This entrepreneur let go of her team and started again from scratch. Here’s why it quadrupled her revenue.
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This entrepreneur let go of her team and started again from scratch. Here’s why it quadrupled her revenue.

Welcome back to Big Trends in Small Biz, a weekly newsletter bringing you the news, tips and trends to help you with your business. Click subscribe above to be notified of future editions. This edition is part of #Reshuffle, a series from LinkedIn News focusing on the future of work. This week’s episode focuses on working parents:

Maryland-based entrepreneur Lana Hill had a bustling firm, multiple people on her staff and a host of clients turning to her for bookkeeping and business consulting services. She had made it. But it was coming with a steep cost: her life and time with her family. 

No matter how hard she worked, she always felt behind. And then it dawned on her that she had made a horrible mistake. She’d hired the wrong people and desperately needed a reset. So she slowly let go of her staff and started over. 

She now has a staff of all moms with kids of different ages and despite a global pandemic that has made life extraordinarily difficult for working parents, her business is thriving. She’s quadrupled revenue in 15 months and increased her profit margins by 24%, all while taking care of her own young children. 

In her #BusinessReimagined article — a series where entrepreneurs share their toughest challenges — Hill describes how she built her new team into one that supports one another and the business, the management policies that have worked and why overhauling her pricing strategy proved to be a key component of her success. 

How do you juggle the business and family life? What has helped you from your colleagues and what’s detracted? Have you ever gone back to the drawing board or are you pondering starting over now?

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Something Good

What a powerful lesson and story for us all!

Cheryl Lane, MSW, HCC

Entrepreneur, QDDP, Author, Transporter, Motivational Speaker, Executive Business Consultant and Mentor.


This is a great

Ben-Jamin Toy, HSG

Experiential Team Building: Keeping your remote, in-person, and hybrid workforces productive & engaged.


Interesting insight to see how entrepreneurs adapted during the pandemic. We all had to make big changes to keep our businesses running during these unprecedented times. Many parents saw a shift last year in their work life balance as schools closed, day cares were constantly shut down due to COVID spread, and offices switched to remote work. Everyone had to be more understanding that a child was in the room during a Zoom call or dinner needed to be on the table at 6 so the laptop needed to be shutdown at 5. I hope we bring this leading with understanding mentality into life post-pandemic and encourage healthy work life balances.

Lisa M. Liszcz, Ph.D.

Executive Coach | Career Development Coach | Accelerating Your Success


Brava, Lana Hill for your courage and creativity! And thank you, Jordyn Dahl, for highlighting how creative solutions for the right talent will always move the needle. Love this story!

Lesley Switzer

Entrepreneurial minded, start up focused,customer success manager


I love this article about doing things differently! Stay home mothers is am untapped market that want to work when they can!


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