Earn, Save, and Spend Money
Today, we will discuss three important topics:
- Earning Money
- Saving Money
- Spending Money
These three things are essential for living a good and fulfilling life. If someone understands them correctly, their life becomes much better, even to the extent that the lives of the people around them, such as family members, friends, and relatives, also improve. Now, let’s look at these three aspects in detail, one by one.
Earning Money:
In today's world, money is necessary for survival. And if someone says that money isn’t important, only love is, then my friend, that's an outright lie. The person you love cannot live on air alone; they need money for food and drink.
Now, what happens is that a person spends their entire life trying to earn money. Look, life is going to pass anyway; time can’t be stopped, but we can make both the time that has passed and the time that is to come better. This is in our hands, 95% of it. (The remaining 5% are those who lose everything and end up taking their own lives.)
In today's time, earning money is very easy, but it’s also very difficult. Those who are earning are happy, but those who aren’t, the problem is they can’t find a way to earn. I mean, there are some paths that are right in front of everyone, some people adopt them, but some don’t. Like coming onto social media. Some people easily come onto social media and earn money through their skills, and some people earn money through family connections. Everyone has their own way.
But what about those who can’t come onto social media? How do they earn? They need an idea to earn money. Now, some people have an idea and a little investment, they follow the idea and earn money. But there are some who spend their entire lives doing the same job, receiving salaries, and leading an ordinary life. They too get married in life, they too go out for food or travel occasionally, but their way is different.
Anyway, the discussion was about earning money. Some people manage to earn money, and some don’t, that's the truth. Then their lives go on separately. They experience the same festivals, but the way they celebrate differs.
Look, whatever happens, you will have to earn money, no matter how, if you want to stay alive, money is necessary. Whether you earn through a job, by doing business, or by doing any small labor. If you don’t earn money, life won’t just be difficult for you; it will be difficult for those who depend on you, like your parents, wife, children, or siblings.
So it’s better to do whatever makes you happy and is also a good job. Now if you’re happy doing a job, then do it; if you’re happy doing business, then do that. Pick any field, like look online, freelancing, e-commerce, crypto, marketing, designing, learn something and start doing it so that others don’t suffer because of you.
Saving Money:
This is the action that comes after earning money, where people start saving what they are earning. But even in this, people can be right or wrong. For example, a simple example is that in villages, people often say to each other, “Brother, how much will you save? Sometimes eat and drink something, always buying the cheapest things, never throwing a party, never buying anything for yourself.”
The point is that when we start earning, we should start saving as well, definitely do it, it will be useful later. It will help your family, your marriage, your children, so saving is very important. But there is a method to saving, like a normal rough calculation, if you earn 100, you should save at least 30% at all costs, and the remaining 70% should cover your and your household expenses. After that, some will be for food and drink, some extra things for the house, this will all happen in your 50%, and you will still have 20% left. You can invest that money, or use it however you see fit.
But there’s an opposing method as well, which is after earning 100, save 60-70%, and spend the remaining 30-40%. People do that too, but the person doing either of these two methods is different, living in different environments, with different conveniences and difficulties, so you’ll know which category you fall into. So save according to that, but it’s very important.
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Spending Money:
Now, the topic of spending money, if I start, I won’t be able to finish, but I’ll write something briefly. I’ll tell you about some lifestyles, and then you tell me if this life is okay. If you can correctly understand and answer about this lifestyle, you’ll automatically know how money should be spent.
I saved a lot, then I started a business, now I’ve made an office, hired a lot of people, and I’m running a business. Now my routine is something like this: I wake up at 7 AM, get ready, have a normal, quick breakfast, then take the car and go to the office. There, I start office work right away, see everyone, look at new projects, then stay busy like this, everyone goes home, but I stay late because it’s my office, my business, so I keep an eye on it. I’m so busy in life, so busy in business that I don’t get time to spend with the staff. A good time, just queries related to business are shared, otherwise, there’s no sitting together to share something, no giving a party to the staff, no dinner, nothing like that. No outside gathering, no seminar, no personal or educational meeting. I’m so busy and strict with work that I don’t give the staff any relaxation. I have a lot of money, but I don’t spend it anywhere except on my projects. Then I go home like this, my kids are studying in good schools and universities, so there’s no special time to meet them because they mostly study abroad.
Life is going on like this, at night I think about the business and go to sleep, then the morning routine starts again. Let’s say we’re enjoying 10% of life, maybe, and the rest is 90% work. Life is passing like this, moving towards old age, the children are even busier than us because they’re already involved in business with us, and the rest of the time on mobile.
This scene ends with death.
If someone asks me, I find this life absolutely not good, it’s very boring. Maybe the life of a person in the hospital isn’t like this, they probably do something new every day, meet their family, and try to enjoy a little. Now I feel that life should be a little like I’m about to describe.
Woke up in the morning, had breakfast with everyone, enjoyed it, as soon as everyone left, I also went to the office, asked everyone how they were, asked about their work. If the team is big, I asked the team leader about everyone’s condition. Had a meeting weekly or monthly, or asked someone via email. If someone has an issue, tried to resolve it. Shared some things with them too, took their ideas. Had some fun with special people, or explained something to a junior.
During the day, took a short break during work, had something light to eat, or as soon as there was time, offered tea to someone. Then spent the day enjoying work, in easy mode, without taking too much tension, observing and thinking about everything.
Then in the evening, offered tea to everyone together, or had something to eat and had a little chat. As soon as it got dark, wished everyone to stay happy or said something good and let them go home.
Came home, met everyone, spent some time with the family, talked to the kids, guided them, or listened to their talks, then had some fun.
At night, lay down on the bed peacefully, and after thinking for a while about something good or an old memorable moment, fell asleep.
This is a good life, enjoying with money, money is coming in, money is being saved, and there’s peace too.
So friends, the conclusion of my talk is that spending money is also an art, it should be understood, and used to make your life better.
Valuable Points:
1. Earning money may be difficult, but it’s not impossible.
2. Saving money is essential to secure your future.
3. Spend money wisely so that you can have peace in your life.
This article is a reminder to value money, earn it correctly, save it, and spend it wisely so that your life gets better, and so do the lives of those around you.
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6moVery informative