at AIOTI Webinar "IoT, Cloud, Edge Computing Continuum From Research to Deployment"​ at AIOTI Webinar "IoT, Cloud, Edge Computing Continuum From Research to Deployment"

On November 30 2022, our project took part in the AIOTI online webinar "IoT, Cloud, Edge Computing From Research to Deployment".

1. Golboo Pourabdollahian ( IDC4EU , UNLOCK-CEI), Market Evolution of Edge Computing.

Golboo analysed the main market drives of edge technologies (e.g., latency, scalability, etc.). In this context, low latency services and reduced communication burdens are the leading market drivers bringing investors towards edge computing solutions. According to IDC4EU data, one in three European organisations is already adopting these technologies. This number will likely double over the next two years, just as much as their spending on edge computing.

Regional differences also apply. Currently, western European markets are far more advanced in terms of investment. However, the gap will likely reduce as central and eastern Europe will also significantly invest in these technologies in the following years.

Moreover, although adoption indexes are already high, their maturity still needs to improve. Most edge solutions are still being implemented in a pilot or educational phase (for specific use cases are rarely across specific business purposes). While adoption barriers explain these technologies' current state of the art, several industries will likely invest in them and provide several use cases linked to them. 

The main takeaway is that only some players can provide an end-to-end solution for this scenario. This industry relies on many players, such as industry and 5G providers, which will grow by 113% in the following years. Since the market is still fragmented, there are several opportunities for hundreds of European players and the emergence of many use cases.

2. Giovanni Rimassa ( Martel Innovate , OpenContinuum) moderated a panel discussion featuring eight use cases on CEI technologies powered by the following projects:

  • (RIA project), aimed at creating decentralised (and physically containerised) user data centres fuelled by IoT-based photovoltaic and hydro energy systems.
  • (RIA project), aimed at uplifting robot functionalities by connecting old and new technologies, thus optimising energy use.
  • (RIA project), aimed at creating nomadic, decentralised in-car edge devices to provide real-time user experience maximising quality and speed and optimising 3D object rendering. 
  • (RIA project), aimed at creating smart farming system improvement (crop disease prediction, object detection, intelligent actuation) through smart devices fuelled by edge technologies. 
  • (RIA project), aimed at improving victim location and identification through a set of IoT devices (robots, drones, sensors, etc.) filtered and analysed through an IoT software stack. 
  • (RIA project), aimed at decreasing medicine costs, fertiliser use, and water & fossil fuels consumption through IoT monitoring technologies coupled with low latency edge data storage systems.
  • (RIA project), aimed at devising a pragmatic approach to edge-regulated services deployment in indoor logistics according to specific needs (weather info, load info & schedule).
  • (RIA project), aimed at creating a cloud/edge-led service-oriented smart manufacturing system to increase flexibility and robustness and increase third-party knowledge of machine learning.

After presenting their main aims, the projects were asked to address the relationship between short-term impacts and the large-scale challenges of the computing continuum. The main takeaways were the following:

  • Generating success stories linked to the use cases to create inspiration.
  • Coordinating and aligning within the EUCloudEdgeIoT continuum.
  • Thinking of the big picture, involving consortium verticals interested in different technologies such as agriculture, energy efficiency, and networking. 
  • Understanding the potential vertical application of the CEI continuum to different use cases. 
  • Building a set of requirements to align the technologies used in use cases applications.
  • Publishing results in open repositories to make data available to everyone, creating open-source software gathering different pilots,
  • Reducing the amount of renewed technologies by exchanging data across the IoT landscape.

3. Gaël Blondelle ( Eclipse Foundation , OpenContinuum), Build on the momentum of Open Source.

Gaël discussed the relationship between #opensource and emerging #cei technologies. Over the last 20 years, open-source has experienced dramatic changes, from hardware-related strategies through systems such as Linux and Apache to a shift to push innovations aimed at stimulating global adoption through platforms such as #kubernetes, #tensorflow, #pytorch, and #ApacheHadoop

Consequently, open-source is now everywhere, and almost all applications we use today possess a minimum open-source component. Thus, as its utilisation in Europe increases, a great opportunity exists to create a CEI open-source platform. 

However, fragmentation is a big challenge that needs to be addressed in Meta-OS projects. Too many open-source projects cover the whole CEI spectrum, from development to operation. Therefore, there is an urgent need to help research organisations and industry players collaborate on energy platforms since their value will be in the use cases deployment phase.

A first step would be to provide governance layers to make potential collaborations easy and safe. In this way, each use case could become a product that specialises the open source products for one domain, creating a path to build ISO international standards for CEI technologies. 

In this context, open source can be used for leadership, bringing technologies to users worldwide, bringing components together and spreading the word to develop a common CEI paradigm.

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