Enormous Breakthroughs by DGI found to be Universal! Communications and Energy, Money and Health, Mind

In the refrigerator of Life, the sex and money lights are always on

Photo is of the human condition since '08. In case you have not been following Department of Good Ideas.com meteoric rise among thinkers and clever creative problem solvers, is because finally we are using mathematics, physics, and mathematical physics to form physical solutions to our implied yet hardly spoken about opportunities to return the world to Eden-like paradise conditions. let me explain.

We have not noticed that cutting down 95% of the trees in the last 200-500 years has not only robbed us of cleaner fresher air, but of the forest molecules themselves, combination of plant varieties and animal varieties, and their feces molecules too.

Why are you so surprised? 100 Trillion microbes in your gut release "waste" into your system. No one seems to have noticed this absence of our natural environments, the ones we were designed in around the Equator (100 varieties of fruits and vegetables, not this tired 29 you see everywhere). We are waking up in Safe Mode, and I can prove this point much easier than convincing you to eat more microbial feces.

Do you remember when you went to "school" (the parenthesis should tell you where we are going, so far a murky foggy place, and we travel at night) how you were "steered towards a program." Steer: cow. Program: computer routines and habits.

The kind, light-hearted academics: You see them 30 years later, same person. Now: which ones are coming down and handing out pamphlets, at least by proxy and anonymously, about the great things they have learned by being in such a rich text environment? Is there a psychological-political WALL preventing the "freedom of speech," especially positive speech, that should be descending from say the 1600 academic researchers in a typical school, of 375,000 total in the World? Of course there is, and it should come from everyone in Communities: IDEA SHARING is the Light, the way, the free energy we all look for (other than the sum of the power from the radio and TV stations; in North America numbering about 31,000), is coming from those stations and I am investigating the nascent material science and nano-wire specifications necessary to harness that energy. For those of you in Cuba, this means I am still stuck, but working on it. Next of course, is mental energy.

Universal truths are usually read from the Book of Life; they are stand-alone truths that do not get their strength from the source of origin, but from the merit of their vision and expression: sometimes the thought is half baked, and needs more bakers.

If Juan were to really think about it, We are all radio stations, ambulatory radio-observatories. We have the pattern-analyser circuits, the more complex that are relatively near to each other are called a topological clique. I am announce that you have holes in your head whether you agree with me or not, so please take a chair, it might get rough.

Topology analyses of the cliques in the brain complex regions reveals many holes in between the circuits and the central local hubs: probably so the communication does not get confusing. Between hubs there are many holes called cycles for some macabre reason, since I would call them holes. My brain research book has a 350 page table of contents; the book itself only 30 pages.

Now, wrapped around these holes are whiter matter loops which connect all over the place, near, far, underneath, multiple connections (not to worry, we at DGI designed Connection Theory for this and other problems to be solved)(Oh, and do not worry again: I am well aware that we solve the problems of life and living only to find they have taken another form and need to be solved all over again, but it is fun to see new things in front of your Brodmann 10 region).

Can you forget the Brain-Mind complex for just one moment and let the Secrets of Life and Living enter through the front door? What do we have to connect with the world? We have a Mind, Body, Money Machine, Spirit, Social life, Projects, and Time. To uplift ourselves, we raise in us and others all these areas, and we take advantage of the POSITIVE FREE MENTAL VISUALIZATION ENERGY, the same one that makes you cry at movies: you know it's fake, but your "real" brain does not, only the projected construct of self.

The mechanism goes like this, and there are many, working on that and laundry loads. I do not want to slip into 3 loads when recently I was master of only one load per week: I do something nice for you, you show gratitude, I get pride, a watcher gets uplift. We all got energy, but where did it come from? Did we burn calories to produce it, or, perhaps more shocking S-waves from what we call the vacuum are what enable emotion, energy of motion. Keep this under your hat. This is why with 99.99% of the brain research people alive today, we are lost and being hijacked by our emotions. The vacuum is not empty, time is not what we think it is, and neither are we. If fact, we may be figments of our own imaginations.

First, the techniques themselves are denied, the very simple knowledge of most things and how they really work, and second the emotion, the energy of motion itself is compromised by little time off, too much time on, and it is all in the name of physics. There are secondary and tertiary reservoirs of important connections that only the clever, the super-creative (creativity everywhere, not super heroes:

Lucky for all of us in Canada, and so of course the world, that Warren Peace is more bee than ant, and gets pollen from all kinds of sources to make a very special honey for the queen. I am prompted by my inner self to offer "Who's your data, baby?" but will not do so. Better I make more universal truths to show we are robots, whoops! I stole my own thunder.

here is a very quick elementary school schedule:

Grade 1: reading, writing, simple calculus, quantum mechanics

Grade 2: New language begins

Grade 3: writing short stories, articles, and novels for publication and sales

Grade 4: steps to invention: 1 idea 2 design, machine components 3 prototype assembly and testing if needed (I am not going to build my new plane design, they are) 4 sell 6 fun ways, forget patent and get patent pending for $200 if you cut out the coupon at DGI. You sell it like this: Trade Shows (you make 2,3 fortunes per show, 4,5 shows a year), Establish Dealer network (both at the trade show, and door to door sales), Vendor to corporations (takes 2 years, then you make $1000 a day, until you can make $10,000 a day, but by then you are Kirk Douglas old: how handsome he was when my father and I went to see "The Vikings" in Cuba, how beautiful the palaces of the movie imagination were then!)

Grade 5: International business with phone, computer, pencil, paper

Grade 6: Film making, documentaries, selling them; service to others

Grade 7: Sports, nutrition, being of service to others

Grade 8: Ice cream, one scoop medium sized, two nuts, you've earned it! Back to work you little bastards!

The moral of the story is: the beatings will continue until the morale improves.

You don't have to worry about that, by the way, since with the advent of the use of pluripotent cells as I report at departmentofgreatideas.blogspot.com, we can even take skin cells and turn them into liver and kidney, lung tissue and here is how: A new breakthrough (by the time we blow ourselves all up we are going to have some great things going on: the world was a mixture of things as were the people. The sadness and joy is that Nature only makes machines, and those machines make other machines, and that we are those machines, programmed by light and sound, by Illusion and Hypnosis except we can't fee; that like the futurians will.

Hello, futurians, this is Warren Peace, currently having his head frozen in Texas in the space between Walt Disney and Ted Williams, you did not fool me one bit, I know that the powers of suggestion will be found to be 1000 times greater than we now know, and that you all wear silver hats and have two cell phones.

So we have this science now, Transfection which goes like this: we no longer go into your body and repair an organ, we put a little black patch near on the skin, and it is really a machine, it reprograms the skin cells to make whatever organ cell you need and delivers it in the bloodstream. Immortality! We pause while Warren Peace presents the second shortest science fiction story in the world, also having written the first. For your pleasure


The Immortal

After walking out of the clinic, the immortal was consumed with thoughts about all the things he could now do, all the tasks he could now accomplish, all the pleasures in a vast solar system.. As he crossed the street, he forgot to look four ways as immortals are advised to, so enthralled with the life ahead he did not hear the words watch out! as the maglev truck headed into him at fantastic automated speed forever; that's a pretty long time were his last thoughts.

Thank Goddess that the diamond-beryllium head casing protected his head, and that another body could easily be grown, if he did not already have one in storage, which he did, why he had gone to the clinic, to check on it. Still: Immortals need to be a little more careful.


We now return you to your life, already in progress. An Irishman walks OUT of a bar.

So, we all have these 7 filters through which we see the world and its contents: mind, body, wallet, spirit, social life, and special projects like save the world or deliver Good News pamphlets door to door in neighborhoods in all 32 Metroplexes where 85% of the people live, why aren't we doing this? DGI exhibit one, your honor.

Why is not the president engaging with the economists to create the correct information so the 80% that live paycheck to paycheck (me day to day but soon I will finally be half the man I used to be, soon), you want to see the universal truth on this? rrrr me so angry! They should have told us that the real world was the school, and that what we thought was school was a specialized skills training center: no mention of the 9 categories, UNIVERSAL in which money is made, or the 9 time engagements, so we can multiply the sum of our activities over time creating a standing wave representation of our financial money multiplication machine? Don't worry, I still can't find parking.

Without forest bio-molecules the machine-animal made from monkey-plant extract cannot regulate its moods, evident by the fact that 40% here are on some kind of drug, for the purpose of mood-altering. People's exhibit 2, your honor.

Notice: the number 2 pencil is the most popular by far, yet it is not called the number 1 pencil. Exhibit 3, your grace.

Notice: you were never handed a list of your own emotions, or a user-manual written by the last 100 B humans that walked the Earth, what: nobody knows nothing? What if I ever need to use my emotions? Is this like when for 3000 years they thought the voices in their heads were the gods, now we know it's my mother in law? What about all the psychologists, sociologists: rather quiet are they not? Should not celebrities walk door to door to stop the violence? Exhibits 4 and 5.

OK, I am from the "mama didn't raise no foo" school of observational analysis, but why is it me that has to write the book of skills that pay $40-400 per hour and gigs that pay $500-2000 per, and give it out through government publications? Should we not all have this, of course yes, and we write it all together in Idea Sharing: we lose nothing, others gain, we all get energy that at this time we do not know is there, from the vacuum, it is not empty at all, we are. Matter, meaning the physics fermions (proton, neutron, electron, maybe bits of space time) account for only 3/100,000 of the entire enchilada, so we may be the ghosts, the anomaly, the shadow people.

Door to Door we go, and we turn the business section of the newspaper into a real business section by publishing more and more entries from my basic categories found on the web, New General and Special Theory of Personal Economics: How to build your exponential business machine.

From my head there are 9 categories and we all 320 M contribute some ideas at the department, which brings you TV Travel by the way, of course, arrive before you leave technology is here, help me write the GoFundMe, I am disabled at writing proposals and filling out forms.

Benefactor * job * Business * Profession * Film and Documentary * One time business deal * Writing * Entertainment and Sports * Inventions *

Of course, money tree (money doubling) technique is there, called general business definition of, as well as good fortune exponents, as illustrated below:

A breakthrough here is that the very concepts of mathematics, physics, and mathematical physics, when combined with the brain-mind system knowledge, and a good idea of how to use the four scales of sight (OK: general look, up close look, detailed look AND the far away look to detect components, both outer and inner, hints of that in neurolinguistic programming).

The "wave packet" will have a group velocity and so will your business machine! You get it yet, I hoaxed myself during life in mis-interpreting the things we were told, and wound up in a better place! The instructions had other ways to conceptualize, stuff like ideals, go for all you know. Remember, please, no one spoke about money and they still don't: the guy that knows 100 ways to make money and uses 5, and is 75 years old where every 45 minutes it's breakfast again is not talking, is he? Can we count this one alone as exhibit 6 of "we are dropping the ball completely" trial your honor? Thank you.

Something is way wrong. The time commitments for those categories are: 5 weeks a year * 15 minutes a day * 30 minutes a day * two hours a day * two days a week * three days a week * four days a week * five days a week * six days a week fourteen hours a day (Japan); is it not obvious you form a "wave packet" and derive a "group velocity" as the sum of the incomes? These are all universal truths, I see them clearly in the Book of Life and Living, copy in my head. There are no other ways to mix categories and time, it is exhaustive and I am exhausted, good night.

How do you know, it might be tomorrow, or it might be five minutes later. I am now going to use mathematical quantum physics to show that this formula MUST be true: The analog of the moving wave packet, the sum of the waves, is here the moving of your financial money machines as a sum, through time.

Ax + Bi = Sum { C e^G} meaning: "the sum of all your expenses and big imagination incomes is equal to the sum of your business machines of the form capital times Euler's number raised to the good fortune exponent for your product or enterprise."

The good fortune exponent depends on how the market views your advertising of your product at that price, how it connects to all the players and nodes of interaction, and luck.

Now, for the people that are poor and down and out: they definitively need Community Action Groups that organize themselves around inventory, around a complete world picture view of the situation, which is then given to all the community. In the 1500's the king had the entire kingdom solve problems they had in exchange for a year's taxation in grain, and we have all this "internet" and "cell phone" and other nonsense, and we can't have inventor contests? Exhibit 7 of the descent into madness, a global atavism of unheard of proportions, even for members of extinction 6 (no middle English here; by not using it I read an extra book a year. Hey, if you don't know it's 6 on the clock, you don't need to know; I eschew middle English).

At the same time I realize I should try the fried beans; if they are good, we are wasting time by frying them again.

Mind: we are getting jacked around our febrile emotions, which we are mostly afraid to use or explore for fear that the T-shirt saying: Try Living, you might like it! is true. We all need to know and sample brain activity, reading, problem solving, use your brain like a muscle, we all need to be IDEA FACTORIES that power up and light up, ideas fixed upon ideations and our ability to riff offideations, to connect to the realities beyond the obvious ones, to the secondary and tertiary levels of information beyond the vague stereotypical surface of exposition (and I assure you, this whole 15-min essay and $6.75 cents will get you a fine coffee in a popular coffee shop). We either make ideas and put them into play in parallel (individual labs working on their ideas with local small manufacturers in win-win situations instead of stepping on the land) and in series (like a big meeting of the minds, at DGI every year).

Body: The book I wrote, Your First Real Food List is almost universal since it lists all the organs on the left and what to feed them on the right, not the junk, what your organs need, and they make everything. Now we need something to stop the cables from bursting, and we are getting the Transfection and the Neuroglin-3 (stops the way the stain-illness gets its energy). Now you might still get Irish Alzheimer's where you forget everything except your grudges, but science is working on it.

So we need idea sharing, specialized books given door to door, a complete world picture view of the entire world, all 240 countries, the Opportunity Index there, the Gross National Happiness numbers, inventors contests for one penny:

320 M people give one penny, so we have 3.2 million dollars; three inventions and one great 200 K idea is funded, and from the national profits, the next year we give two cents. Count this as we were crazy to begin with, your honor, exhibit 9.

10, exhibit 10: One million Americans die yearly in car accidents: 50 K outright, 250 K disabled badly, each affecting 3 people: 1.2 M, and we do not have an inventor contest? I am in the group that puts the airbags OUTSIDE the cars too, and slows them the f%&k down!\

Anyhow, you will find much more on the website, departmentofgoodideas.com, since that is the 500 page version of this 20 minute essay. It is called:

Department of Good Ideas: How to Build a Better World (and have lots of fun doing it!)

You have the longer version of the New General and you know theory, you have the 16 Freedoms (we lost ours in Cuba, I took inventory of what they were; the last one is to be able to go crazy in peace, to be irrational on purpose without hurting others), and the Principles of Peace and Violence and their Remedies, for violence will kill you and peace sometimes kills your physicality.

WE present our case to you, the judge and jury: are we on the right track here? Inventors needed. DGI: a central bank, a machine of ideas designed for uplift of all through cooperation: A collective of international thinkers and problem solvers here to serve and have a great time doing it. We also create lines of reasoning for the Department of Noticing What's going on. We are growing TV TRAVEL because it has to be, arrive before you leave technology finally here, DGI brought it! Adios compadre, hi ho electric blue!

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