Electrify Your Communications Strategy
Communicating is like electricity--you don't really think about it when it's working. But if it's unreliable, poorly conducted, (or nonexistent), it can leave your audience, coworkers, or personal relationships in the dark.
Some people in your organization (or maybe even you) might wonder: why does communication strategy matter? Really--what's so hard about sending out emails and writing stuff?
If communication is electricity, your communications team is the power grid.
They keep the current of ideas flowing throughout the organization and concentrate energy where it is needed most. Purposeful communication has the power to energize an entire company.
Looking to revamp your communications strategy? Here is the criteria our department uses to gut-check our ability to keep the current flowing.
Your communication should be:
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PROACTIVE, whenever possible, and TIMELY if reactive
The nuts and volts (see what I did there?) of communication strategy may not be inherently fascinating. I know I don't have much desire to learn about the wiring in my house or why my hair dryer won't work in another country. But I bet you would still want your coffee maker to turn on in the morning.
Effective communications is strategic. Electricity doesn't happen by accident. Every day, your messages are competing with notifications and emails and social media and Zoom calls and to-do lists. Without a powerful grid to deliver your messages, you might as well be working by candlelight (ok, the metaphor may have fallen apart a bit, but you get the idea).
Communications experts are important. A communications team does a lot behind the scenes to keep the lights on.
Strategic Storyteller I Collaborator I Leadership Development
2ySo perfectly stated! Thank you for sharing!
Founder, How Does Disney Do That? | Author | Speaker | Strategic Communicator | Adjunct Professor |
2yGreat article, Caitlin! It really "sparked" a lot of thoughts.