Embrace Your Weirdness! What is Normal Anyway?

Embrace Your Weirdness! What is Normal Anyway?

As millions of women gather in various places in honor of International Women’s day this week, I thought it was fitting to not only honor women who have stood up for many important causes as well as controversial topics over the years, but to also reflect upon what difference each one of us makes as a WOMAN.

Have you really ever thought about how BEING who you are not WHAT YOU DO, makes a difference in someone’s life? I encourage you to ACCEPT yourself for who you are. No strings attached. Too many of us are focused on

1) seeking perfection (we want to be right and we don’t want to fail),

2) asking for permission (getting someone else’s approval) and

3) people pleasing, (or following the rules so we don’t hurt someone else’s feelings).

What would happen if you just showed up as who you are and did and said what felt good and in the moment.

… So what if you make a mistake and its not perfect

… So what if someone doesn’t like your idea, do you love it? Go for it.

… So what if someone else misinterprets what you say or takes it personally

I myself have worried too much about what others will think of me. If I say or do something that comes to mind, what will someone else think? Is what I am doing or thinking NORMAL?

Many times we question, Is this "NORMAL"? We look for permission from others to see if what we are thinking or feeling is okay. I many times catch myself saying things like "I'm just weird", "Is that normal" or "I'm just crazy."

What the heck is NORMAL anyway?!?!? Who defines what normal is? And if everyone were normal, what fun would that be? Where would the creativity and spontaneity be?

Why do we doubt ourselves and feel bad about what we think or feel? It could feel shameful, wrong, against the rules, or not approved by someone else. Why do we do this to ourselves?

I am done looking for normal

I am done trying to be normal

I am done trying to fit into someone else's expectations of me

I am done looking for others to validate that what I think or feel is normal

I am done worrying about feeling weird or crazy, questioning if what I think or say is normal.

I know my truth and accept myself for who I am (weirdness and all). It takes courage to step up, claim your power, speak your truth and use your voice. Step into confidence, ask for what you really want and command the respect and credibility that you deserve. It all begins with accepting and claiming ALL OF YOU! Weird parts and all.

If every woman embraced her weirdness, we would see so many more creative, strategic, innovative ideas being born. There is no need for validation from others. Be who you are weird, crazy, quirks and all. It's all good. In fact, those are likely the things that make you special and unique.


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