Evaluating Elements of a Leader.
Character—what a powerful word. Whether applied to a nation, community, business or individual, it’s a fundamental part of our being and behavior … and it exists on a spectrum ranging from vacuous to valiant. Its form and foundation lie at the intersection of our values, ideals, words, perspectives, promises, and actions. And with what is at stake in our upcoming elections, prioritizing the character of our candidates should be as significant as assessing their positions and policies.Here are Ten points on which leaders are evaluated.
1. Reinforcing contributions and achievements; giving timely, positive, and specific feedback
2. Uncovering employees interests; encouraging them to develop and pursue personal and professional goals
3. Developing employees; providing opportunities for acquiring or enhancing desirable knowledge, skills, and abilities
4. Encouraging two-way communication; seeking input from employees and acting on that input
5. Acting as a positive role model; talking positively to peers, talking positively about the organization, and talking positively about customers
6. Displaying emotional intelligence; ensuring that physical reactions, body language, and personal statements promote constructive dialogue among subordinates, peers, and superiors
7. Facilitating positive interactions among employees; encouraging a pleasant atmosphere and reducing conflicts
8. Delegating authority effectively; giving employees autonomy while simultaneously establishing check points to monitor performance
9. Maximizing employee performance; matching employee tasks with capabilities, and giving emotional support that matches employee needs
10. Coaching employees; providing advice about performance, goal achievement, and career development
Establishing leadership presence
- A new manager was attending a staff meeting. When it was over, her boss took her aside. "Never do that again," he said. "You were slouching and not paying attention." "But I was paying attention," the manager insisted. "I heard every word. "I'm totally on board." "That's all well and good," her boss went on, "but that's not how you came across to others. "You didn't look like you were "really present at the meeting. "You didn't look like a leader." Body language plays a key role in being perceived as a leader. Here are three tips for increasing your leadership presence.
First, sit tall. I invite you to try this right now. Sit in a chair with your legs crossed. Now, bring your elbows in to your waist. Clasp your hands together and place them on your lap. Then, slightly round your shoulders. Now, say, "I'm confident and powerful." In that posture, regardless of anything you said, most people would judge you as submissive and powerless. Remember to sit tall.
Pull your shoulders back, bring your elbows away from your body, uncross your legs, and place your feet solidly on the floor. It will not only change the way people perceive you, it will influence the way you feel about yourself. In fact, an Ohio State University study found that people who sat up straight were more likely to believe the positive comments they wrote about their qualifications for a job. Those who slumped over were less likely to accept their own statements as valid. The second tip is to claim your space.
Leadership presence is non-verbally displayed in the use of height in space. In fact, I've watched two executives of similar heights meeting for the first time and saw both men unconsciously stretch their bodies to increase the perception of tallness. If you're seated around a conference table, stand when you speak, and you'll gain instant status by becoming, for that moment at least, the tallest person in the room. If you move around, the additional space you take up will add to that impression, and if you're sitting, you can still project authority by spreading out your belongings on the table and claiming more territory.
Finally, use confident gestures. Hand gestures that supplement what you're saying can add energy, excitement, and passion, but over-gesturing, especially when your hands are raised above your shoulders, can make you appear out of control, less believable, and less powerful. Projecting certainty and authority is achieved by using smooth, controlled gestures, mostly at waist level. When you want to take control, use palm down hand signals. Hold that thought.
I'll be back to you in a minute. You've probably seen the steeple gesture. It's a favorite of executives and politicians, and it conveys a sense of assuredness. As such, it can be very effective when you want to emphasize a key point, but if you use that gesture, do so sparingly. Leaders who overuse steepling look staged and insincere. Moving your hands and arms away from the front of your torso is another way of demonstrating a high level of confidence, security, and trust.
The more you cover your body with folded arms or clasped hands, the more it appears that you need to protect or defend yourself. The next time you attend a meeting, become curious about what your body language is saying about your leadership presence. Ask yourself, "Do I look like a leader?" Then, make some minor adjustments. Maybe sit a little straighter, claim a little more space, or smooth out your gestures and let your body language become a leadership asset.
Conveying warmth and empathy
- When first introduced to a leader, we immediately evaluate him or her for two sets of qualities. The first is power and status, and the second is warmth and empathy. Most leaders today are aware of the need to look confident and assured, but fewer understand the impact of empathy and warmth, which may be more important than they know. As organizations move toward collaborative cultures, your success as a leader increasingly depends on your ability to make team leaders feel valued, respected, and included. While power and confidence are non-verbally displayed by expanding into height and space, when you want to encourage collaboration, you'd be wise to replace those status cues with warmer ones, and that starts by keeping your body relaxed and open.
Leaders with open body language are perceived more positively and are more persuasive. In open and receptive postures, legs are uncrossed, and arms are held away from your body, with palms exposed or resting comfortably on the desk or conference table. Leaning is another way your body makes a statement. Leaning backward usually signals feelings of dislike or negativity, as we subconsciously try to distance ourselves from anyone we don't like or trust.
On the other hand, engagement and interest is often displayed by leaning forward, especially when sitting down. But if you're using forward leans as a way to build positive relationships, be aware that early leans can make people feel uncomfortable and decrease their perception of you as likeable. So wait until you've developed a level of interpersonal comfort, then make your move. When it comes to the body language of inclusion, facing people directly when they're talking is crucial.
Even a quarter turn away signals your lack of interest and makes the speaker shut down. Mirroring is another nonverbal sign of empathy. You may not realize it, but when you're dealing with people you genuinely like or agree with, you'll begin to match their stance, arm positions, and facial expressions. It's a way of showing that you're connected and engaged. You can also use your head. The next time you're in a conversation where you're trying to encourage someone to continue speaking, try nodding your head using clusters of three nods.
Research shows that people will talk three to four times more than usual when the listener nods in this manner. Head tilting is another signal that you're attentive and really listening, so head tilts can be very positive cues when you want to send messages of empathy and understanding. But a tilted head may also be subconsciously processed as a submission signal. For example, dogs tilt their heads to show deference to a more dominant animal, so don't overuse this signal. Of course, paying attention when someone else is speaking is one of the warmest signals you can send.
So at your next meeting, avoid the temptation to check your text messages, check your watch, or check out how other participants are reacting. Instead, focus on whoever is speaking to make sure that he or she feels valued, respected, and included.
Conveying confidence
- One of the most charismatic leaders I've met was the president of a high-tech company in Silicon Valley. I once asked Sue how she managed to stay so upbeat and confident while her company was dealing with fierce competition in the marketplace. Sue looked me right in the eyes and said with a smile, "I fake it." While trying to fake confidence when you feel uncertain is tricky, but there are two valid options that are so powerful, they not only change the way others perceive you, they actually change the way you feel about yourself.
You can use an acting technique, or you can strike a power-pose. One strategy requires a little preparation. The other takes about two minutes. The first technique for conveying confidence is based on the method, an approach to acting that draws on real but past emotions. For example, an actor preparing for a role that involves fear would recall something from the past that actually frightened him. Then, the actor would bring that genuine emotion into the part he was playing.
Well, as a leader, you obviously have different goals than in actor in a play or movie, but the preparation is fundamentally the same. Let's say you're getting ready for an important meeting where you want to exude confidence. Here's how you'd use the method to go about it. You'd begin by thinking of a time when you were genuinely enthused and confident. Now, this doesn't have to be taken from your professional life, although I do urge you to keep a business success log so that whenever you need a confidence boost, you can quickly remind yourself of how good you are, but what's really important for this technique is identifying the right set of emotions.
The next step is to picture that past success clearly in your mind, and as you do, remember the feelings of confidence, enthusiasm, and accomplishment that you felt at the time. It also helps to recall or even imagine how you looked and sounded as you embodied that state of mind. The last step is to picture yourself at that upcoming meeting with the same positive attitude and confidence that you had in the past. The more you repeat this mental exercise, seeing yourself at the upcoming meeting, confident, upbeat, and sure of yourself, the more you increase the likelihood that you'll go into that meeting with a positive body language that's automatically triggered by your authentic and powerful past emotions.
The second technique comes from research at Harvard and Columbia business schools. You already know that the way you feel is reflected in your body. If you're depressed or discouraged, you're likely to round your shoulders, slump, and look down, and when you're upbeat and self-assured, you straighten your posture, pull back your shoulders, and hold your head high, but did you know that changing your body posture changes your emotional state and the way that others perceive you? Try this.
Put your body in a high-power pose. Think Superman or Wonder Woman, and stand with your feet wide apart and your hands on your hips. Studies show that holding your body in a high-power pose like this for as little as two minutes stimulates higher levels of testosterone, that's the hormone linked to power, and lower levels of cortisol, one of your stress hormones. In addition to causing hormonal shifts in both men and women, researchers found that these poses increase feelings of power and a higher tolerance for risk.
They also validated what I've always known to be true, that people are more influenced by how they feel about you than by anything you say. The next time you find yourself in a situation in which you want to project your most confident self, you have two choices. Before that important event, prime your brain by recalling past successes, or go into your office, close the door, and strike a power pose.
Shapes Strategic Focus
Formulates effective and progressive strategies aligned with University mission and values; determines objectives and priorities and acts as a catalyst for institutional innovation and growth.
- Develops and aligns the functional area's strategic priorities with those of the University.
- Creates and communicates a clear vision of the functional area's future.
- Surveys the horizon to determine important state, regional, national, and global activities and trends.
- Encourages evidence-based decisions that are aligned with strategic priorities.
Demonstrates Financial Acumen
Understands the meaning and implications of key financial indicators; manages overall financial performance; uses financial analysis to evaluate strategic options and opportunities.
- Identifies key future developments likely to affect the financial demands of higher education.
- Identifies patterns, trends, and benefits of alternatives before making decisions.
- Understands the implications of financial decisions when leading the functional area.
- Effectively communicates the value of services provided by the functional area.
Ensures Alignment
Ensures that University strategies and plans are integrated and aligned for success; supports the President and Board of Regents by providing timely, direct, and critical insights on initiatives, political positioning, and public perception.
- Scans the internal and external environment for potential risks in order to provide timely feedback to the President and Regents.
- Readily shares professional judgment with senior leaders and the Board of Regents.
- Shifts the direction of the functional area when dictated by strategic shifts at the University.
- Meets the information needs of the President and Regents.
Ensures Execution
Anticipates change, conveys clear priorities, and aligns efforts across functions; addresses barriers, takes action, and holds self and others accountable for results.
- Creates or modifies enterprise infrastructures to support strategic objectives.
- Takes action, even when risk is great, and balances tradeoffs appropriately.
- Balances the achievement of day-to-day results with the accomplishment of key initiatives.
- Ensures that others have the resources, information, authority, and support needed to achieve objectives.
- Holds self accountable and ensures accountability in others for achieving results.
Leads Change
Uses data-driven decision-making to generate insights, alternatives, and opportunities for success; fosters a continuous improvement environment; makes novel use of existing ideas, approaches, technologies, or products.
- Fosters an environment that promotes innovation, continuous improvement, and managed risk-taking.
- Anticipates and then addresses the impact of large scale changes on morale and productivity.
- Champions the integration of process improvement efforts within and across functions, colleges, and units.
- Ensures integration of relevant policies and regulatory factors in implementing improvement efforts.
Communicates Openly and Listens
Presents ideas effectively gauging the needs of the audience; actively listens and incorporates input from others.
- Communicates effectively to a wide variety of audiences.
- Effectively translates concepts and information related to the functional area.
- Listens attentively and with empathy to concerns expressed by others.
- Ensures others have access to the information necessary to do their work and contribute to the functional area's goals.
- Probes past initial responses to get to underlying issues.
Influences and Inspires
Promotes ideas and proposals persuasively to shape stakeholder opinion; creates a climate that fosters personal investment and nurtures commitment to a common vision and shared values; inspires action without relying solely on authority.
- Fosters commitment to the University's and functional area's vision, values, mission, and aspirations.
- Generates energy and enthusiasm in others by appealing to their personal values and goals.
- Establishes credibility by demonstrating broad knowledge, good judgment, and deep expertise.
- Positions ideas and proposals to address the needs, interests, and concerns of stakeholders.
Builds Relationships and Fosters Collaboration
Cultivates an active network of relationships inside and outside functional area; fosters collaboration and teamwork by being inclusive, supportive, cooperative, and sharing power.
- Promotes a culture of collaboration and teamwork across institutional boundaries.
- Connects people from across functional, institutional, and external boundaries to form productive alliances.
- Is accessible and invests the time necessary to build relationships.
- Establishes a norm where conflicts are managed and resolved in a constructive manner.
- Cultivates networks in order to strengthen expertise and build professional reputation.
Builds Talent
Attracts and retains high caliber people; develops a leadership team with diverse capabilities; accurately assesses the strengths and weaknesses of staff; develops successors.
- Creates a culture that values, supports, and reflects diversity.
- Recruits, selects, and develops a highly functioning leadership team.
- Builds a functional area in which strong performance is recognized and poor performance is addressed.
- Ensures that development plans and processes are in place to build the necessary talent for today and the future.
- Provides insightful, motivating, and constructive feedback, coaching, and guidance.
Establishes Trust
Respects all individuals and treats them fairly; honors commitments to others; models high ethical standards and integrity.
Establishes an environment in which integrity and ethics are the norm.
Delivers on commitments.
Engages in decision-making processes that are appropriately transparent, well-defined, and understood.
Makes courageous or unpopular decisions, as appropriate.
Demonstrates Emotional Acuity
Considers and responds appropriately to the needs and feelings of others; understands impact of own behavior; has a realistic understanding of own strengths and development needs; is committed to continuous learning.
- Models openness to feedback and a desire for learning new things.
- Exhibits an awareness of one's own capabilities and development needs.
- Demonstrates flexibility and comfort with ambiguity.
- Recognizes the feelings of others and exhibits appropriate level of composure, patience, and diplomacy.
- Demonstrates humility while serving others.
The 360-Degree Assessment is a developmental review process which incorporates an optional performance coaching component, the focus of which is determined by the review outcomes. The intent of this review is to provide an opportunity for the senior leader being reviewed to obtain feedback on performance and areas where leadership development would be of benefit.
360-Degree Instrument
The purpose of the standardized 360-degree web-based instrument is to assess a senior leader’s capabilities against leadership criteria and in so doing provide valuable developmental review feedback from individuals who have opportunity to observe and interact on a regular basis with the senior leader being reviewed.
Assessment data is sought from a small group of individuals who rate the senior leader on key areas of leadership. A standardized web-based tool is used, administered by an outside vendor. The senior leader being reviewed, in consultation with their responsible administrator, selects a group of approximately 20 raters. This group can be chosen from University or external administrative peers/associates, direct reports, others within the administrative unit and the responsible administrator. Raters should be individuals with whom the senior leader being reviewed generally interacts in conducting the unit’s business. In addition to others providing assessment ratings, the senior leader being reviewed is also to do a self-assessment rating.
Frequency and Timing of the Review
The 360-degree assessment is to be scheduled a minimum of once every three years. For senior leaders new to the position, a review of this nature is to be conducted within the first 12 months in the position.
Review Process
An outside vendor administers the 360-degree tool. Results of the assessment are summarized and provided to the senior leader being reviewed by the vendor. The vendor will provide to the senior leader being reviewed a copy of the results and will be available to meet to discuss the review. The results of the assessment may be shared with the responsible administrator, as agreed to by the senior leader and responsible administrator.
Optional Coaching
After reviewing the results of the 360-degree assessment, the senior leader being reviewed may choose to request the use of a coach to assist in addressing areas to be strengthened.
In the modern age good leaders are an enabling force, helping people and organizations to perform and develop, which implies that a sophisticated alignment be achieved - of people's needs, and the aims of the organization.
The traditional concept of a leader being the directing chief at the top of a hierachy is nowadays a very incomplete appreciation of what true leadership must be.
Effective leadership does not necessarily require great technical or intellectual capacity. These attributes might help, but they are not pivotal.
Good leadership in the modern age more importantly requires attitudes and behaviours which characterise and relate to humanity.
The concept of serving is fundamental to the leadership role. Good leadership involves serving the organization or group and the people within it. Ineffective leaders tend to invert this principle and consider merely that the leader must be served by the people. This faulty idea fosters the notion that leadership as an opportunity to take: to acquire personal status, advantage, gain, etc., at the expense of others, which is grossly wrong. Leadership is instead an opportunity to give; to serve the organization, and crucially the people too. The modern notions of 'servant leader' and 'servant leadership' are attributed to Robert K Greenleaf (in his 1970 essay The Servant as Leader) however the philosophy and concept of leadership being a serving function rather than one that is served, is very old indeed and found in ancient civilisations and religious writings.
Leadership is centrally concerned with people. Of course leadership involves decisions and actions relating to all sorts of other things, but leadership is special compared to any other role because of its unique responsibilty for people - i.e., the followers of the leader - in whatever context leadership is seen to operate.
Many capabilities in life are a matter of acquiring skills and knowledge and then applying them in a reliable way. Leadership is quite different. Good leadership demands emotional strengths and behavioural characteristics which can draw deeply on a leader's mental and spiritual reserves.
The leadership role is an inevitable reflection of people's needs and challenges in modern life. Leadership is therefore a profound concept, with increasingly complex implications, driven by an increasingly complex and fast-changing world.
Leadership and management are commonly seen as the same thing, which they are not. Leadership is also misunderstood to mean directing and instructing people and making important decisions on behalf of an organization. Effective leadership is much more than these.
Good leaders are followed chiefly because people trust and respect them, rather than the skills they possess. Leadership is about behaviour first, skills second.
This is a simple way to see how leadership is different to management:
Management is mostly about processes.
Leadership is mostly about behaviour.
We could extend this to say:
Management relies heavily on tangible measurable capabilities such as effective planning; the use of organizational systems; and the use of appropriate communications methods.
Leadership involves many management skills, but generally as a secondary or background function of true leadership. Leadership instead relies most strongly on less tangible and less measurable things like trust, inspiration, attitude, decision-making, and personal character. These are not processes or skills or even necessarily the result of experience. They are facets of humanity, and are enabled mainly by the leader's character and especially his/her emotional reserves.
Another way to see leadership compared with management, is that leadership does not crucially depend on the type of management methods and processes a leaders uses; leadership instead primarily depends on the ways in which the leader uses management methods and processes.
Good leadership depends on attitudinal qualities, not management processes.
Humanity is a way to describe these qualities, because this reflects the leader's vital relationship with people.
Qualities critical for a leader's relationship with his/her people are quite different to conventional skills and processes:
examples of highly significant leadership qualities
People with these sort of behaviours and attitudes tend to attract followers. Followers are naturally drawn to people who exhibit strength and can inspire belief in others. These qualities tend to produce a charismatic effect. Charisma tends to result from effective leadership and the qualities which enable effective leadership. Charisma is by itself no guarantee of effective leadership.
Some people are born more naturally to leadership than others. Most people don't seek to be a leader, but many more people are able to lead, in one way or another and in one situation or another, than they realize.
People who want to be a leader can develop leadership ability. Leadership is not the exclusive preserve of the wealthy and educated.
Leadership is a matter of personal conviction and believing strongly in a cause or aim, whatever it is.Leadership sometimes comes to people later in life, and this is no bad thing. Humanity tends to be generational characteristic. There is no real obstacle to people who seek to become leaders if leadership is approached with proper integrity. Anyone can be a leader if he/she is suitably driven to a particular cause. And many qualities of effective leadership, like confidence and charisma, continue to grow from experience in the leadership role. Even initially surprised modest leaders can become great ones, and sometimes the greatest ones.
Leadership can be performed with different styles. Some leaders have one style, which is right for certain situations and wrong for others. Some leaders can adapt and use different leadership styles for given situations.
Adaptability of style is an increasingly significant aspect of leadership, because the world is increasingly complex and dynamic. Adaptability stems from objectivity, which in turn stems from emotional security and emotional maturity. Again these strengths are not dependent on wealth or education, or skills or processes.
Good leaders typically have a keen understanding of relationships within quite large and complex systems and networks. This may be from an intuitive angle, or a technical/learned angle, or both.
A very useful way to explore this crucial aspect of leadership with respect to wider relationships and systems is offered by the Psychological Contract and how that theory relates to organizations and leadership.
Nudge theory is a powerful change-management methodology which emerged in the 2000s. It is very helpful in understanding how and why groups of people think the way they do, and how and why they behave and make decisions, which can be baffling to leaders. Nudge theory also offers some very clever ways to alter group behaviour/behavior, which are generally not taught or understood in the conventional leadership field.
People new to leadership (and supervision and management) often feel under pressure to lead in a particularly dominant way. Sometimes this pressure on a new leader to impose their authority on the team comes from above. Dominant leadership is rarely appropriate however, especially for mature teams. Misreading this situation, and attempting to be overly dominant, can then cause problems for a new leader. Resistance from the team becomes a problem, and a cycle of negative behaviours and reducing performance begins. Much of leadership is counter-intuitive. Leadership is often more about serving than leading. Besides which, individuals and teams tend not to resist or push against something in which they have a strong involvement/ownership/sense of control. People tend to respond well to thanks, encouragement, recognition, inclusiveness, etc. Tough, overly dominant leadership gives teams a lot to push against and resist. It also prevents a sense of ownership and self-control among the people being led. And it also inhibits the positive rewards and incentives (thanks, recognition, encouragement, etc) vital for teams and individuals to cope with change, and to enjoy themselves. Leaders of course need to be able to make tough decisions when required, but most importantly leaders should concentrate on enabling the team to thrive, which is actually a 'serving' role, not the dominant 'leading' role commonly associated with leadership.
Today ethical leadership is more important than ever. The world is more transparent and connected than it has ever been. The actions and philosophies of organiZations are scrutinised by the media and the general public as never before. This coincides with massively increased awareness and interest among people everywhere in corporate responsibility and the many related concepts, such as social and community responsibility The modern leader needs to understand and aspire to leading people and achieving greatness in all these areas.
Here is (was..) an Excellent 30 minute BBC Radio 4 Discussion about Modern Leadership - (first broadcast 2 Sept 2006, part of the 'Sound Advice' series). Its mere existence is evidence of changed attitudes to leadership. Such a program would not have warranted BBC airtime a generation ago due to lack of audience interest. Today there is huge awareness of, and interest in, more modern leadership methods. The radio discussion highlighted the need for effective modern leaders to have emotional strength and sensitivity, far beyond traditional ideas of more limited autocratic leadership styles. I'm sorry (if still) this linked item is unavailable from the BBC website, especially if the recording is lost forever in the BBC's archives. If you know a suitably influential executive at the Beeb who can liberate it please contact me.
Incidentally as a quick case-study, the BBC illustrates an important aspect of leadership, namely philosophy.
Philosophy (you could call it 'fundamental purpose') is the foundation on which to build strategy, management, operational activities, and pretty well everything else that happens in an organization.
Whatever the size of the organization, operational activities need to be reconcilable with a single congruent (fitting, harmonious) philosophy.
Executives, managers, staff, customers, suppliers, stakeholders, etc., need solid philosophical principles (another term would be a 'frame of reference') on which to base their expectations, decisions and actions. In a vast complex organization like the BBC, leadership will be very challenging at the best of times due to reasons of size, diversity, political and public interest, etc. Having a conflicting philosophy dramatically increases these difficulties for everyone, not least the leader, because the frame of reference is confusing.
For leadership to work well, people (employees and interested outsiders) must be able to connect their expectations, aims and activities to a basic purpose or philosophy of the organization. This foundational philosophy should provide vital reference points for employees' decisions and actions - an increasingly significant factor in modern 'empowered' organizations. Seeing a clear philosophy and purpose is also essential for staff, customers and outsiders in assessing crucial organizational characteristics such as integrity, ethics, fairness, quality and performance. A clear philosophy is vital to the 'psychological contract' - whether stated or unstated (almost always unstated) - on which people (employees, customers or observers) tend to judge their relationships and transactions.
The BBC is an example (it's not the only one) of an organization which has a confusing organizational philosophy. At times it is inherently conflicting. For example: Who are its owners? Who are its customers? What are its priorities and obligations? Are its commercial operations a means to an end, or an end in themselves? Is its main aim to provide commercial mainstream entertainment, or non-commercial education and information? Is it a public service, or is it a commercial provider? Will it one day be privatized in part or whole? If so will this threaten me or benefit me? As an employee am I sharing in something, or being exploited? As a customer (if the description is apt) am I also an owner? Or am I funding somebody elze's gravy train? What are the organization's obligations to the state and to government?
Given such uncertainties, not only is there a very unclear basic philosophy and purpose, but also, it's very difficult to achieve consistency for leadership messages to staff and customers. Also, how can staff and customers align their efforts and expectations with such confusing aims and principles?
The BBC is just an example. There are many organizations, large and small, with conflicting and confusing fundamental aims. The lesson is that philosophy - or underpinning purpose - is the foundation on which leadership (for strategy, management, motivation, everything) is built. If the foundation is not solid and viable, and is not totally congruent with what follows, then everything built onto it is prone to wobble, and at times can fall over completely.
Get the philosophy right - solid and in harmony with the activities - and the foundation is strong.
Again, the Psychological Contract provides a helpful perspective for aligning people and organizational philosophy.
This of course gives rise to the question of what to do if you find yourself leading a team or organization which lacks clarity of fundamental philosophy and purpose, and here lies an inescapable difference between managing and leading:
As a leader your responsibility extends beyond leading the people. True leadership also includes - as far as your situation allows - the responsibility to protect or refine fundamental purpose and philosophy.
Different leaders have different ideas about leadership. For example, see below Jack Welch's perspective, which even though quite modern compared to many leaders, is nevertheless based on quite traditional leadership principles.
First here is a deeper more philosophical view of effective modern leadership which addresses the foundations of effective leadership, rather than the styles and methods built on top, which are explained later.
A British government initiative surfaced in March 2008, which suggested that young people should swear an oath of allegiance to 'Queen and Country', seemingly as a means of improving national loyalty, identity, and allegiance.While packaged as a suggestion to address 'disaffection' among young people, the idea was essentially concerned with leadership - or more precisely a failing leadership.
The idea was rightly and unanimously dismissed by all sensible commentators as foolhardy nonsense, but it does provide a wonderful perspective by which to examine and illustrate the actual important principles of leadership:
Always, when leaders say that the people are not following, it's the leaders who are lost, not the people.
Leaders get lost because of isolation, delusion, arrogance, plain stupidity, etc., but above all because they become obsessed with imposing their authority, instead of truly leading.
Incidentally, leading is helping people achieve a shared vision, not telling people what to do.
It is not possible for a leader to understand and lead people when the leader's head is high in the clouds or stuck firmly up his backside.
That is to say - loyalty to leadership relies on the leader having a connection with and understanding of people's needs and wishes and possibilities. Solutions to leadership challenges do not lie in the leader's needs and wishes. Leadership solutions lie in the needs and wishes of the followers.
The suggestion that loyalty and a following can be built by simply asking or forcing people to be loyal is not any basis for effective leadership.
Prior to expecting anyone to follow, a leader first needs to demonstrate a vision and values worthy of a following.
A given type of leadership inevitably attracts the same type of followers. Put another way, a leadership cannot behave in any way that it asks its people not to.
In other words, for people to embrace and follow modern compassionate, honest, ethical, peaceful, and fair principles, they must see these qualities demonstrated by their leadership.
People are a lot cleverer than most leaders think.
People have a much keener sense of truth than most leaders think.
People quickly lose faith in a leader who behaves as if points 10 and 11 do not exist.
People generally have the answers which elude the leaders - they just have better things to do than help the leader to lead - like getting on with their own lives.
A leadership which screws up in a big way should come clean and admit their errors. People will generally forgive mistakes but they do not tolerate being treated like idiots by leaders.
And on the question of mistakes, a mistake is an opportunity to be better, and to show remorse and a lesson learned. This is how civilisation progresses.
A leader should be brave enough to talk when lesser people want to fight. Anyone can resort to threats and aggression. Being aggressive is not leading. It might have been a couple of thousand years ago, but it's not now. The nature of humankind and civilization is to become more civilized. Leaders should enable not obstruct this process.
Traditional leadership tips - jack welch style
Jack Welch, respected business leader and writer is quoted as proposing these fundamental leadership principles (notably these principles are expanded in his 2001 book 'Jack: Straight From The Gut'):
There is only one way - the straight way. It sets the tone of the organisation.
Be open to the best of what everyone, everywhere, has to offer; transfer learning across your organisation.
Get the right people in the right jobs - it is more important than developing a strategy.
An informal atmosphere is a competitive advantage.
Make sure everybody counts and everybody knows they count.
Legitimate self-confidence is a winner - the true test of self-confidence is the courage to be open.
Business has to be fun - celebrations energize and organization.
Never underestimate the other guy.
Understand where real value is added and put your best people there.
Know when to meddle and when to let go - this is pure instinct.
As a leader, your main priority is to get the job done, whatever the job is. Leaders make things happen by:
- knowing your objectives and having a plan how to achieve them
- building a team committed to achieving the objectives
- helping each team member to give their best efforts
As a leader you must know yourself. Know your own strengths and weaknesses, so that you can build the best team around you.
However - always remember the philosophical platform - this ethical platform is not a technique or a process - it's the foundation on which all the techniques and methodologies are based.
Plan carefully, with your people where appropriate, how you will achieve your aims. You may have to redefine or develop your own new aims and priorities. Leadership can be daunting for many people simply because no-one else is issuing the aims - leadership often means you have to create your own from a blank sheet of paper. Set and agree clear standards. Keep the right balance between 'doing' yourself and managing others 'to do'.
Build teams. Ensure you look after people and that communications and relationships are good. Select good people and help them to develop. Develop people via training and experience, particularly by agreeing objectives and responsibilities that will interest and stretch them, and always support people while they strive to improve and take on extra tasks. Follow the rules about delegation closely - this process is crucial. Ensure that your managers are applying the same principles. Good leadership principles must cascade down through the whole organisation. This means that if you are leading a large organisation you must check that the processes for managing, communicating and developing people are in place and working properly.
Communication is critical. Listen, consult, involve, explain why as well as what needs to be done. Some leaders lead by example and are very 'hands on'; others are more distanced and let their people do it. Whatever - your example is paramount - the way you work and conduct yourself will be the most you can possibly expect from your people. If you set low standards you are to blame for low standards in your people.
"... Praise loudly, blame softly." (Catherine the Great). Follow this maxim.
If you seek one single most important behavior that will rapidly earn you respect and trust among your people, this is it: Always give your people the credit for your achievements and successes. Never take the credit yourself - even if it's all down to you, which would be unlikely anyway. You must however take the blame and accept responsibility for any failings or mistakes that your people make. Never never never publicly blame another person for a failing. Their failing is your responsibility - true leadership offers is no hiding place for a true leader.
Take time to listen to and really understand people. Walk the job. Ask and learn about what people do and think, and how they think improvements can be made.
Accentuate the positive. Express things in terms of what should be done, not what should not be done. If you accentuate the negative, people are more likely to veer towards it. Like the mother who left her five-year-old for a minute unsupervised in the kitchen, saying as she left the room, "...don't you go putting those beans up your nose..."
Have faith in people to do great things - given space and air and time, everyone can achieve more than they hope for. Provide people with relevant interesting opportunities, with proper measures and rewards and they will more than repay your faith.
Take difficult decisions bravely, and be truthful and sensitive when you implement them.
Constantly seek to learn from the people around you - they will teach you more about yourself than anything else. They will also tell you 90% of what you need to know to achieve your business goals.
Embrace change, but not for change's sake. Begin to plan your own succession as soon as you take up your new post, and in this regard, ensure that the only promises you ever make are those that you can guarantee to deliver.
Here are some processes and tips for training and developing leadership. Leadership behaviors and development of leadership style and skills.Leadership skills are based on leadership behaviour. Skills alone do not make leaders - style and behavior do. If you are interested in leadership training and development - start with leadership behavior.
The growing awareness and demand for idealist principles in leadership are increasing the emphasis (in terms of leadership characteristics) on business ethics, corporate responsibility, emotional maturity, personal integrity, and what is popularly now known as the 'triple bottom line'
For many people (staff, customers, suppliers, investors, commentators, visionaries, etc) these are becoming the most significant areas of attitude/behaviour/appreciation required in modern business and organizational leaders.
3BL (triple bottom line - profit, people, planet) also provides an excellent multi-dimensional framework for explaining, developing and assessing leadership potential and capability, and also links strongly with psychology aspects if for instance psychometrics (personality testing) features in leadership selection and development methods: each of us is more naturally inclined to one or the other (profit, people, planet) by virtue of our personality, which can be referenced to Jung, Myers Briggs, etc.
Much debate persists as to the validity of 'triple bottom line accounting', since standards and measures are some way from being clearly defined and agreed, but this does not reduce the relevance of the concept, nor the growing public awareness of it, which effectively and continuously re-shapes markets and therefore corporate behaviour. Accordingly leaders need to understand and respond to such huge attitudinal trends, whether they can be reliably accounted for or not at the moment.
Adaptability and vision - as might be demonstrated via project development scenarios or tasks - especially involving modern communications and knowledge technologies - are also critical for certain leadership roles, and provide unlimited scope for leadership development processes, methods and activities.
Cultural diversity is another topical and very relevant area requiring leadership involvement, if not mastery. Large organisations particularly must recognise that the market-place, in terms of staff, customers and suppliers, is truly global now, and leaders must be able to function and appreciate and adapt to all aspects of cultural diversification. A leaders who fails to relate culturally well and widely and openly inevitably condemns the entire organization to adopt the same narrow focus and bias exhibited by the leader.
Bear in mind that different leadership jobs (and chairman) require different types of leaders - Churchill was fine for war but not good for peacetime re-building. There's a big difference between short-term return on investment versus long-term change. Each warrants a different type of leadership style, and actually very few leaders are able to adapt from one to the other. (Again see the personality styles section: short-term results and profit require strong Jungian 'thinking' orientation, or frontal left brain dominance; whereas long-term vision and change require 'intuition' orientation, or frontal right brain dominance).
If it's not clear already, leadership is without doubt mostly about behavior, especially towards others. People who strive for these things generally come to be regarded and respected as a leader by their people:
Integrity - the most important requirement; without it everything else is for nothing.
Having an effective appreciation and approach towards corporate responsibility, (Triple Bottom Line, Fair Trade, etc), so that the need to make profit is balanced with wider social and environmental responsibilities.
Being very grown-up - never getting emotionally negative with people - no shouting or ranting, even if you feel very upset or angry.
Leading by example - always be seen to be working harder and more determinedly than anyone else.
Helping alongside your people when they need it.
Fairness - treating everyone equally and on merit.
Being firm and clear in dealing with bad or unethical behaviour.
Listening to and really understanding people, and show them that you understand (this doesn't mean you have to agree with everyone - understanding is different to agreeing).
Always taking the responsibility and blame for your people's mistakes.
Always giving your people the credit for your successes.
Never self-promoting.
Backing-up and supporting your people.
Being decisive - even if the decision is to delegate or do nothing if appropriate - but be seen to be making fair and balanced decisions.
Asking for people's views, but remain neutral and objective.
Being honest but sensitive in the way that you give bad news or criticism.
Always doing what you say you will do - keeping your promises.
Working hard to become expert at what you do technically, and at understanding your people's technical abilities and challenges.
Encouraging your people to grow, to learn and to take on as much as they want to, at a pace they can handle.
Always accentuating the positive (say 'do it like this', not 'don't do it like that').
Smiling and encouraging others to be happy and enjoy themselves.
Relaxing - breaking down the barriers and the leadership awe - and giving your people and yourself time to get to know and respect each other.
Taking notes and keeping good records.
Planning and prioritizing.
Managing your time well and helping others to do so too.
Involving your people in your thinking and especially in managing change.
Reading good books, and taking advice from good people, to help develop your own understanding of yourself, and particularly of other people's weaknesses (some of the best books for leadership are not about business at all - they are about people who triumph over adversity).
Achieve the company tasks and objectives, while maintaining your integrity, the trust of your people, are a balancing the corporate aims with the needs of the world beyond.
English Teacher/Poetry Writer
7yTone setting is extremely valuable in the field of education.
Seattle Colleges
7yYou embody all of those traits! Love you Alison Coker
True Sir.
Humanitarian and Development M&E, Gender Expert, Sociologist, Educationist, Toastmaster, Moderator
7ya thorough write up, answering a lot of questions particularly of how leadership and management are connected. I also wonder if becoming a manager is easier than trying leadership?