Dreams of a Meritocracy.
I caught myself pontificating, tripping over my words and thoughts in a prophetic blur of contemplation. With those thoughts, I return again to this 'system' of ‘Just The Way It Is’. Or that there is a ‘system’ at all. When by all measure the ‘system’ currently in place is highly flawed leaving a trail of shattered dreams and empty bank accounts in its wake.
I can stay vague and unobtrusive to save offending a few, but what I speak, or write as it were, is of the ‘system’ of filmmaking, which is inclusive of commercials and TV in case you wondered, inclusive of a very large group of highly skilled workers.
The issue at hand, effecting tens of thousands of craftspeople is being ignored by a ‘system’ that has created a script with a secret code for a failing upward scenario.
I see so many get rich quick schemes, classes on filmmaking, offerings by guru’s, festivals, schools and so on, with little to no tangible results. Probably because they are catering to a group that is ostensibly uninvited, as Alanis Morissette serenaded. The box office is proving the ‘system' or 'script’ isn’t working, yet so many profess the ‘script’ is the only way. Obfuscated within is the secret code for entry for those select few, ignoring the possibilities as set forth by the unbridled successes of the ‘OUTLIERS'. The attention to reverse engineering, through higher education and a selective process isn’t working. Inversely, in the underworld, there is an ‘open market’, a flea market-like bizarre where offerings are made in the shadows of the Kingdom, it appears to be a lotta snake oil, a focus on making a living off of people who want to make a living. There is no ‘real’ energy or effort put into the bigger picture of the road paved by the outliers. I’ve seen classes offered on how to a be a successful filmmaker given by a ‘professional’, yet that professional doesn’t seem to be interested in championing careers without a steep entry fee and even then so, I see little to no evidence of loftier goals. (I do understand the need to make a living)
As if their entire focus is making a few bucks and just sticking to the reverse engineered script. So much so that it negates all random possibilities within their midst and the power they could yield if they created community and embraced history.
Filmmaking is not a meritocracy, I accept that, decision makers are seemingly hellbent to find the next ‘wunderkind’ plucked from the select, homogenized, accepted places, while ignoring the potential and historical value of outliers like Stallone or Cameron. (See the list from my last post, inclusive of filmmakers who didn’t and do not fit the ‘script’.)
(This newsletter should emanate self promotion)
Amongst my peers, yes myself included are those who have the education, experience and chutzpah to go the distance and be an asset as a leader in filmmaking aka a Director. That many of us were not afforded the right neighbor, school or upbringing is not our fault. The ladder to success is long and steep, many stay hopeful that someday the meritocracy will rise up, despite the potholes, roadblocks and gate keepers at the castle walls.
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Let’s be frank! Many of us long to predict the future, I am not alone.
I can dream can’t I?
Many of us feel the rush of a film where the underdog comes out victorious. ‘Rocky’ anyone? How about ‘Shawshank’? And as much as the filmmaking world likes to tell that story, it seems it isn’t a script or story that holds any value for the decision makers. It’s a cute mascot, a fantasy at best, propaganda at its worst. The story of that dream has been homogenized, deodorized, derived and regurgitated to keep the dreamers dreaming, while the royals spend at will on lavish parties and self serving awards, celebrating their failures in the name of a few bucks and massive losses for all involved, only to reward and redeem the anointed ones, rinse and repeat..
Ignored are the possibilities of mining for a few diamonds in the rough, because, let's face it, shopping on Rodeo with the company card is so much easier.
Lastly I end with the pontification that led me to the diatribe you just suffered through:
“It’s much bigger than what we do once we have a gig, its all the work we do before that, it's community, it's supporting filmmakers and being one yourself, giving voice to ourselves and those around us. The current system is very flawed. In a way those outside are the serfs to the royalty on the inside, too many folks are gathered outside the gates unwilling to support comrades, they seem to be solely focused on capturing the eye of the obscure princess. I mean that as more of a parable, but I am certainly feeling like a blind eye is turned to the flock working the proverbial mines. How this will manifest I do not know, but at best surround yourself with filmmakers and good people who are altruistic, those who support one another and those interested in telling bigger stories and not just navel-gazing."