Expert's Corner - 33 Ways To Close The Sale Like A Pro

Expert's Corner - 33 Ways To Close The Sale Like A Pro

As a sales professional you already know that there are many steps involved in the lead up to the grand finale... the close!

At a high level, the sales process looks like this:

Step 1: Prospecting and Qualifying 

Step 2: Approach/Initial contact 

Step 4: Presentation 

Step 5: Closing the Sale 

Step 6: Delivery/Support

Each of these steps require a specific sales related skill-set and they all must flow in perfect harmony if you are to successfully turn a prospect into a paying customer.

In this article we're focusing on step 5: Closing the sale

There is no simple answer when it comes to closing the sale and it's a skill that's usually learned and mastered over time. The close can also be one of the hardest steps for any sales person to master but it's absolutely crucial to get right or you risk wasting your hard spent time with someone you just can't convert.

We've spoken with and compiled a list of profound insights, tips and advice from 33 sales leaders who are well versed in concluding the sale to help you get more handshakes and pens to paper.

33 Ways To Close The Sale Like A Pro - Let's get started...

1. Always Ask For The Business

Michael J Ringer (Chief Revenue Officer & Sales Trainer) CommissionCrowd

The inherent problem with closing the sale is that most sales people just don't do it even when they know that their solution fits the needs of the client perfectly.

More specifically a staggering 81% of sales reps neglect to even ask for the business. Selling is a skill that we all already possess and has been ingrained into us from childhood; "if you don't ask you don't get".

When you were a child you may have had to ask your mother for something in a different way to how you would ask your father. In the same way that you know your parent's needs and what they respond to, you must also get to know your prospects and their true requirements for a solution to their problem. Every buyer is different and while you need to remember to ask for the business, it's also vital to ask in a way that you know they can relate to.

2. Slow Down And Focus On Your Customer's Success

Jill Konrath (Sales Strategist/Author) Jill Konrath

Slow down when moving towards closing the sale. Based on what you said, you may be moving things along much too fast. You're showing your stuff, sending collateral and giving pricing but it's highly likely that they don't feel like you're focused on their success. Take the time to build the relationship so that they truly feel that you're a credible resource and not self-serving.

3. Salespeople Don’t Overcome Objections, Prospects Do

Keith Rosen (Global Authority on Sales and Leadership) Keith Rosen

The only person who can truly overcome an objection is the prospect. Salespeople create the opportunity for this to occur through their effective use of questions. Selling is therefore the art of asking questions, listening openly and intentionally, and gaining information; not giving it.

4. The Questions You Ask Determine Your Fate

Jeffrey Gitomer (International Sales Trainer and Keynote Speaker) Gitomer

Great questions uncover buying motives, real needs, truth, and confidence in your understanding of the customer and his or her situation.Don't make a speech. Present a compelling message that's value driven, not product driven. Keep your conversation short and sweet. This is about them, not you.

Me? I assume I have the order when I walk in the door. The best close is no close. It's a combination of making a friend, presenting a compelling reason to buy, being value driven, being profit driven, being outcome driven, and assuming the sale. I hope you have enough self-confidence and self-belief to do the same.

5. Begin Closing The Moment You Meet A Buyer

Tom Hopkins (Speaker, Sales Trainer, Author) - Tom Hopkins International

I begin closing the moment I meet a buyer. Establishing rapport builds trust. My qualifying questions confirm whether or not this person can make a decision and the benefits they want to own. I present those benefits then address the most common money concerns and ask directly and specifically for the business. "With your approval, we'll welcome you to our family of satisfied clients and schedule your training by (date)." Then, I remain quiet and wait for them to approve the order. Whoever speaks next owns the product. If I speak, I break the closing momentum. Let them speak first.

6. Lose The Attachment To The Outcome

Colleen Stanley (President) - Sales Leadership Inc.

There is no one step in closing the sale. It is a series of steps starting with your mindset. The best way to close a sales is to lose the attachment to the outcome. That creates a sales conversation that is real world and safe. As a result, you uncover the true buying criteria not often found in superficial conversations.

Editor's addition:

Colleen Stanley also makes a wonderful point about buyer/human mindset and avoiding falling into the trap of becoming an 'ABC' (Always be closing - a term taken from the hit sales movie, Glengarry Glenross) sales person.

The “ABC” salesperson hears a problem and translates it to a buying signal. She jumps on the challenge like a sumo wrestler and does a trial close. “Wouldn’t you agree that some of the solutions we offer would solve this problem?” (Does anyone talk like this at home?) The prospect recognizes that the question is a set-up for the big close and shuts down.
The skilled sales professional knows that trial closes like, “Wouldn’t you agree…” create a biological reaction in the prospect. There is a part of the brain called the amygdala. It is often referred to as the old brain. When this part of the brain senses danger, it puts a person into fight (hostility), or flight (end the meeting early) mode. Neither response leads to business. Top sales professionals avoid the “ABC” method. As a result, there is not a fight or flight type of response from prospect. Instead, a collaborative and smart conversation occurs with both parties treating each other with respect. - Colleen Stanley (source:

7. Timing Is Crucial

Nick Kane (Managing Partner) Janek Performance Group

When you are looking to close the sale it's critical to first think about the timing. You must capitalize on the natural momentum of the sales call and close at the right time. If you close too early you can lose credibility, if you close too late it can raise unfounded concerns. Once it’s the right time, move forward by first advocating for your recommendation. At this point you should have built enough trust and rapport with your prospect who by now should be looking for your personal guidance about the product/package that's right for them. Next ask for the business in a clear, confident and concise way and be sure to clearly define next steps.

8. Ask These Three Closing Questions

Trevor Finnigan (Sr. Business Development Executive) Inkas Security Group

When all else fails and you feel stuck ask these three questions and things will become clearer to what is needed to close the deal.

1). At this point is there anything else I can do to help? 

2). Do you have any concerns? 

3). If I am able to address these concerns can I count on your business?

Sometimes Sales People naturally complicate things trying to oversell themselves. Ask these basic questions anytime you hit a wall and it will either become an open door or you will find out why your stuck. Either way you will find yourself moving forward towards the sale again! Happy selling!!!

9. Be Your Prospect's Trusted Advisor

Ryan Mattock (Co-Founder) CommissionCrowd

It's important to remember that the word 'closing' is purely an internal term used by salespeople to mark one stage of many in the sales process.

The sales person's job is to help people make well thought out, informed decisions that are either going to eliminate a pain-point or enhance the prospect's business or personal life in some respect.

You're their trusted adviser, the person who they put faith in to help them make the right decision when spending their money. A good sales person will forget about selling and instead take on a purely consultative role where your only goal is to ensure that person makes the best possible decision for themselves. That may even sometimes involve losing the sale if your solution doesn't fit their need.

You absolutely must be on the side of your prospect and have their best interests at heart. The close will come very naturally when you change your mindset from seeing your prospects as just money in your pocket. Find something you're passionate about selling and ask yourself this - If you wouldn't sell it to your own mother, how can you sell it to other peoples?

10. Focus On What The Buyer Cares About, Not What You're Selling

Barbara Giamanco (CEO and Sales Advisor) @barbaragiamanco

I close the sale by collaborating with buyers on possible solutions to help them solve their business problems. I don't pitch, sell features and bore buyers talking all about me and what I sell. I do homework upfront to learn about their business.

I ask good questions, listen and then make suggestions about possible solutions. In short, I focus on what the buyer cares about and not what I have to sell. You don’t need gimmicky closing techniques. When buyers start co-creating a solution with you, in other words, they start asking if the solution could include this or that idea they have, that’s when deals get done.

11. Lay-Up The Close

Mark Ruthfield (VP of Sales) Zaius

I am a huge fan of my Sales Team being Project Managers owning the sales cycle so the close is a lay-up. I learned this technique from John Barrows with what he references as his sales follow-up email. My Team calls it an SOE (sequence of events) recap email.

The scenario is the rep had a discovery call, confirmed that their activity will lead to revenue, value has been built, and the prospect wants a pilot. Given we have demonstrated value, we have earned the right to understand what next steps look like in working towards a business relationship.

So before hanging up the phone, we state we want to give you every flavor of what it is like to be a Zaius 

customer. Let's confirm the success criteria, internal process to earn your business verbally, and then send an SOE recap email asking:

Can you please confirm I recapped this accurately and if I missed anything? You list the success criteria, how Zaius can help, and then action items/dates/owners. The rep is now a Project Manager with a lay-up close!

12. The Silence Rule - First To Speak Loses

Julien Arucci (CEO/Head of Sales) @JulienArucci

One of the best and often most overlooked techniques used to close a sale is the silence rule. When the sales rep announces your price, don't speak and always let the customer speak the first. The customer will usually tell you something important for the negotiation. The longer the silence goes on after you have asked a closing question, the more likely it is that the prospect will buy. If you break the silence the customer will have an opportunity to procrastinate on the buying decision or come up with another objection. The first who speak, will lose.

13. Ask A & B Questions

Jimmy Woodard (Chief Business Officer) Routine Solution

Don't ask a "yes or no" question to close the sale. Ask an "A and B" question. So instead of asking "Does this sound good to you?" ask "Would you like us to deliver this in 2 weeks or 1 month?" If you sell a product, don't just ask if they want 1 item. Ask if they want 3 or 5.

14. Don't Shy Away From The Hard Close!

Gene Caballero (Co-Founder) Green Pal

The biggest mistake sales people tend to shy away from is the hard close. Instead of asking for the sale, assume the sale. Examples of assuming the sale are where would you like this shipped or what type of card will you be using. The hard closing tactic can psychologically be difficult to overcome but can bring out the closer in anyone.

15. Use The Assumptive Close

Mark Hunter ( Sales Innovation & Leadership Keynote Speaker) The Sales Hunter

Believe in yourself and fully appreciate what you're doing by selling to another person. It's helping them see and achieve what they didn't think was possible. Sales is leadership / leadership is sales.

The most effective way to close a sale is to simply ask the customer for the order using the “Assumptive Close.” Ask, “Would it work best for you to have it delivered on the 16th or the 21st?” It’s important that you display confidence when speaking by using a strong voice and good eye contact. Then, be silent and wait for the customer to respond.

16. Know Your Product

Morlyn Duma (Freelance Sales Consultant)

Closing the deal can be a walk in the park if you immerse yourself in your product knowledge inside-out. Once you understand the value you can bring to the customer and be able to explain right down from within you, with boldness and confidence, the deal is almost done.

17. Listen And Let The Customer Tell You What They Need

Jessica Magoch (CEO) JPM Sales Partners

5 Magic Words: "How can I help you?" No matter what you're selling, or to whom you're selling, these magic words make the sale. They're not just words, however, they're a mindset. When you put yourself in the position of the helping the customer, listening more than talking, and putting your needs last, everyone wins. The customer will tell you exactly what s/he wants to buy, then all you need to do is sell them what they want. Yes, it's simple. Yes, it can be easy. No, it doesn't have to be icky, sleazy or just plain annoying. Cheers!

18. Use Emotion & Logic In Your Presentation

Zig Ziglar (Author, Sales Expert, Motivational Speaker)

Logic makes people think; emotion makes them act.

For example, in selling cookware, we would take the logical approach and explain that, according to USDA, the average shrinkage of a 4-pound roast in the oven or in the ordinary pot was 1 pound, 7 ounces. Cooking it in our method, you lost 5 ounces. Logically, you could say, "If you had a cook that stole one pound of your roast every time he cooked one, you'd fire him. No hesitation!

Here you've got this old, beat-up pot that's been stealing from you for 20 years. I think it's time you fired it. Fire that old pot and get a new one. And it's not going to steal from you!" That would make sense logically. Then we would say from a practical point of view, we are what we eat. If the food you put in your body is short on nutrition, then eventually you are going to pay for it. Sometimes I'd say, "Our set of cookware will help your baby grow up with a better chance at good health."

19. Build Trust With Your Prospects

Estefania Velasco (Sales Development Manager)ForceManager

My absolute, number one piece of advice is to build an element of trust whether it’s with a gatekeeper or the VP of sales - without it you’re going to struggle to close out the sale. In my experience it’s built by adding a unique, personal touch. Being natural. If it’s a follow-up call or scheduled demo, try and remember what was said previously. Did they mention a holiday? A crazy dog? Favourite sports team? Just like you would a regular conversation. It reminds them that you are, in fact, a real person, not some sales rep from Glengarry Glenn Ross…

20. Be The Solution

Katie DeCicco (CEO) Celebration Saunas

Be the solution. Most customers will tell you how they want to buy. Listen well to identify their pain points, the reason they want your product in the first place, then apply your product or service solution. Take control and ask questions. There are often common prospect experiences that affect their pain points that the prospect doesn’t yet recognize. Pointing these out and appropriately applying your solution builds trust and loyalty that you are a partner and advocate for their success.

21. Close More Sales By Asking More Questions

Thom Singer (Speaker, Conference Catalyst) Thom Singer

To close more sales, ask more questions. I close more sales when I am curious about the prospect, their company, and their desired results. When people understand you care about them, they pay more attention to you and want to work with you now and in the future.

22. M.A.D.R.I.D

Pierre Monette (Speaker, Conference Catalyst)Mpmquebec

I use MADRID. Measure, Agree, Demonstrate, Review, Ice the cake, Do it again. I measure a problem to solve. I obtain the agreement of the customer with the numbers measured (ROI). I do a demonstration of a tool/equipment if necessary. I review with the stakeholders. I show other similar problems to solve. At this time the sales closing should be done. And I do it again.

23. The 'Flip' Technique

John Lyon (Operations Manager) Logistics Scotland

Do all you can to talk the customer out of the sale. Work out the customers objections in advance, and then hit these objections head on in a logical order as you talk through your solution. This not only deals with any potential buyer led objections early on in the sales process, but it gives them reassurance that you are “on their side”. This “flip” technique is excellent for accentuating the customers implied and explicit needs, but without the sterile feel of a formulaic closing technique.

24. Start Closing From The Beginning

Brent Thomson (Sales Leader and Mentor) Peak Sales Recruiting

Ask hard questions early on in the sales cycle. Because then you're not waiting for the prospect to say yes because they've been saying yes all along.

If you ask the hard questions early on, you can then make the appropriate decisions based on the prospect's answers. Time is money and the best sales people know how to 

optimize their sales cycles and make decisions based off asking the hard questions right off the bat.

25. Listen & Question

Dale Carnegie (Writer, lecturer and developer of famous courses in salesmanship) Dale Carnegie

Actively listening and watching body language will help you develop good questions. Questions will help you focus your message to the buyer. When you ask a question, try to make it open‐ended. The more you can get the client talking, the better chance you will have to uncover needs and establish a relationship.

Listening and questioning are very effective strategies during the early process of lead follow‐up and prospecting; they can’t be overlooked. However, building listening and questioning skills will only get you halfway to the deal. To turn prospects into customers, you need to develop a relationship that provides value to the customer. 

Dale Carnegie said, “Thousands of salespeople are pounding 

the pavements today, tired, discouraged, and underpaid. Why?

Because they are always thinking only of what they want. They don't realize that neither you nor I want to buy anything. If we did, we would go out and buy it. But both of us are eternally interested in solving our problems. And if salespeople can show us how their services or merchandise will help us solve our problems, they won't need to sell us. We'll buy. And customers like to feel that they are buying—not being sold.

26. Uncover Objections Before They Surface

Joe Girard (Sales performance, psychology and mindset coach) Joe Girard

Sales has changed from the old ways where we focused on probing, objection handling, and closing. To be successful in selling, you can’t wait for your customer to voice their concerns (objections) after your “pitch” and try and convince them otherwise.

By then, it’s too late. Instead, make sure you have done your pre-call research, and understand your customer concerns well ahead of time. Also, ask great questions to uncover objections before they surface. The more your conversation with your customer eliminates their concerns, the less likely you will need to deal with objections. Remember that once someone has said “no,” it is much harder to get them to change their mind.

27. Stay Quiet - Allow Your Prospect To Think

Gretchen Hydo (Business Coach) Any Lengths Life Coaching

After I state the price, I stay quiet and wait for the question. People need time to process their thoughts. Sometimes they reason it with themselves out loud and other times they are silent because they need time to think.

Either way, let the potential client formulate their thoughts and questions without jumping in. Once they speak, you can address their specific concerns. Waiting for the question and sitting in the silence puts you in the power position and gives you the ability to hold the space. It also shows that you aren’t afraid of the client having feelings about the price and that you know your worth. When you know your worth, the client feels it. Interrupting or offering discounts can derail a sale.

28. Assume The Sale And Work Back

Dan Smith (Commercial Director) Linkedin profile

I use the assumptive close and discuss implementation and project delivery in the closing meeting. Then I work back and say well if you need that by the 25th we really need to formalise this and get the agreement signed now.

29. Don't concentrate on the sale

Martin Byrne (Sales Director) Envirosafe Ireland

As a technical sales engineer in the safety arena, my advice about closing the sale is: Don't concentrate on the sale. Instead concentrate on providing the correct solution for your customer - a solution that your customer will be happy with for a long time.

I have heard a lot of advice about “closing” and, frankly, it smacks of desperation. If you are focused on appropriate solutions for your customers instead of sales figures for yourself, your credibility and reputation will receive a massive boost, customers (existing and new) will seek you out, repeat business will follow and your sales targets will be achieved and surpassed. I have attended many sales training courses and I have rarely heard the trainer talk about what the customer needs.

In my opinion, customer focus is the key to a long and successful career in sales.

30. Fact-Find And Sell To Meet Needs

Ronnie Golding (Sales Professional and Trainer)

The only way to close a sale is to be able to sell to your prospects needs. So you need to do a full fact-find and then you will know what is wanted. You must ask a lot of closing questions along the way to making the sale.

A closing question is one where the answer tells you if your're on the right track or not."So if I can do this for you I assume we can go ahead". You need to be able to answer all objections with a closing question, this will lead you to the final objection, but beware if the objection is a condition that can't be met, you will get no further. Anybody can close a sale, the real art is knowing when TO close. You will learn when to close by closing too often to quickly.

A sale is closed on the opening, right from the moment the salesperson opens his or her mouth.

31. The Six Steps To Closing The Sale

Paul Harper (Managing Director) Zedcomms

There are only six steps towards making a purchase. These steps apply to any type of sale being made, from selling a pack of gum to our home. It is helpful that your sales team know what these steps are so they can help a prospective client work through the process.

Six Steps To Selling used by all major sales organisations:

  1. Prospect: Identify your prospective client.
  2. Contact: Say hello, meet and greet, break the ice.
  3. Question: Qualify. Ask questions about them, the company and what they want to achieve. (this is THE most important part).
  4. Presentation: Explain your product and service, how it relates to your findings in step – 3.
  5. Concerns: Ask if there are any concerns and review – revert back to Step – 3.
  6. Close: It’s time to ask for an order. Most customers will NOT order unless asked.

32. Show Value In Monetary Terms

Jon Barteaux (Senior Business Development Professional) Barteaux and Associates

Helping clients make the buying decision starts and ends when you understand the clients true business problem, how it affects their business and what value your solution brings. Close the deal by demonstrating those points and showing the value in dollars (revenue, cost savings, efficiencies) and the client's decision to buy from a true partner will be an easy one for them.

33. Help Your Prospects Mentally Commit To The Sale

Justin McGill (CEO / Founder) - LeadFuze

Don't be afraid to ask a question along the lines of "Can you think of any reason why you would NOT sign up?" This allows your prospect to voice any true underlying objections they may have, while also giving them the idea they've mentally committed to the sale.

Paul Atherton

UK No1 Direct Sales Coach | Start Closing Your Leads at 1 in 2 in 2025 with Your Own January Sales Kick Off 1:1 Sales Coaching Session To Get The Mindset, Skillset & Toolset for 21st Century Direct Sales Success


Refreshing to see the subject of Closing discussed, its becoming a lost art these days!

John Thornton

Project Manager at The Channel Company


Great article. I can definitely relate to number 16 and 10 the most. Knowing one's products is important as well as the competitors' products. And having a conversation rather than an interview puts everyone at ease.

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