Encounter between Truth and Lie
The parable of the Encounter between Truth and Lie tells the story of a casual meeting between these two characters.
One day, Truth and Lie met. Lie said to Truth, "Today is a wonderful day!" Truth looked up at the sky and saw that the day was indeed beautiful. They walked together for a while until they reached a well. Lie said to Truth, "The water is great, let's bathe together!" Truth, once again cautious, tested the water and found it to be pleasant.
Then, they both undressed and entered the well. However, suddenly, Lie jumped out of the water, put on Truth's clothes, and ran away. Truth, unable to wear Lie's clothes, chose to remain naked, rejecting falsehood.
Since then, Lie has been running around dressed as Truth, and people often struggle to tell one from the other. However, Truth, though naked, is always present, even if it is sometimes hard to accept.
This parable reflects the idea that truth can be uncomfortable or hard to face, while lies often disguise themselves with appealing appearances.