Energy Audits: Should You Get One?
An energy audit is an evaluation of your home that investigates current energy utilization and afterward recognizes energy productivity estimates that you can direct to make your home more effective. IAG is the energy audits expert. An energy audit can evaluate where your house is losing the most energy, and afterward proposes enhancements to make to assist with saving energy - and decrease your service bills.
Professional energy audits can take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 hours to complete, depending on the size of your home. These professional auditors use a variety of tools to establish problem areas within your property and come up with a list of suggested measures and actions that you can take in order to make your home more efficient.
Here’s what a typical energy audit might look like in your home:
These are some of the more common steps taken in an energy audit. However, depending on the scope and the tools in your energy auditor’s arsenal, there may be some additional steps taken (such as thermographic inspections).
The recommendations that your energy auditor makes for your home depends on the scope of the audit. Some lightweight suggestions may be switching to more efficient lighting, sealing air leaks from doors or adding weather stripping. Some larger suggestions might include more insulation, or replacing windows that are causing drafts in your home.
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How much does an energy audit cost, and how much can you save?
What you pay for a professional energy audit can depend on the company and the size of your property (some companies offer fixed rates, while others will charge more for a larger home). That being said, do your research – some utility companies, nonprofits or governmental organizations specific to your local area may offer free energy audits.
Even as a paid service, the upfront cost for an energy audit audit and for the following energy efficiency measures taken will be worth it when you’re saving on your electricity bills later on. By making energy efficiency upgrades in your home, you can save five to 30 percent on your energy bills.
How to conduct your own mini home energy audit ?
While having a professional do your energy audit is the best way to identify the problem areas in your home, there are a few energy savings tips that can help you make energy efficiency improvements on your own.
Here are some more case studies which will help you better perform the energy audits and help you to figure out whether to have an energy audit or not.