Exploring Aspects Of The Employee Experience & Company Culture
In today's fast-paced business environment, it's essential to create a positive work environment that attracts, engages, and retains top talent. The employee experience and company culture are two crucial components of achieving this goal. A positive employee experience encompasses every interaction an employee has with the organization, while a strong and positive company culture influences employee behavior and shapes the overall work environment. Understanding different aspects of the employee experience and company culture is crucial for any business that aims to thrive in today's competitive marketplace.
In this newsletter, we will explore different aspects of the employee experience and company culture, discuss why they are essential for businesses, provide tips for creating a positive work environment, and help you understand how to build a workplace that fosters innovation, productivity, and employee well-being. The newsletter features insights from brilliant minds including Jacob Morgan , Erin Meyer , Jordan Cristillo , W. Coby Milne , Josh Bersin , Paulo Savaget , Pete Mockaitis , The Predictive Index , Deloitte , and more.
Learn how to determine the difference between good and bad conflict, identify when conflict has taken a negative turn, and more regarding workplace conflict in this awesome video featuring members of The Predictive Index .
Check out this extremely enlightening employee experience infographic created by Jacob Morgan . This loop encapsulates the entire employee experience from creation, to implementation, to observation/analyzation.
Learn how Unilever is shaping a bold new way of working from Jordan Cristillo , in this episode of HR Leaders.
Do you really understand what the employee experience is and isn't? Check out this awesome three-minute video from employee experience expert Jacob Morgan that clearly explains what the employee experience is all about.
Don't mistake that employees are not interested in a fair wage, or even seeking out the best wage they can obtain. But if the compensation is within the fair range, culture becomes the ultimate priority to almost all candidates. People want to enjoy where they work, and they will even be willing to take less money to do so in certain cases.
Want to have more of a voice at work? Want to improve your employee experience? Want to change the world? DirectSuggest is the Suggestion Box Reimagined, empowering any workforce with more of an effective voice.
Our award-winning employee suggestion box app makes it simple for employees to make suggestions surrounding company created categories on any device with the assurance they automatically arrive to the proper decision-maker. Every employee can also collaborate on suggestions via voting and commenting to enhance the quality of the ideas.
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At only $0.50 per employee per month, DirectSuggest has pricing any organization can afford. Learn more and sign up for a free 30-day trial at www.DirectSuggest.com.
In this episode of Great Leadership With Jacob Morgan , Erin Meyer elaborates upon how Netflix values honest feedback and encourages employees to be candid with each other, as well as their unique policies like no KPIs and no management by objectives.
"Fitting In is reinforcing the status quo and enabling homogeneous workplaces. Expecting new people to become what the workplace sees as normal or expected. Whereas Being A Good Fit is about expecting the alignment of key qualities, like work ethic and respect in the workplace. Letting the rest of their views and personality be about complementing the existing skills and perspectives, often allowing for new ideas and points of view, sometimes this is referred to as value fit." Learn about the exact difference between hiring someone who will fit in versus someone who will be a good fit, in this video featuring Roman 3 's W. Coby Milne .
It's clear that leaders/managers and the organization itself largely cause employee turnover. Employee loyalty is already far too low with people chasing bigger paychecks year by year. Employers cannot afford to additionally contribute to decreasing employee loyalty and increasing turnover.
Paulo Savaget explains the four workarounds that help solve nearly any problem in this episode of Pete Mockaitis ' How to Be Awesome at Your Job podcast.
DirectSuggest has been named Corporate LiveWire’s 2023 Innovation & Excellence Awards - "Specialist Employee Service of the Year". The employee suggestion box app was selected as the "Specialist Employee Service of the Year" for offering a highly effective simple and affordable solution that is making a tremendous difference on a broad scale. Daniel Jones, Corporate LiveWire’s Awards Manager stated “The judges went through the details thoroughly sourced online, and the growth of the business with the reviews/testimonials provided truly are testament to the business (DirectSuggest) as a whole. We are very pleased to recognise your hard work”.
DirectSuggest CEO Riley Moore commented on winning the award, saying “DirectSuggest’s mission is to easily, affordably, and effectively enable innovation by allowing any employee in any organization to use their voice to move the mission of their organization forward while making the world a better place. Winning an award of this stature that’s so heavily vetted is real recognition of the hard work of our team, and DirectSuggest’s mainstream potential. We are incredibly honored and appreciative to have won this award, and hope this will help fuel our ability to make a larger impact throughout the world.”
At only $0.50 per employee per month, DirectSuggest has pricing any organization can afford. Learn more and sign up for a free 30-day trial at www.DirectSuggest.com.