Ecological Aquaculture
Find out more about harnessing farm-scale water dynamics, designing aquaculture systems into those dynamics and designing more high intensity ecological aquaponics systems in our Aquaponics Course:
In permaculture the aim is to use the behavioural constants of water to our advantage in design. In doing so, we mustn’t only address water harvesting and storage, but we also should think about hydrating the landscape and using water to enhance life and biodiversity.
Water is a major factor limiting production of crops and the increasing scarcity of water is poised as a major issue in global politics in the future. Water plays a crucial role in understanding site characteristics and is often of central focus in the layout and integration of systems on a farm.
Our role in perpetuating a full, healthy and balanced hydrological cycle is vastly important for our renewed success as ecological stewards on planet Earth. Common techniques include the use of earthworks, stacked plant material, animals, and the keyline plough to help create the edge for water to rest, spread itself and infiltrate. To further increase its infiltration rate we support the system with bio-diverse plantings with a focus on forests and perennial vegetation as well as stimulating a diverse soil food web.
At the heart of permaculture design is the concept of getting multiple positive benefits from an element incorporated into the design of as system. The construction of swales and ponds and wetlands to re hydrate and nourish and landscape and restore it productivity and benefit to wildlife, can also be beneficially linked to aquaculture production.
Higher in the landscape the swale and pond systems established in a typical permaculture design are more prone to drying out in dry seasons and do not represent a consistent habitat for aquaculture production, However as the volume and permanence of water in the landscape multiples lower in the catchment, the opportunities for aquaculture production becomes more numerous.
The simplest expression of this is large ponds lower in the landscape - linked to swales and smaller ponds higher in the landscape. The catchment uphill should ideally bee protected and stabilised by a diversity pf perennial grasses, shrubs and trees - that are growing healthily and preserving the water retention capacity of the soil.
This upstream system acts as a water storage battery, allowing for more reliable and consistent levels of water in downstream larger ponds. It is these ponds that offer the best potential for incorporating aquaculture practices. This may include crayfish, crayfish, perch, goldfish, trench or eels - depending on local laws and available fish stocks.
When approaching water storage systems, we can calculate the volume of water a catchment will deliver, and we must account for those weather occurrences that exceed averages, making sure that we have safe routes for overflow. Water storage makes spaces far richer in life, both in the water itself and around it. We can potentially increase that catchment space for water storages and the productivity of sites by adding swales to them and planting trees downslope. For our own use, when we catch water as high as possible in the landscape, we have the potential for it being gravity-fed rather than relying on energy inputs. Then, we can work our water storage down the landscape for life systems.
The rate of movement of water through the cycle can be altered dramatically through changes we make to the land surface. Vegetation and wetlands act like sponges to slow and absorb water during wet times of the year. When we replace vegetation and wetlands with impervious surfaces (roading, paving, parking areas, rooftops, etc.), less water infiltrates into the ground and more water flows directly into streams through drainage ditches and stormwater drainage pipes. The increased runoff may cause a variety of problems, including flooding, streambank erosion, sedimentation and pollution.
Small dams and storage tanks scattered throughout a landscape are extremely valuable for providing wildlife and domesticated animals with water. They also capture water surpluses when they are there so that we can take advantage in drier times. They can be used for aquaculture, providing both aquatic plants and animals, which creates nutrient flows into our system. Dams moderate the destructiveness of floods, lessen the effects of drought, and decrease the likelihood of wildfires. It’s important to have dams both high in the landscape, where they cost more to construct but provide higher energy value, as well as in less sloped landscapes, where life tends to congregate.
Aquaculture is the growing of human food, both plant and animal, in water. There is a constant supply of water whereas land-based systems are often limited by a lack of water which limits production capability. The solubility of nutrients in water is of particular ease for plant uptake. An aquaculture system provides more produce for the same area of land than any animal farming method. It is the most efficient way to develop high quality meat with lots of protein, fats and oils. Even a small pond provides enough fish to improve diets and health significantly.
Aquaponics refers to any system that combines conventional aquaculture (raising aquatic animals such as snails, fish, crayfish or prawns in tanks) with hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a symbiotic environment. In normal aquaculture, excretions from the animals being raised can accumulate in the water, increasing toxicity. In an aquaponic system, water from an aquaculture system is fed to a hydroponic system where the by-products are broken down by Nitrifying bacteria initially into nitrites and subsequently into nitrates , which are utilized by the plants as nutrients, and the water is then recirculated back to the aquaculture system.
Though wetlands are the highest yielding systems on earth, aquaculture was worked out of Western agriculture in favour of industrial fishing, but we are now realizing how aquaculture affects many other systems: recharging rivers, filtering water, depositing nutrient.
Aquaponics is a production system that integrates aquaculture (the growing of fish, water plants or invertebrates) with hydroponics (growing plants). The benefits of integrating these systems is that the fish provide the natural fertility of fish wastes that provide a constant high-quality source of nutrients to grow plants, which in turn filter these nutrients out of the water to provide the fish with cleaner water.
By connecting these systems with pumps higher oxygen levels and thus higher fish densities can be achieved, allowing for high rates of production in limited spaces. This allows for compact and effective systems to be designed that can be located anywhere from a basement / spare room to a deck or backyard. This high output production system can grow almost any plant at optimal growth rates and can also be used for effective propagation of plants from cuttings.
The main principle of aquaponics is very simple and mirrors nature. Fish are grown in tanks and nutrient-rich water from these tanks is pumped into hydroponic beds where vegetables, herbs, flowers and other crops absorb the nutrients for growth and purify the culture water, which is returned to the fish rearing tanks. Although the fish are living in a tank, in essence they are being raised in a river where their waste products are swept away and replaced with clean water. The plants are grown in water containing high levels of oxygen and nutrients – everything they need – without the problems associated with soils, such as weeds, soil diseases and pests, heavy metal and other toxicant issues and an often-experienced lack of oxygen or moisture. Plants remove only the water they need for growth.
Different methods for farming food (insects, plants and worms) within and around the system means no additional inputs are required to feed the fish. For example, mounds of compostable materials will attract insects, which can be sieved out as fish feed. There are simple ways to coax termites, grasshoppers, and other insects into the water. Worm farms can be directly beside or floating atop ponds. Hanging containers of rotting carcasses can cultivate maggots, which will fall into the pond. Fodder pond sequences can help to grow vegetation, small aquatic animals, and forage fish to feed the stock fish, as well as clean water to irrigate forests and gardens for more production.
The application of aquaponics is a growing trend with many people finding useful application of this technology for high rates of production in small urban properties, without the mess and complexities of growing in soil with the more complex relationships of soil fertility and biology and pest and weed control.
The pumps, which don’t require much energy, can be run on solar power, making it very low-impact. Natural ponds can also include some fish and crayfish, which can help with cleaning the water. Unlike chemical pools, the abundance of life in a natural pool signifies the water is clean.
Trustee at IEML
4yWell written Richard, the model you are suggesting does not take into effect external climatic factors, for example the effects of acid rain, the increase of soil ph levels and the rise of salt levels, in areas that were pristine only a few years ago
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4yThe aquaponics system, will NZ have suitable fish?