Evoking Erotic Desires elsewhere is living an evolving life!
Life is like a Labyrinth and sensuality & relationship is the ultimate labyrinth. To self and then with your beloved other.
The definition of Labyrinth being;
An intricate irregular network of passages or paths in which it is difficult to find one's way...a maze.
Erotism is more than what we immediately think! And is a far cry from deceit, dishonesty and hiring stripper to feed a surface level desire. Haha, this is a playing field that breeds and feeds shame, guilt and blame. Men are bedazzled by SEX.
It is tricky to navigate as man's RAW primal desire sees a woman for sex. If there was no sex, then men would have no desire for women. The initial connection was to procreate and for men to protect that which was their procreation flock. Thankfully, we have come along way, yet this is still hard-wired into the nervous systems.
Relationships in the last 60 years have gone through a massive flip and many are still under the illusion that it is a woman's role to keep her husband happy and that sex is a given exchange in marriage. There came the rising of the feminine re-claiming their voice and then the embracing of homosexuality. Sensuality then began to become an aspect to a souls identity. It is no wonder so many relationships are lost and choosing divorce as many have lost the tribe structure that once supported the roles of men and women. The entire family structure has also gone through a massive shift where many men are left thinking, WTF is my role and an expectation to balance to bring equality into every area of our life. Yet between two people and not an extensive support network. Many are feeling inadequate, powerless and failures in relationships.
Many crying out deep down yet the walls of protection up, as they are afraid of fully being seen and judged for being vulnerable.
Infidelity is not a new thing, it was a given for many years and even a privilege of the man in the relationship. I will say this, women get more bored than men in monogamous relationships, and there will be some other shifts that many in society are frankly not ready to absorb. GET READY.
Say that you are monogamous these days, and many see that as being being with one women /man in that moment. Yup, everything has taken on new meaning.
The point is;
Your partner is not meant to meet all your INTIMATE wants and EROTIC needs!
WOW... what??
Sensuality has been and is continuing to go through a massive re-vamp in DESIGN to what is actually looks like and how the heck we are meant to navigate this new paradigm and playing field of life?
I will provide you with some tips to implement, keep reading.
It has become a false and limiting EXPECTATION for the one we love to be everything we desire. To meet all of the emotional, physical, spiritual and psychological needs. To be the one that is excited about ALL our achievements. The ONE who is there to support us when we fall and is the our everything!!
This is exhausting and add this to being the best you can in your success game and you feel like you are failing, in some shape or form.
NO wonder, so many are lost when it comes to INTIMATE Relating and no wonder many relationships have died!
No wonder, so many feel in a state of loneliness. Many men/women cut off from receiving connection, intimacy and erotic desires OUTSIDE the relationships.
This may either shock you, or excite your soul!
It is not in our human design to be wired this way, to expect ONE person to be our EVERYTHING.
I wish I had a way to share what I get to hear with souls that I get to work with everyday from around the globe. Each time I hear them talking about their own deeper aspects, I ma hearing myself. Humans desire much of the same things;
- Connection - intimacy- presence
- Respect - honesty - integrity
- Feeling important - acknowledgement- affection - attention
We came from Tribe, and in these times past, there was a sense of structured order. A knowing where everyone played out there role, and being in the thick of seeing everything behind the scenes as living in such close contact. We heard the deceit, the infidelity and knew what was going on, even if we didn't like it. We also received the support of the tribe structure.
Social contact has been lost, more isolation and many feeling alone and roles have shifted to meet our evolving needs. I feel we are learning how to re-calibrate back into being more Tribe like... and transparency is the theme. It is time to HONOUR and RESPECT all, with no neglect, zero indifference and to minimise a breading ground for violence and power struggles. It is time to grow and evolve with these changing times.
Right now, we are in a huge RESET and (R)EVOLUTION of relationships.
For many it feels like CHAOS.
In tribe we have gone from a small selection of 1-3 people, to an expanded selection... and welcome the Internet and a 1,000 different selection at our finger-tips. Basing choices on looks (for men) and success (for women). The flippancy of swipe left or right (WTF).
I get it, many are still spinning from the opening statement, perhaps?
"Your partner is not meant to meet all your INTIMATE wants and EROTIC needs!"
The WTF.... why am I not his everything and for some, perhaps a deep feeling of abandonment, rejection and loneliness!!
So what are EROTIC needs?
This is not about porn, this is about getting RAW & REAL to all the things that turn you on in LIFE!! Beyond that... explore deeper into your soul.
PAUSE right now, and ask the question:
What is it that turns you on?? (Beyond SEX)
Here are some JUICY examples;
- Connecting at lunch with a friend where the conversation is uplifting & juicy and total CONNECTION.
- Busting your ass in the gym and be dripping in sweat
- Dancing wild and not giving a shit.
- Scribing Erotic poetry that makes you squirm
- Walking down the street and flirting with LIFE.
- Taking a bath and opening up PLEASURE for me!
- Meditation practice (naked) or clothed
- Playing a drum, cello or your instrument of desire ( even an organ - LOL).
ALL these do not involve a partner.
There is an EROTIC Blueprint we each have. What is Yours, and what IGNITES your LIFE-FORCE?
This is an INTIMATE connection with your soul. These moments do not have to be dissected or shared with your partner. There is some mysticism otherwise it is diluted and open to judgment. It is your INTIMACY with this NOW moment.
The MAGIC is in the RESONANCE and ESSENCE that you cultivate. IMAGINE inviting the one you LOVE and have the HOTS for to join you in one of your EROTIC experiences... and we have not even get to the bedroom!
Imagine having a romantic lunch date when your energy is peaking with your beloved, and shifting some business meeting to dive deeper into connection with one another?
Let's be honest.
Is your relationship stale and flat-lining in complacency?
Only you can courageously and dilidgnetly reveal this truth. You are not alone. If each soul was to be honest then you would realise you are not alone. NO-ONE wants to be alone, we THRIVE on human connection and society has an epidemic of LONELINESS.
Hence why, so many are here on Linkedin... seeking connection.
I feel many are UNAWARE of HOW to connect to their own erotic Blueprint and IGNITE their intimate connection.
Many are LOST in chaos and yet it is Human Relationships that require the greatest investment yet.
I am here to EVOKE a deeper calling and to be a spark so other can open up these intimate doors of communication to realise we all desire a deep connection in life.
This is vital to navigate and hence why a Tribe was created, how can we expect one person to be our everything, when what we truly seek is discovered in this journey back to self.
Feeling inspired and curious, then send me a DM as discretion is honoured. I value the confidentiality and sensitivity of clients that I choose to work with.
Lovelight & Light-waves of love,
I came here to LOVE,
I came here to Evolve INTIMACY & EROTISM,
Zoe-Anna Bell
CFO Finance HR and Procurement Leisung Technologies LLC