① Battery Guy now ② Doctor of Engineering -- Metallurgy and Ceramic Science. Tokyo Institute of Technology (Institute of Science Tokyo since Oct. 01, 2024)
In P.R.C., c.a. 700,000,000 e-bikes are on the road.
So, the BEV shift has been successful in a small vehicle sector in P.R.C.
Japan may partially follow this trend.
However, ...
Aside from the low energy density of batteries, 200 Wh/kg or less (gasoline, 12,722 Wh/kg) ...
NIMS has announced that almost all existing Fe-reserve is going be used up by 2050, and that Li, Ni, and Mn are going to be used more than double the existing reserves.
(ii) FCV
The energy density of hydrogen can be 36,000 Wh/kg, three times larger than gasoline that is 12,722 Wh/kg. However, the volumetric energy density of hydrogen is 33% of gasoline, thus, the high-pressure tank is required.
The hydrogen-production cost-reduction has been considered challenging, however, electrolysis of water can reportedly cost JPY17-27/Nm^3 (cf. LNG can cost JPY13.3/Nm^3) by using the current electric power system network including regenerative energy with a small amount of decoupling capacity that would be supplied by batteries.
FCVs have so far been adopted for pro-use such as forklift, truck, bus et al. because of the refueling in a short time that is the MUST for professional-use.
(iii) FC-Stack/Battery power ratio
For the further FCV-spread, particularly in the passenger vehicle sector,
FC-stack cost, which is currently c.a. $200/kW, must be decreased.
One detour can be FC-stack/battery power ratio reconsideration. It tends to be thought that Toyota and Honda are superior to others, however, the other companies also have a chance.
(a) Toyota (FC-HEV)
Toyota has been using a 1.3-kWh Ni-MH battery pack that costs JPY130,000 + wages of JPY40,000-50,000, thus JPY170,000-180,000 in total.
The FC stack is 114 kW that is placed in the center of the chassis. The stack cost has been decreased to JPY660,000 (it has been expected to be decreased to JPY330,000 in 2025). Therefore, the total cost has become JPY840,000 (JPY510,000).
Well, 1.3-kWh battery is just as bulky as FC stack, though.
(b) Renault (FC range extender)
Renault uses a 33-kWh Li-ion battery pack and a 5-kW FC stack that can cost JPY450,000 and JPY29,000, respectively; thus, JPY479,000 in total.
(cf. 1) Nissan Leaf with a 30-kWh Li-ion battery pack. The battery-pack weight is 310 kg.
Considering the maneuverability and/or drivability, the motor-battery pair can generally be better than the motor-FC counter part. Toyota can offer the excellent drivability by mainly using the motor-FC pair with the assist by motor-battery-pair, though.
However, a battery pack can become heavy, or it can go up soon with a small and light one.
Then, what is the best FC/battery ratio in order to offer the best drivability and cost-effectiveness?
Both of the Nissan e-power and Honda i-MMD use small Li-ion battery packs, around 1 kWh.
(e) Others?
The green energy sector in Japan have experienced a shift in interests from FCV spread to a large-scale green/blue fire power generation, however, the shift can also push the FCV spread, particularly in China, where the hydrogen obtained as the reformed gas is available at at the equivalent price of natural gas.
According to Yoshikawa et al. (『吉川大雄 他、「燃料電池自動車のシステム評価と走行特性」、日本機械学会論文集(B編)、2002年、68巻、665号、No.01-0143』), the FC-HEV equivalent to the max. power of 1500-cc HEV, of which batteries are used within SOC=40-70% (only regenerative-braking can charge the batteries up to SOC=80%) are as follows:
(Supplementary 2)
According to Sakai et al. (『酒井政信 他、「高精度内部抵抗センシング技術を用いた自動車用燃料電池湿潤制御システムの開発」、自動車技術会論文集、2015年、第46巻、p.1073-1078.』), the size- and cost-reduction of PEFC has been conducted by (1) increasing the current density and (2) lowering the humidity upon operation.
Here, Ra, Cd, and Rr denote the activation polarization resistance, electric double layer capacitance, and ionic/electronic resistance, respectively.
The Nyquist plot becomes a semi-circle: it is simple, so, a V-I plot is, instead, shown here.
Ra-Cd high-frequency component is mainly attributed from the activation polarization on water generation at the cathode. The H2O generation from O2 takes place after
the H+ diffusion through the electrolyte and ionomers from the anode to the cathode,
O2 permeation from the air to Pt catalysts at the cathode through the ionomers.
This process takes place at the solid-liquid-gas three-phase interface, thus, an electric double layer capacitance must be included in the model.
Rr low-frequency component is composed of
the resistance of H+ conduction through the electrolyte and the resistance of electron conduction through the separator, the gas-diffusion layer, and the catalyst layer, and
the resistance of the gas (mainly O2) diffusion. Note that the flooding mainly occurs at the cathode gas-diffusion layer and the cathode catalyst layer.
FC is usually operated at the maximum power. According to Yoshikawa et al., V-I and P-I curves becomes as follows:
There is a case that FC is not operated at the maximum power. According to Manabe et al., the cold start has been achieved within 1 minute by (1) decreasing the moisture content to ~ 0% upon stop of a fuel cell system, (2) improved water-drainage from MEA upon the stop, and (3) temperature-rise rate maximization upon start of a fuel cell system by (a) reducing the heat capacity (by using the metal-based separator), by (b) pulling out a larger current than usual, and by (c) increasing oxygen concentration overpotential (by lowering air/fuel ratio *1). 『真鍋昇太等、「燃料電池ハイブリッド自動車における燃料電池急速暖気運転の開発」、自動車技術会論文集、2010年、第41巻、p.1379-1385.』
*1: According to Naganuma, the lowest oxygen excess ratio (= O2-supplied/O2-reacted ratio) for the cold start is 1.03 that can suppress the H2 regeneration at the cathode (so-called pumping H2 generation). 『長沼良明等、「氷点下環境での燃料電池急速暖気制御の開発」、自動車技術会論文集、2013年、第44巻、p.1021-1026.』
Electrolyte (ionomers) oxidation (decomposition), which results in the Ra-increase, resulting from the reaction with hydroxy radicals, HO・ and H2O・ which are the products of the reaction between the peroxide, H2O2, and the impurities such as Fe2+ and Cu2+, thus usually the radical quencher, Ce3+ or Mn2+, is added to the layer,
Anode catalyst deactivation (when the fuel does not contain CO, this does not take place.),
Cathode catalyst oxidation (then, dissolves)/reduction (then re-precipitates) resulting in the decrease in the specific surface area of catalyst particles and the carbon oxidation resulting in the cathode catalyst loss (Ra increases and Cd decreases), and
Cathode gas-diffusion deterioration, which results in the Rr-increase, mainly resulting from the water-repellent material loss (see the above-mentioned electrolyte oxidation).
In 2015, Toyota reported that the worst case scenario is 15% power decline per 15 years. The durability has been improved year by year because of new composition/structure catalysts, the new catalyst support, the operation scheme etc.
Supplementary on #3: "Cathode catalyst oxidation/reduction resulting in the decrease in the specific surface area." According to Sugawara (『菅原優、固体高分子形燃料電池模擬環境における白金の溶解機構、ま て り あ、第53巻、第4 号、(2014)、p165-p169.』),
The PEFC stack voltage can reach 0.6-0.95 V upon FCV-driving, and can reach 1.5 V upon start if air exists at the anode.
Platinum (Pt) can chemically dissolve at 0.8 V or higher, thus, when the oxidation of Pt at >= 0.8 V and the reduction at < 0.8 V take place over and over again, Pt particles will grow and decrease the specific surface area, resulting in the lower output current limit. Note that oxide surface layer of Pt grains are stable at >= 0.8 V; even so, repeated oxidation/reduction can increase the risk of the Pt particles' dissolution and re-growth.
(3) PEFC Control
Materials mass-transfers are the rate-determining steps: it is obvious from the above-mentioned current-voltage curve and the equivalent circuit model.
The largest time constant is - 100 s on time-varying temperature, T(t).
The second largest is - 10 s on the inertia.
The third is - 1 s on reactants pressure, p(t).
The fourth, electrochemical reaction, is quite fast.
Thus, the main objective of the fuel cell control system becomes reactants supply.
Air supply is slower than hydrogen supply, then, hydrogen supply is controlled by receiving the cathode inlet manifold pressure as a pilot signal.
As such, the compressor drive voltage is controlled by receiving the air mass flow rate or the air pressure, the stack voltage, and the current withdrawn from the stack.
By withdrawing the current, the stack voltage decreases because of the oxygen depletion; therefore, the cathode must be quickly replenished with oxygen. Otherwise, the stack cannot continue to supply the electric power, and can be deteriorated.
In 2004, Pukrushpan et al. listed up the work required in the future as follows:
Each component model, such as compressor or blower, manifold, etc.
Stack humidity model, including flooding.
Spatially distributed partial pressures and temperature.
Hydrogen recirculation, which can cause the control delay because of the additional volume.