Don`t waste time and resources on learning, only.

Don`t waste time and resources on learning, only.

The current global crisis has given us many opportunities to learn new things. One of the areas in which massive learning can happen in these days is the area of education, learning and training. All organizations and branches who were originally founded with the purpose to support people and organizations in their development are standing at a crossroad with some fundamental questions, which could be helpful not to fall back into our old patterns:

Some (uncomfortable) reflection questions we are asking ourselves:

  • How much value have our recent learning initiatives, designed to more successfully deal with crises, added?
  • Is it good enough to translate our current learning initiatives into zoom/webex/skype?
  • Do we have the creativity and courage to generate new possibilities for the emerging future in the area of learning?
  • Will providing knowledge be enough in the future? When it comes to information, which tools are really better than searching by yourself in the www ?
  • Have we overestimated our impact as trainers/facilitators/coaches in the past?
  • How can we adapt our roles as trainers/coaches/facilitators in order to be more effective?
  • Do we, by increasing the quantity of online learning offers, really fulfill our customers’ needs or is this more a satisfaction of our personal needs?
  • Did we show enough courage to make our vulnerability and incompetence transparent, that we do not always have the right answers, sometimes not even the right question?
  • Do we need a switch/adaptation in our role as learning „experts“?
  • Is it about mastery in skills development or about serving in problem solving?
  • Is the balance between increasing knowledge and increasing problem-solving capability right?

We are far away from being in a position to answer those questions. We just want to raise them in order to learn the most out of this global situation in the learning area.

Let`s hold these questions. Let’s not fall back into finding immediate answers, that will not help creating a new future. Let`s be brave enough to admit, that we do not have the right answers.

Let`s be very transparent about our motives for offering and promoting new virtual learning ideas and approaches.

If we do not understand ourselves as learners in the first place, we cannot add any value in our jobs as trainers/coaches and facilitators.

With Guido Schnarwiler.

Patrick Sweet

Strategic Business Director


Great reflections for this space in this time, Matthias Klein

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