Engaging Parents: Let’s Get Real
Engaging families goes beyond having a big welcome sign on the door. How welcoming is your program? Would you happen to know what issues families are having? Are there staff assumptions regarding parents? Are families empowered and honored? Is parental input an integral part of the program? How is information shared with families?
I have some ideas for you to ponder.
Involving Parents
Do you have a rich volunteer program? There are so many ways for your school to benefit from parent involvement. A richly decorated volunteer bulletin board with pictures, a Volunteer of the month certificate, and letters of recognition can help you highlight the program. Invite parents to volunteer in areas they enjoy, whether reading a book, working in the office, or creating bulletins. Hanging up posters detailing what volunteers can do to help is a great way to ensure adequate support. Sometimes a snide remark by staff can distance parents. You will need to train staff on how to work with volunteers properly.
Supporting Home Learning
Children spend so many hours at home. How do you stretch the learning? Teach parents to carry over the knowledge. Make home learning exciting by sending home assignments in customized paper bags or sending easy puppets for children’s reading partners.
It takes a Village
Establishing community relations will help your program as a whole and the parents. Give community organizations as much accurate information as possible about your Head Start program, students’ skills and resources, and community service. Brightly colored flyers advertising events to the community can attract an audience. Meet with local educational groups to “talk shop” about how you can best help families. Create a booklet and video that provide helpful information to community organizations about Head Start policies, personnel, assistance, resources, and volunteer opportunities.
Setting up Events
They consider varied family needs and preferences when scheduling meetings and events. Think about offering child care, transportation, and refreshments for participating families. Fun name tags are a great way to welcome parents. Don’t forget-staff should wear name tags too!
Establishing Parent Places
Do parents have where to hang out in your program? Set up a mini parent lounge with educational magazines, comfy chairs, and a water cooler, and let parents shoot a breeze. Maintain a welcoming bulletin board that includes visitor information, announcements, news articles, and photographs of recent school events.
Remember, a smile is a universal welcome! How do you engage families? Leave your comments below!
Franchise Support Consultant - Discovery Point Child Care
2yI love all of these. So helpful in this business of family and children.
Director of Social Care and Volunteer Initiatives at Wesley Family Services
2yGood practical tips! Thank you!
2yI have a new slant to provide to "parent engagement" and "parent involvement." It is "parent-child bonding and attachment," and that is what provides the core for all child success. In addition, it starts at birth and takes place in five areas--cognitive, motor, social, language and self-esteem. There is a lot of guidance available for this concept.