Pascal Rhubane, a new refugee from the Democratic Republic of Congo, faced immense challenges after arrival and settling in Nakivale Refugee Settlement. His most pressing concern during this time was finding a decent place to relieve himself and his family of eight.
He recalls their initial struggles walking some distance to the temporary communal latrines, built with old tarps, logs, and plastic slabs. These communal latrines were unpleasant and often littered with feces. Sharing these facilities with other families puts them at risk of contracting diseases like cholera.
"The congestion was terrible," Pascal recounts. "We often had to defecate while others waited outside."
These inconveniences drove Pascal and his family to seek help from a neighbor's newly constructed latrine. However, the inconvenience of sharing and the owner's complaints soon forced them back to the open fields.
"Open defecation was rampant," Pascal says. "I hated whenever I wanted to relieve myself because of the lack of a proper and clean latrine."
Poverty further compounded their predicament. With no income beyond the daily rations, Pascal felt helpless. Then, in March 2023, with financial support from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), Action Against Hunger intervened through its Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) program. They selected Pascal's family to receive a latrine.
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"Oh, the joy when I saw my name on the list!" Pascal exclaims.
"Action Against Hunger's WASH team, through its VHTs (Village Health Teams) and CBFs (Community Based Facilitators), provided crucial education. They taught us the importance of latrine construction, proper sanitation practices, and hygiene habits like handwashing at critical times. These sessions were eye-opening. Learning about the dangers of open defecation and the importance of clean water and handwashing has improved my life."
Today, Pascal and his family have a private, convenient latrine they can use anytime, regardless of the weather. The iron-sheet roof and concrete slab ensure durability and all-season comfort.
Pascal's story serves as a testament to the critical role of sanitation and hygiene in refugee settlements. He remains grateful to Action Against Hunger for providing durable latrines and WASH education to other vulnerable families in Nakivale.