbelievers” and this judgment by Christ will take place at what’s called “the great white throne.”’

PBD: Is this true Warren? Is it really true?

MWW: Is it in TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS, Drew?

PBD: I’ve read TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS and didn’t see that anywhere!

MWW: Well then I’d certainly question its validity Drew! I’d question the validity!

PBD: Thank you Warren! Thank you!

MWW: Not a problem buddy! Never a problem! Jonathan please!

PBJ:  ‘Here all “unbelievers” will be punished according to the works they have done. The Bible’s very clear that “unbelievers” are storing up wrath against themselves and that God or G will “give to each person according to what he has done” Romans 2:6; again, this passage is in The correct, Good Evangelical Christian’s Bible or GECB!

PBD: But not in TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS?

MWW: Absolutely not!

PBD: Once again! Thank you Warren!

MWW: Not a problem buddy! Never a problem! Jonathan please!

But listen, “believers” will also be judged if you can believe that but it will be a different kind judgment which isn’t so unsympathetic, callous, somewhat ruthless let along FINAL!

PBD: Well la-dee-da! La-dee-da!

MWW: Jonathan please!

PBJ: ‘But hey, since Christ’s righteousness has been imputed to these “believers” and “their” names are written in the Book of Life…’

PBD: But not in TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS?

MWW: Not in there anywhere!

PBD: And yes I believe!

PBJ: It states ‘that “they” will be rewarded, not punished, according to “their” deeds! Therefore at the Final Judgment or FJ, the Fate or F of the “unsaved” will be in the hands of a powerful, all knowing God who is once again, going to be severe, unforgiving and downright hostile when “He” judges everyone according to “their” soul’s condition.

MWW: A little harsh there John me boy! A little harsh!

PBJ: Don’t call me that Warren! Never call me John! It’s Jonathan!

MWW: Whatever! Continue please! Jonathan!

PBJ: ‘For you see “you” Stupid Ass Scratching Worldly Persons or SASWPs, “your” very own fate is in “your” very own hands: So stop the jerking around (Another word for the “M” word!) The end of “your” soul’s journey will be either in an Eternal Heaven EH or in an Eternal Hell or EH!

PBD: Hey! They’re both EH! Has to mean something! Warren?

MWW: It speaks to Zarathustra’s Dualism or ZD! But we haven’t time for that! Jonathan! Continue!

PBD: On our next show, Warren?

MWW: Possibly! Jonathan! Please!

PBJ: ‘All of us must therefore choose where we will be by accepting or rejecting the sacrifice of Christ or C on “our” behalf and we must make that choice before our physical lives on this earth come to an end!’

PBD: Wow!

PBJ: No Drew! That’s Woe or W! Now here’s a ripe one! ‘If just to allow you some perspective if not context to what’s coming down the pipe, there exists some very fine literature concerning the subject of Eternal Hell or EH so please order, online at if you will, but not from TheAmazon as their delivery’s questionable at best! “The Divine Comedy of Dante Alighieri” a lovely little tale about an escorted visit through the nine circles of hell and of the badness it has to offer, free of charge; that is, the tour deluxe of Hell but not the book by Dante and please, let us be clear on this one! This is after all: Commerce or C!’

PBD: Is that Dante’s book or TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS?

MWW: Really John? How do you do it?

PBJ: What? And that’s, as I told you, Jonathan!

MWW: Whatever! Talk to the parents! Please! Talk to them! Continue!

PBJ: ‘The next work worth pursuing is that book which did not make it into the New Testament or NT but was a close second to the masterful writing of St. John the Apostle: “The Book of the Revelation of John.” In the “Apocrypha of Peter” we find a fanciful story where we witness torments of the wicked as presented by the Apostle Peter.’

MWW: Lay it on us Jonathan!

PBJ: ‘In our story, we are not in some Jewish nondescript Sheol or among the fires of the valley of Hinnom but so much more we’re riding the waves on the tortures of Tartarus and the boiling mud of the Acherusian Lake where “wild men of fiery aspect are seized and carried off several of them, and Ardiaeus and others, they being bound head and foot and hand, and threw them down and flayed them with scourges, and dragged them along the road at the side, carding them on thorns like wool, and declaring to the passers-by what were their crimes, and that they were being taken away to be cast into Hell!” And other such horrors as to delight the faithful who won’t go through such torment: Please, have a blessed day!’

PBD: Warren?

MWW: Yes Drew?

PBD: I’m lost!

MWW: Well than! Read the book!

PBD: Which one? There’s so many to choose from?

MWW: Agreed! Jonathan please!

 PBJ: ‘Now listen up people! After death, there’s no longer a choice and our fate’s to stand before the throne of God or G

PBD: Little confused here fellows! Are to stand before God or G? Or before TheDonald or TheD?

MWW: The parents Warren! Talk to the parents!

PBJ: Moving forward: ‘Where “our” entire lives will be open and where we will stand naked before Him, that being the Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or SHMJ who declares that God or G “will give to each person according to what he has done.” Thus endth this most sacred note!’

         MWW: About time! Is there more Jonathan?

         PBD: Hope not! I’m totally lost! Is it TheJefferys? TheDonald? The Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or SHMJ? Hey wait a minute!

         MWW: Oh Holy Shit or OHS! We’re in trouble now!

         PBD: This must be the Trinity or T that I heard about in Sunday School or SS! Warren?

         MWW: Unlikely Drew! Very Unlikely! But if you need to, speak to TheSASMO! He’s an actual theologian! I know! I read all about him on the back cover of his book! Now Jonathan please! Finish so I can go home and unwind with a not-so-nice merlot! Please!

         PBJ: Indeed Warren, would be my pleasure! Once again reading from TheBook!

         PBD: The bible or from TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS?

PBJ: The bible! ‘Now, according to the premillenial view, there will be a seven-year period that immediately precedes the return of Christ and the Millennial Kingdom or MK of His rule which lasts for, once again, one thousand years.’

MWW: Long time to be waiting for tea and popcorn I do believe!

W: Some more tea and popcorn hons?

MWW&PBJ&PBD&MSC: Yes please!

MWW: Ahh! Now there’s Heaven’s Delight or HD! Continue please, Jonathan!

PBJ: ‘This seven year period will be called The Tribulation or TT

PBD: I prefer TT as in: Tea Time!

W: Here’s your tea and popcorns hons!

MWW&PBJ&PBD&MSC: Thank you!

W: What sweet boys you all are!

MWW: Indeed! Jonathan? Continue please!

 PBJ: As I was reading: ‘It will be both a time of Great Peace or GP during the first three years but one of Great War during the second three years when the antichrist or ac rules over the many nations. At the midpoint of the tribulation, that is, at the end of the first three years, the antichrist or ac  will proclaim himself Worthy of Worship or WW!’

PBD: I believe that should be: All praise to TheDonald!

MWW: Can I get an AMEN!


PBJ: Trying to finish! ‘Many will bow down and worship the antichrist or ac but many will refuse. Those who refuse to worship the antichrist or ac will be killed. The second half of the tribulation is called the Great Tribulation or GT and it will involve the whole world as there will be catastrophes all over the bloody place!

PBD: Woe as in W!

         PBJ: Indeed! ‘And among the most popularly taught view in the Christian Faith or CF is known as the Pre-Tribulation Rapture PTR or Pre-Trib Theory (PTT)! It concerns those who accept this perspective and believe that the Rapture  or R will happen just before the Tribulation Period or TP! Now at the beginning of the seventieth week of Daniel, the Rapture or R will usher in the final seven years of this age.

         MWW: I think SASMO’s math is off!

         PBD: How can SASMO be wrong?

         MWW: Really Jonathan? You need to speak to the parents!

PBJ: There’s a note attached: ‘Please dear readers be patient as this particular note is of great theological  importance to our story. Now as to the final “seven” weeks as it where, we have stated that there will be three good years as well as three bad years. So than, if I am doing my math correctly, and I am, 3+3=6 and not 7. Where the hell has the final one year gone to? Of which I must confess, I have no idea whatsoever! Hey, I’m just a lowly level 1 Stupid Ass Scratching Bottom of the Barrel FC Confederate or SASBBFCC! Hey! Lighten-up!

MWW: I believe there’s a follow-up note in that section of TheBook!

         PBD: PBD: The bible or from TheGoodBook or TGB of TheSASMO or TGBS?

         MWW: The parent Jonathan! The parents!

PBJ: The follow-up note reads as such: ‘Note to the note: Theology is simply the study of God. Theos in Greek means “deity” or “divine” or “God” or “god” (depending on your religious persuasion) while “ology” is merely the study of something or nothing or whatever. Got it? Good!

         PBD: Is there more? Getting kind of tried here!

PBJ: In concluding this portion of TheBook! Don’t do it Drew! SASMO states: ‘So then, at this time the “True” followers of the Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or SHMJ will be transformed into their spiritual bodies in the Rapture or R and taken from the Earth to be in Heaven with God or G whereas our “non-believing” Stupid Ass Scratching Online Buying Public or SASOBP will sadly be left behind to face Severe Tribulation or ST as the antichrist or ac prepares to take his place as the Beast or B half way through the seven year period. And please note, we are still searching for that one lost year.’

PBD: Any clues yet on that one lost year, Jonathan?

PBJ: Whatever! Shut up Warren! ‘Anyway, according to this view, “non-believers” will still come to know and accept the Smiling Happy Mr. Jesus or SHMJ as their personal Savior in spite of the Church’s absence during this time! However! These New Christians or NCs will endure extreme persecution even to the point of death by beheading. And if you don’t believe me about the idea of “extreme” just watch the evening news as head after head is being severed by those Unrighteous Islamic Fundamentalists or UIF and other such Sore-Losers or SLs in the Universe or U!’

MWW: Has to be TheDonald! Just has to be!

PBJ: Why Warren?

MWW: Isn’t “Loser” or L TheDonald’s favorite word Jonathan?

PBJ: Must be! Seems logical!

PBD: Golly Gee or GG!

MWW: Yes! It’s a case of the GGs! All hail TheDonald! Please finish Jonathan as we’ve gone way over our time and I don’t know how much of this our cherished audience can take? And that’s not to mention! How much can I take? Jonathan please!!

PBJ: And to finish! Thank TheDonald or TTD! ‘And it is in fact the very Fundamental Mission or FM, and we promise not to take off any heads at any time, of The Evangelical Millennial Church of Mercer Island in Seattle, Washington, of the United States of the attempting to be born again America to make these coming events, clearly in the near future, understandable, unmistakable if not totally unambiguous to the once again, non-believing” Stupid Ass Scratching Online Buying Public or SASOBP  who are being deceived by The Virtual Mega Church or TVMC: The Divine Online.


To the pure, all things are pure, but to those who are corrupted and do not believe, nothing is pure. In fact, both their minds and consciousness are corrupted.

-St Paul the Apostle

MWW: Good bye! Good luck! And to The Evangelical Millennial Church of Mercer Island in Seattle, Washington, of the United States of the attempting to be born again America: Good antichrist Hunting or GacH!

                                                *        *         *

To our cherished audience out there hopefully still listening to our ‘A Live Silent Radio Hour’ which’s live yet pre-recorded; I’m still disappointingly so, the show’s producer Warren Williams and I wish to thank all of you for tuning in once more while once again leaving any semblance of rational thought at the door as for the sake of TheJefferys: How in the hell can you listen to silent radio? I’m still here live yet pre-recorded and I simply don’t understand any of this! ( Inspirational Pause!) And please cherished audience, come back next time to hopefully Find-Out-the-Facts or FOFs concerning the nature and cause of our Collective Delusion or CD! Or in the case of Mr. Robert De Niro’s or MRDN challenge: Let us thank the Right Reverent Wainwright or Pastor Dan as he’s known at the Evangelical Millennial Church of Mercer Island in Seattle, Washington, of the United States of attempting to be born again: America for his quest in hunting down the antichrist or ac Mr. Bruce Jefferys or MBJ of, the mighty online retail giant headquarter in downtown Seattle, Washington, United States of I’m certain now that we’re going to Hell: America! But for certain! I’m still pulling for TheDonald as being the antichrist or ac! Please cherished audience! Stay safe! And Good Night Irene!

                                                *        *         *

PBD: Jonathan?

         PBJ: Yes Drew?

         PBD: Pray to TheDonald for me Jonathan that we’ll all be safe?

         PBJ: I would if I thought he’d listen!

         PBD: Really?

         PBJ: Yes! Really!

         PBD: Do you hear that knocking at one of the doors again Jonathan?

         PBJ: Don’t believe I do but I could be wrong! I’m wrong quite often you know!

         PBD: Really?

         PBJ: Yes! Really!

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