Erdoğan's ultimate goal - stop free thinking
Turkey’s government continues to enforce 'Islam'.
We have read statements like this in Western media. This statement is not factually true. It is far truer to say the government is working to enforce the President's approved way of life.
This weekend, Turkey celebrated the 93rd anniversary of becoming a Republic.
Ironically, over the same weekend we read that the government is working to pass the reinstatement of the death penalty and soon! This begs the question; what is to become of all those army personnel, journalists, writers, judges and teachers in prison? Estimated numbers since the failed-coup is around 70k and rising.
The latest raid made was to Cumhuriyet newspaper's offices. The publication is one of the longest standing democratic papers advocating free thinking, liberal values and free markets. Being both pro-CHP (Republican People’s Party) and Ataturk’s secular principles makes this an ideal target for closure.
The President’s efforts to make schools Islamic and close down anything and jail anyone disagreeing with him is a testament to his increasing delusions and paranoia, his detachment from reality and the rest of the world.
The recent weakening of the currency to a record low and the prospect of rising inflation which mired Turkey's growth pre-AKP era, is the direct product of the volatility of politics as a result of the President's tighter grip on not just people’s everyday lives & now their thoughts as well.
The threat to Turkey's sovereignty is within itself.
To quote a part of Atatürk's (very apt) address to the Turkish youth:
"...It may be that, by violence and trickery, all the fortresses of your beloved fatherland may be captured, all its shipyards occupied, all its armies dispersed and every corner of the country invaded. And sadder and graver than all these circumstances, those who hold power within the country may be in error, misguided and may even be traitors. Furthermore, they may identify personal interests with the political designs of the invaders. The country may be impoverished, ruined and exhausted. Youth of Turkey's future, even in such circumstances it is your duty to save Turkish independence and the Republic. The strength you will need can be found in your noble blood. "
Sadly, these recent developments suggest more upheaval and uncertainty is on the horizon. Turkey's independence and future once again falls to the hands of the public; both young and old.
Just like Atatürk predicted above.
#Cumhuriyet #Republic #Turkey #Ataturk