Is Experiential Learning the Way to a Better Future?
Is Experiential Learning the Way to a Better Future?
Whitney Hofacker, an experiential enthusiast, with extensive experience in designing and leading programmes and outdoor adventures in both education and with adult groups. Whitney has moved countries and continents and here shares her thoughts and experiences in why nature matters.
6 mins - learning to set up camp, trust and rapport
9 mins - paradox of being in the cadence of nature
15 mins - feeling connected
18 mins - slowing down and space
20 mins - redesigning our lives
33 mins - how do we integrate student choice and design
About Juliet Morris:
Juliet, an award-winning coach and leader with 20 years' experience in helping expert people and STEM organisations build brilliant futures. Juliet is passionate about helping humans build a better and more intentional future and invites you to join IF club where you will complimentary weekly receive tips, tools and insights to help quietly build your Intentional Future.
Music: Cave Rat
Award-winning purpose-led leader, coach and trusted advisor to C-suite and boards - transforming people, culture, and organisations to shape intentional futures and drive sustainable growth
2moSpotify link here:
Employment lawyer making employment work for you, your business, and your family.
2moCan’t wait to listen to this one!
Director at Keystone Training | UK & Global 💡 High impact leadership and team development
2moWaving hi to Whitney as another experiential learning enthusiast, and nature connection/experiences explorer. 👋 Video saved to watch later - thank you.