Extreme Responsibility: The Entrepreneur's Secret Sauce for 2025
I challenge you, yes you, to do something different in 2025. I guarantee, yes guarantee, it will financially change your entire life. I am talking about extreme responsibility. This is not for everyone, and in a few seconds, you’ll know if it is for you. Let’s get into it.
What is it?
Extreme responsibility says everything is your fault. Surprisingly, this is the beginning of winning. No bias, prejudice, racism, sexism, or any other "ism" can overcome taking responsibility for your own success through focused persistence.
Persistence is so powerful it will cause your enemies to hire you, your haters to promote you, and your detractors to focus on you. Your edge, your talent, and your skill represents miniature abilities because the greatest leverage on earth is your commitment to an action that eats away daily at the wall of rejection.
I can already hear some of you say, "but you don't understand what they did and how unfair it was." Actually, I do. And what they did was incredibly wrong! And to that I say, so what. Time is best spent assuming everything depends on you, because it does. And when you embrace this perspective, something magical happens.
The Magic
When I started my experiment called extreme responsibility, there was no one else to blame for my shortcomings. No one to point to if a deal didn’t work out, and no one to accuse if my finances were not where I wanted them to be. It was at that moment I was freed to dig deepest into my well of creative intellect and bring to the surface that which had been weighed down by the anchor of blaming others.
My clients and potential clients felt a different energy, a different confidence—one that says, "I'll get it done no matter what." Everything changed.
The Process
I recently shared this concept and was asked to provide an actual strategy to put this extreme responsibility "thingee" in motion here on LinkedIn. Below is what I instructed my mentee to do for 90 days. Oh and by the way, if having success in 90 days is too long for you, then you are not a candidate for extreme responsibility.
1. Mon-Fri between 8 am - 10 am ET, write and send 10 emails to your ideal, desired client here on LinkedIn. DO NOT talk about yourself, how long you have been doing what you do, or even how well you have performed for other clients. Only talk objectively about what your product or service has historically done in the marketplace.
Below is a short example of a message I once used in emails concerning the value of books.
John, well-written books position you as an authority in the hospitality space—scaling your thinking and delivering your personality into places you are absent...
The email continues for one additional, short paragraph highlighting the fact that every person quoted, every respected thought-leader and/or consultant has published a book. If you send 10 messages per day, 50 per week and 200 per month this is what will happen next.
The first 2-3 weeks will result in rejection and discouragement. You may even receive return emails of a nasty sentiment. Once this happens, rejoice. Literally go get some vegan ice cream and cake because the first level of extreme responsibility is withstanding the storm. (I saw you frown at "vegan" :)
In weeks 4-6 weeks, you will begin to receive responses like, "Tell me more" or "I'm interested let's book a call." Most, if not all of these will still turn out to be no-go's...and then in weeks 7-12 you will land your first client, deal or sale based solely on your commitment to being extremely responsible for your own success.
This will rewire your mind and you will notice how you no longer care about getting others to "help you make it" because God has given you everything you need. It was there all the time.
Now, let me back up briefly and mention one element that I always remove from my emails. And this takes us to point #2.
2. Never ask for business. Call-to-Action (CTA) is dead. Bury it. Educate-for-Attention (EFA) should be your new mantra. People trust people from whom they learn, and they pay you for the teaching. Let the receiver ask to do business with you. (I could talk about this for an hour, but I am running out of digital ink, so reach out via DM and I'll explain how this works.)
3. Repeat.
Ending Philosophy
Each of us is fearfully and wonderfully made. Yet, most will live an entire lifetime never mining the cave of diamonds living inside of them. It is now time to stop watching YouTube videos, stop going to seminars, and stop reaching out to others to do what you can do for yourself. Spend 2025 refining you, your attitude, and your persistence.
Written by: Dennis Ross
text me. 678.468.3782
Leadership Coach to Start Up Executives, Business Coaches, Life Coaches, Ministry Leaders & Conservative Political Leaders | Teaching the Principles of Conscious Conservative Leadership | Author: “Revival Begins In You”
4wAn apropos concept
Business Broker & Advisory Services
1moDennis Ross, better than another Yellowstone episode. Thank you for sharing and putting yourself out there. I'm in for 2025 and Beyond!! Cheers, Me
Transformational Educational Leader
1moThis is spot on! I'm going to lock in and work this plan. Thank you.