Dr Ali Grimston Overview Of Lifewave Patches
This is part of a transcript from Dr. Ali Grimston's in-depth review of her experience both as a user, a medical doctor and a distributor of Lifewave patches.
If you have a chance, it's well worth viewing the entire YouTube video as it goes into body scans and brain scans and studies that show the efficacy of LifeWave stem cell reactivation patches on humans as well as on animals such as dogs and horses. The transcript stops at the point in the video where Dr. Grimston plays a video of a cute dachshund with paralysed back legs who started running around freely after having a Lifewave patch on him for just four days.
Some of the areas Dr. Grimston covers include inflammation, including brain inflammation, osteoarthritis, sports recovery and enhancement, age reversal, improved skin, vascular health improvement, back and shoulder pain relief.
'lovely to see you here um I'm Dr Ali grimston I've been a GP for 25 years
I've been a doctor for 30 years and I've always been into holistic medicine I grew up on a farm in Firle and I've always been passionate about the environment and about reducing the damage we're doing and that includes the damage we're doing through thepharmaceuticals that we're taking as well as chemicals we're using
I came across this a friend of mine shared it with me in November last year that's okay um and um and I finally said yes let's talk in the February so it really does help to keep talking to people and following up with people if you're running this business and itwas George who talked to me about it um so I'm passionate about natural medicine
I'm actually a functional medicine doctor which is a a form of private medicine where we're looking at Natural Health and trying to find the grassroot cause of problems I'm also a trained energy healer including an energy healer working with animals
and this product this Wellness technology it's not Medical Technology it's not pharmaceutical this Wellness technology is transforming lives across the world it's crazy how much difference it makes for people and we're going to come to that as well as how it works so what we're doing here we're elevating a peptide in the body you may have heard of peptide therapy we're activating stem cells you may have heard of stem cell therapy and we're regenerating our cells and our organs we're helping our bodies to keep well
and that is what is so powerful so what is life wave life wave is a company and what we're going to focus on today is the x39 patch we're going to talk about some others as well but this is what we're focusing on and the x39 is a patch that allows us to reactivate our own stem cells it's a technology okay Lifewave itself is a well established company it was established in 2004
it was established it's in 87 countries so we have a global business that we're working with here and the x39 patch was launched in 2019 and it really transformed this company uh because it's transforming lives it's making an enormous impact on people we are seeing such changes in things in the body that it it enables the body to heal and that is what's so clever
David Schmidt he is a very humble man he's the inventor who owns the company and he has specialized in age reversal and as you can see the x39 patent took a lot of time and money to bring to Market he actually has over 150 patents we think but he himself has lost count
this technology is patented globally and uh it's we're four years into a 20-year patent so you can't find this technology anywhere else you can't find these results anywhere else it's quite unique
so what is it about stem cells that makes a difference to Wellness well we've shown we know that the number of stem cells the number of adult stem cells in the bloodstream is directly correlated to how well we are and how we are aging and we find that the well we know that the fewer stem cells we have the faster we age and although a foetus has many many more stem cells than this many billions
a teenager has one billion uh but by the age of 30 we've already got areduction by 60% by the age of 60 this number has dropped by 90% to 100 million sounds like a lot of cells but not when you look at the total number of cells in your body and uh we can see the effects on this if you compare how you he how quickly you heal if you cut yourself when you're a teenager compared to when you are 70
so how does it work exactly? well it works by activating GH KCU copper peptide which is considered the Holy Grail of anti-aging it's one of those peptides that people have injections of peptide therapy for if they are wealthy and want to reverse ageing
but we can do it without injections the patch itself you can see a picture of it down there so this is what the patch looks like I've got them on myself everybody who's a brand partner here on the call today is is wearing them and they're made of organic nanocrystals
so the Central Area there that's whiter that has got the nanocrystals in the nanocrystals are in a patented um or organic lattice and the organic lattice is adjusted according to what we want the patch to do so in the case of x39 the crystal lattice deflects that infrared light as you saw in that video in a narrow wavelength at the exactly the correct wavelength for activating copper peptide with the other patches it's activating a different peptide which then results in a different effect in the body these patches are non-invasive they're non-trans dermal and they have medical grade adhesive
yes we do occasionally get um allergies to the adhesive as with any anything but there are are ways around that and we find that we can uh wear the patch stuck to the inside of our clothing if we want if we do find that's a problem but that's a very rare problem we just don't see it very often
and what happens when we activate our stem cells well we see rapid painrelief we see reduced inflammation we see it supporting wound healing we see improved energy and vitality we see better mental Clarity so a resolution of brain fog we see an enhanced Sports Performance we see faster recovery from exercise and we see improved skin appearance that's just the tip of the iceberg
and you'll see some photos that I'm going to share in a moment showing some of the effects that we actually visibly see and in every case when we see changes in the outer skin to me that is just a representation of what's going inside the body our bodies are aging on the inside as well as the outside and this technology helps slow down aging and even reverse it
so how do we wear x39 as demonstrated in the video we just wear it on the skin the studies have all shown it the have all studied it the x39 in these two positions so it's easiest to just put them in these two positions but if you've got a particular area of concern conern you can put it there
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we tend to use acupuncture acupressure points and meridians uh you wear it for 12 hours and you take it off for 12 hours you either throw it away or a lot of us are actually using them on our companion animals so my dogs wear the patches on a bandana around their neck uh so because although they start to deteriorate from 12 hours they've got about 18 hours of wear there and we are seeing some improvements in our animals and if you've got an animal that's really sick you brand new patches and you'll see good results as we do with humans
most important thing is drink plenty of water just good quality water so filtered water and that helps the patches to communicate the different frequencies to the entire body what about long-term results with x39 well within the first few days we find that 4,000 genes begin to reset within six weeks we find the brain becomes balanced we get decreased symptoms of anxiety depression we we often see other effects from this
these are the what the Studies have shown I mean we see within 6 weeks we see Improvement in pain we see Improvement in floaters we see Improvement in um in the skin we see so many things but within three months we see collagen is increased and we get decreased wrinkles and improved hair growth we see an increased structural Integrity of your skeletal muscular skeletal system
and collagen is really important for joints so if you have joint issues you need to be looking at this and then within six months we see the heart reversing in age
in a recent study of 15 people 14 of them actually lowered their vascular age by an average of eight years after just 6 months of using the x39 this is amazing to me as a Doctor who's aware of what sort of medical situations are irreversible
I'm going to say this again later what I'm saying now is not medical advice although I am a doctor I'm not your doctor so you must take this to your doctor if you're having any medical treatment to discuss it with them and these products this is a wellness technology it's me not a medical technology it's not pharmaceutical
we're not intending this product is not intended to diagnose treat cure or ameliorate the symptoms of any disease what it does is it helps the body to heal itself it helps us to tap into our own healing which is profound and underestimated by medicine and by our culture
this website is really excellent take this down and I recommend you go and look at it after this call it's a very good website that allows you to delve into the information about the x39 at whatever level you want to whether it's at a superficial level or at a deep level includes you know that includes the patents it includes scientific studies testimonials and interviews with doctors for example
so we recommend a 90-day protocol x39 Works wherever your body needs it most that means that although you may have a knee pain you're hoping to improve don't be disappointed if at 90 days the knee pain hasn't improved usually it has but the stem cells are always going to where the stem cells that are being activated are always going to where the body knows healing is needed
so it may be that you have some changes in the brain that need healing first or that you've got some fatty liver that needs reversing first and your body will choose where the stem cells go to first but rest assured if you take it if you use it for 90 days you will find there is an improvement in your body and the important thing is to make sure you are drinking plenty of water
we actually recommend you use it for at least 90 days preferably for 90 days plus an additional month for every decade of life so so if you're 60 we recommend Irecommend that you use it for nine months as an example
this is one example of one of the studies that we have so we have many scientific studies in this particular study there were is a a case series of I think 15 different people in each case we're looking at the brain scan looking for inflammation it also looks at stem cell activity and it also looks at brain coherence so in the first one before x39 is applied we findthere's a lot of inflammation in the brain shown by this redness here we see there's very little stem cell activity
these are independent measures that they used in the study and a lack of brain coherence here we have after just three weeks on x39 you can see the reduction in red inflammation the the red areas that reflect higher levels of inflammation there's no more inflammation and there's improved brain coherence
and then when we look at six weeks of using x39 every day as instructed there's a complete turnaround with improved stem cell activity and better brain coherence
as you age the stem cells in your organs including your brain your heart your liver your lungs your kidneys and skin go dormant and what we're doing here is waking those adult SK stem cells up so that they can have more effect in the body
we also have this study looking at the inflammation in the heart and here we have day one you can see there's a lot of inflammation here um yeah around the the the ventricles here and and here after two months we see a reduction in the intensity of that and after five months a even greater Improvement
this study is great here we look at um a pain in the shoulders you've got inflammation again reflected by the most red areas or even white areas the white areas are reflecting higher inflammation than the red areas even so we've got a lot of inflammation across the shoulders and across the central back area and here we have after just 30 minutes of using the x39 patch a reduction here and here and this is reflected we find in many many cases with a reduction in pain as well as this measurable reduction in inflammation
here we have a a woman's hands this is a very common area at the base of the thumb very common area for the first part of the first presentation of osteoarthritis we've got pain in the and inflammation in the hand here and even with just carrying the patch for 30 minutes we've got a reduction showing on this scan
so people say Well it must be the placebo effect although those scans suggest it's not...well horses don't have a placebo effect and dogs don't have a placebo effect because they've not got expectations from what we're doing
here we have a horse before and after using life wave I believe this may have been energy enhancer on a regular basis for a period of months but you can see the reduction in inflammation there and this video is profound it just leaves me speechless every time so I just like you to watch and listen to this this is a little dachshund...'
I enable professionals to become expert communicators even when under pressure.
5moThese non-invasive patches offer impressive benefits for both humans and animals, making them a unique and powerful wellness technology. Thanks for sharing John Vanek
Transformational Life Coach | Leadership Mentor | Speaker & Trainer | Empowering Women to thrive Beyond Stress
5moFantastic review John Vanek and how this technology is working for wellbeing. Thanks for sharing.
Master Your Presence For Success. Leadership Advisor, Speaker, Facilitator & Strategist.
5moJohn Vanek - how wonderful to have the input of a medical professional! And I love the fact of using it for animals! So often today, you are simply told to take a pill! And I know people who take TWELVE pills a day!! You need to get your message out there!
Founder - Succeed From The Start - Where You Matter, and so does Your Message!
5moIt's incredible to see the range of health benefits you've highlighted, both from a perspective as a medical doctor and a user John Vanek
💫 The Superconscious Mind Communicator | Are your unconscious patterns sabotaging your business/career and life? | Spirituality & Business | Thriving Career Through 1:1 & Group Coaching
5moInteresting to see the use of these patches on animals too and a review by a medical professional John Vanek 👏🏼💞