Factors for Fertilizer Recommendations: A brief overview of the main factors that affect the choice and application of fertilizers

Factors for Fertilizer Recommendations: A brief overview of the main factors that affect the choice and application of fertilizers

Fertilizers are substances that supply nutrients to plants and improve soil fertility. They are essential for increasing crop yields and quality, as well as for maintaining soil health and sustainability. However, fertilizers are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Different crops, soils, climates, and management practices require different types and amounts of fertilizers. Therefore, fertilizer recommendations should be based on a comprehensive assessment of various factors that influence the nutrient needs and availability of plants and soils. This document provides a summary of the main factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations, and some references to the sources of information that can help in making informed decisions.


Soil is the primary source of nutrients for plants, and also the medium through which fertilizers are applied and utilized. Therefore, soil properties and conditions have a significant impact on the fertilizer requirements and efficiency. Some of the soil factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Soil texture and structure: These affect the water holding capacity, aeration, drainage, and root penetration of the soil. Sandy soils tend to have low water and nutrient retention, and may require more frequent and lower doses of fertilizers. Clayey soils tend to have high water and nutrient retention, but may also have poor aeration and drainage, and may require less frequent and higher doses of fertilizers. Soil structure refers to the arrangement of soil particles into aggregates, which influences the porosity and stability of the soil. Well-structured soils have good water and air movement, and allow better root growth and nutrient uptake. Poorly structured soils may limit the effectiveness of fertilizers, and may need to be improved by adding organic matter or other amendments.
  • Soil pH and acidity: These affect the availability and solubility of nutrients in the soil. Soil pH is a measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the soil, and ranges from 0 (very acidic) to 14 (very alkaline), with 7 being neutral. Most crops prefer a soil pH between 6 and 7, where most nutrients are readily available. However, some crops may tolerate or prefer more acidic or alkaline soils. Soil acidity is caused by the accumulation of hydrogen ions (H+) in the soil, which can be influenced by various factors, such as rainfall, leaching, organic matter decomposition, and fertilizer use. Acidic soils may have low availability of some nutrients, such as phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, and molybdenum, and high availability of some toxic elements, such as aluminum, iron, and manganese. Alkaline soils may have low availability of some nutrients, such as iron, zinc, copper, and boron, and high availability of some salts, such as sodium and chloride. Therefore, soil pH and acidity should be tested and adjusted accordingly, by using lime or sulfur, or by choosing appropriate fertilizers that suit the soil reaction.
  • Soil organic matter and fertility: These affect the nutrient supply and cycling, as well as the physical and biological properties of the soil. Soil organic matter (SOM) is the fraction of the soil that consists of decomposed plant and animal residues, and living organisms, such as bacteria, fungi, and earthworms. SOM contributes to the soil fertility by providing nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, sulfur, and micronutrients, and by enhancing the soil structure, water retention, and biological activity. SOM also influences the soil cation exchange capacity (CEC), which is the ability of the soil to hold and exchange positively charged nutrients, such as potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Soils with high SOM and CEC can retain and supply more nutrients, and may require less fertilizers. Soils with low SOM and CEC can lose and leach more nutrients, and may require more fertilizers. Therefore, soil organic matter and fertility should be assessed and maintained by adding organic fertilizers, such as manure, compost, or green manure, or by using crop rotation, cover crops, or conservation tillage.


Water is essential for plant growth and development, and also for the transport and uptake of nutrients. Therefore, water availability and quality have a significant impact on the fertilizer requirements and efficiency. Some of the water factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Water quantity and irrigation: These affect the water balance and moisture stress of the plants and soils. Water quantity refers to the amount of water that is available for plant use, which depends on the rainfall, irrigation, evaporation, and runoff. Irrigation is the artificial application of water to the soil, which can supplement the rainfall and improve the water availability. Water quantity and irrigation influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the nutrient demand and uptake of the plants, and the nutrient loss and leaching from the soils. Too little water can limit the plant growth and nutrient uptake, and may require more fertilizers to compensate. Too much water can cause nutrient leaching and runoff, and may require less fertilizers to avoid pollution. Therefore, water quantity and irrigation should be monitored and managed according to the crop water needs and the soil water holding capacity, and the fertilizer application should be synchronized with the water application.
  • Water quality and salinity: These affect the nutrient availability and toxicity of the water and soils. Water quality refers to the chemical and physical characteristics of the water, such as pH, dissolved oxygen, hardness, and turbidity. Water quality influences the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as it affects the solubility and mobility of nutrients in the water and soils. Poor water quality can reduce the effectiveness of fertilizers, and may require more fertilizers to overcome the nutrient deficiencies. Water salinity is the concentration of salts in the water, which can be influenced by various factors, such as irrigation, evaporation, drainage, and fertilization. Saline water can increase the osmotic pressure and reduce the water uptake of the plants, and can also cause nutrient imbalances and toxicities in the plants and soils. Saline water can reduce the plant growth and nutrient uptake, and may require more fertilizers to correct the nutrient disorders. Therefore, water quality and salinity should be tested and improved by using appropriate water sources, treatments, or amendments, or by choosing suitable fertilizers that do not aggravate the salinity problems.
  • Water availability: The amount and timing of water available to plants affects the growth and development of plants, and the demand and supply of nutrients. For example, water stress can reduce the growth and yield of plants, and thus reduce the need for fertilizers. Water stress can also impair the uptake and transport of nutrients by plants, and thus require more efficient and timely application of fertilizers. On the other hand, water excess can cause waterlogging and flooding, which can reduce the availability and uptake of nutrients by plants, and increase the losses of nutrients by leaching and runoff. Water excess can also cause denitrification, which is the conversion of nitrate to nitrogen gas by soil bacteria, resulting in the loss of nitrogen from the soil.


Climate is the long-term pattern of weather conditions, such as temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind, and solar radiation. Climate affects the plant growth and development, as well as the nutrient cycling and transformations. Therefore, climate factors have a significant impact on the fertilizer requirements and efficiency. Some of the climate factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Temperature and season: These affect the metabolic and physiological processes of the plants and soils. Temperature is the measure of the heat or coldness of the air, which varies with the latitude, altitude, and season. Temperature influences the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as it affects the growth rate, biomass production, and nutrient demand of the plants, and the decomposition rate, mineralization, and immobilization of the organic matter and nutrients in the soils. Low temperature can slow down the plant growth and nutrient uptake, and may require less fertilizers to avoid nutrient accumulation. High temperature can speed up the plant growth and nutrient uptake, and may require more fertilizers to meet the nutrient demand. Therefore, temperature and season should be taken into account when choosing the type, amount, and timing of fertilizers, and the fertilizer application should be adjusted according to the crop growth stage and the soil temperature.
  • Precipitation and humidity: These affect the water balance and moisture stress of the plants and soils. Precipitation is the amount and frequency of rainfall, snowfall, or hail, which varies with the climate zone and season. Humidity is the amount of water vapor in the air, which depends on the temperature and precipitation. Precipitation and humidity influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the water availability and quality, and the nutrient loss and leaching. Low precipitation and humidity can cause drought stress and reduce the water and nutrient uptake of the plants, and may require more fertilizers to compensate. High precipitation and humidity can cause waterlogging and increase the water and nutrient leaching and runoff, and may require less fertilizers to avoid pollution. Therefore, precipitation and humidity should be monitored and managed according to the crop water needs and the soil water holding capacity, and the fertilizer application should be synchronized with the rainfall or irrigation events.
  • Solar radiation and photoperiod: These affect the photosynthesis and biomass production of the plants. Solar radiation is the amount and intensity of sunlight that reaches the earth's surface, which depends on the latitude, altitude, season, and cloud cover. Photoperiod is the length of the day or the duration of light exposure, which varies with the latitude and season. Solar radiation and photoperiod influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the energy supply and carbon fixation of the plants, and the nutrient demand and uptake. Low solar radiation and photoperiod can limit the photosynthesis and biomass production of the plants, and may require less fertilizers to avoid nutrient accumulation. High solar radiation and photoperiod can enhance the photosynthesis and biomass production of the plants, and may require more fertilizers to meet the nutrient demand. Therefore, solar radiation and photoperiod should be considered when choosing the type, amount, and timing of fertilizers, and the fertilizer application should be adjusted according to the crop growth stage and the light intensity.

Crop factor

Crop factor is the specific characteristics and requirements of the crop that is grown, such as the species, variety, yield potential, quality, and management practices. Crop factor affects the nutrient needs and uptake of the plants, as well as the nutrient cycling and transformations. Therefore, crop factor has a significant impact on the fertilizer requirements and efficiency. Some of the crop factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Crop species and variety: These affect the genetic and phenotypic traits of the plants, such as the growth habit, root system, biomass production, nutrient composition, and stress tolerance. Crop species and variety influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the nutrient demand and uptake of the plants, and the nutrient removal and return. Different crop species and varieties may have different nutrient needs and uptake patterns, depending on their physiological and biochemical processes. For example, legumes can fix atmospheric nitrogen and may require less nitrogen fertilizers, while cereals can consume more nitrogen and may require more nitrogen fertilizers. Similarly, different crop varieties may have different yield potential and quality, which may affect the amount and type of fertilizers needed to achieve the desired results. Therefore, crop species and variety should be selected and matched with the soil and climate conditions, and the fertilizer application should be tailored according to the crop nutrient needs and uptake patterns.
  • Crop yield and quality: These affect the economic and environmental outcomes of the crop production, such as the quantity, value, and impact of the harvested products. Crop yield and quality influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the nutrient demand and removal of the plants, and the nutrient balance and sustainability of the soils. Higher crop yield and quality may require more nutrients and fertilizers to support the plant growth and development, and to enhance the crop attributes, such as size, color, flavor, and shelf life. However, higher crop yield and quality may also remove more nutrients and fertilizers from the soil, and may reduce the soil fertility and sustainability. Therefore, crop yield and quality should be set and achieved according to the market demand and the environmental impact, and the fertilizer application should be optimized according to the crop nutrient demand and removal.
  • Crop management and rotation: These affect the agronomic and cultural practices of the crop production, such as the planting date, spacing, density, irrigation, pest control, and harvesting. Crop management and rotation influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the growth conditions and competition of the plants, and the nutrient cycling and transformations of the soils. Different crop management and rotation practices may have different effects on the nutrient availability and utilization of the plants, and the nutrient loss and retention of the soils. For example, early planting, high density, and frequent irrigation may increase the nutrient demand and uptake of the plants, and may require more fertilizers to support the crop growth. However, these practices may also increase the nutrient leaching and runoff from the soils, and may require less fertilizers to avoid pollution. Similarly, different crop rotation systems may have different effects on the nutrient supply and balance of the soils, depending on the crop species and sequence. For example, rotating legumes with cereals may increase the nitrogen supply and balance of the soils, and may require less nitrogen fertilizers. However, rotating crops with high nutrient removal rates, such as corn or cotton, may decrease the nutrient supply and balance of the soils, and may require more fertilizers to replenish the soil fertility. Therefore, crop management and rotation should be planned and implemented according to the crop growth conditions and competition, and the fertilizer application should be integrated with the crop management and rotation practices.


Time is the temporal dimension of the crop production, which affects the nutrient dynamics and interactions of the plants and soils. Time affects the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as it affects the nutrient demand and uptake of the plants, and the nutrient availability and loss of the soils. Therefore, time factor has a significant impact on the fertilizer requirements and efficiency. Some of the time factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Crop growth stage and duration: These affect the developmental and physiological processes of the plants, such as the germination, vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting, and maturation. Crop growth stage and duration influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the nutrient demand and uptake of the plants, and the nutrient removal and return. Different crop growth stages and durations may have different nutrient needs and uptake rates, depending on the plant functions and structures. For example, the early growth stage may require more phosphorus and potassium to support the root development and establishment, while the later growth stage may require more nitrogen to support the leaf and stem growth and photosynthesis. Similarly, different crop durations may have different nutrient needs and uptake patterns, depending on the crop life cycle and maturity. For example, short-duration crops may have higher nutrient needs and uptake rates per unit time, while long-duration crops may have lower nutrient needs and uptake rates per unit time. Therefore, crop growth stage and duration should be monitored and determined according to the crop development and physiology, and the fertilizer application should be timed and split according to the crop nutrient needs and uptake rates.
  • Soil nutrient status and dynamics: These affect the chemical and biological properties and processes of the soils, such as the nutrient content, distribution, and transformations. Soil nutrient status and dynamics influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the nutrient availability and loss of the soils, and the nutrient uptake and utilization of the plants. Different soil nutrient statuses and dynamics may have different effects on the nutrient supply and balance of the soils, depending on the soil conditions and factors. For example, the soil nutrient content and distribution may vary with the soil depth, texture, and structure, and may affect the nutrient accessibility and mobility of the plants. The soil nutrient transformations may vary with the soil temperature, moisture, and organic matter, and may affect the nutrient forms and solubility of the soils. Therefore, soil nutrient status and dynamics should be assessed and measured by using soil tests, indicators, or models, and the fertilizer application should be based and adjusted according to the soil nutrient availability and loss.


Besides the above-mentioned factors, there may be other factors that affect the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, such as the economic, social, and environmental factors. These factors may have direct or indirect effects on the fertilizer choices and outcomes, and may vary with the context and situation. Some of the other factors that should be considered for fertilizer recommendations are:

  • Economic factors: These affect the cost and benefit of the fertilizer use, such as the fertilizer price, availability, and profitability. Economic factors influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the affordability and accessibility of the fertilizers, and the return and risk of the fertilizer investment. Different economic factors may have different impacts on the fertilizer decisions and behaviors, depending on the market conditions and incentives. For example, high fertilizer price and low availability may discourage the fertilizer use and adoption, and may require more efficient and effective fertilizers to reduce the cost and increase the benefit. Low fertilizer price and high availability may encourage the fertilizer use and adoption, and may require more balanced and sustainable fertilizers to avoid the overuse and misuse. Therefore, economic factors should be evaluated and analyzed by using cost-benefit analysis, budgeting, or optimization tools, and the fertilizer application should be optimized and balanced according to the economic feasibility and profitability.
  • Social factors: These affect the perception and preference of the fertilizer use, such as the fertilizer knowledge, attitude, and practice. Social factors influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the awareness and acceptance of the fertilizers, and the adoption and diffusion of the fertilizer innovations. Different social factors may have different influences on the fertilizer adoption and diffusion, depending on the social norms and networks. For example, low fertilizer knowledge and negative attitude may hinder the fertilizer use and adoption, and may require more education and extension to increase the awareness and acceptance. High fertilizer knowledge and positive attitude may facilitate the fertilizer use and adoption, and may require more communication and collaboration to enhance the adoption and diffusion. Therefore, social factors should be understood and addressed by using surveys, interviews, or participatory methods, and the fertilizer application should be adapted and improved according to the social perception and preference.
  • Environmental factors: These affect the impact and consequence of the fertilizer use, such as the fertilizer pollution, emission, and mitigation. Environmental factors influence the fertilizer requirements and efficiency, as they affect the sustainability and resilience of the fertilizers, and the trade-off and synergy of the fertilizer outcomes. Different environmental factors may have different implications on the fertilizer impact and consequence, depending on the environmental conditions and regulations. For example, high fertilizer pollution and emission may degrade the environmental quality and health, and may require more regulation and mitigation to reduce the negative impact and consequence. Low fertilizer pollution and emission may improve the environmental quality and health, and may require more innovation and integration to enhance the positive impact and consequence. Therefore, environmental factors should be monitored and assessed by using indicators, models, or experiments, and the fertilizer application should be regulated and mitigated according to the environmental impact and consequence.

The following are some of the sources of information that can help in making fertilizer recommendations based on the factors discussed above:

- Soil testing: Soil testing is the analysis of soil samples for the concentration of nutrients and other properties that affect soil fertility and plant growth. Soil testing can provide fertilizer recommendations based on the soil fertility, crop type, yield goal, and quality goal. Soil testing can be done by certified laboratories, extension services, or on-farm kits.

- Plant tissue testing: Plant tissue testing is the analysis of plant samples for the concentration of nutrients and other properties that affect plant growth and quality. Plant tissue testing can provide fertilizer recommendations based on the plant nutrient status, crop type, yield goal, and quality goal. Plant tissue testing can be done by certified laboratories, extension services, or on-farm kits.

- Crop nutrient requirement tables: Crop nutrient requirement tables are the tables that provide the type, amount, and timing of nutrients required by different crops at different stages of growth and development. Crop nutrient requirement tables can provide fertilizer recommendations based on the crop type, yield goal, and quality goal. Crop nutrient requirement tables can be found in crop production guides, extension publications, or online databases.

- Fertilizer guides: Fertilizer guides are the guides that provide the information on the types, sources, characteristics, and application methods of different fertilizers. Fertilizer guides can help in choosing and applying the appropriate fertilizers based on the soil, water, climate, and crop factors. Fertilizer guides can be found in fertilizer manuals, extension publications, or online databases.

Fertilizer recommendations are not a one-size-fits-all solution, but a site-specific and context-dependent decision. Therefore, it is essential to consider the various factors that affect the fertilizer requirement and response of crops, and to integrate them into a holistic and adaptive fertilizer management plan. By doing so, agronomists and farmers can improve their fertilizer use efficiency and optimize their crop yields and quality, while minimizing their economic losses and environmental impacts.

References for Fertilizer Recommendations: A summary of the sources and methods used by different organizations 

The International Plant Nutrition Institute (IPNI) 

  • The IPNI is a global organization that provides scientific information on the management of plant nutrients for the benefit of the human family. 

  • The IPNI publishes the 4R Plant Nutrition Manual, which provides guidance on applying the 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework (Right Source, Right Rate, Right Time, and Right Place) to improve crop production and environmental quality. 

  • The IPNI also develops and maintains the Nutrient Expert software, which is a decision support tool for site-specific fertilizer recommendations based on soil testing, crop yield goals, and agronomic factors. 

  • The IPNI website provides access to various publications, databases, and tools related to plant nutrition and fertilizer management. 

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) 

  • The FAO is a specialized agency of the United Nations that leads international efforts to defeat hunger and improve nutrition and food security. 

  • The FAO publishes the World Fertilizer Trends and Outlook, which provides an overview of the global fertilizer supply and demand situation and projections for the future. 

  • The FAO also publishes the Fertilizer and Plant Nutrition Bulletin series, which covers various topics related to fertilizer use and crop production, such as nutrient management, soil fertility, fertilizer quality, and organic fertilizers. 

  • The FAO website provides access to various resources, data, and publications related to fertilizer use and plant nutrition. 

The International Fertilizer Development Center (IFDC) 

  • The IFDC is a non-profit organization that focuses on increasing and sustaining food and agricultural productivity in developing countries through the development and transfer of effective and environmentally sound crop nutrient technologies and agribusiness expertise. 

  • The IFDC conducts research and development on various aspects of fertilizer production, quality, and use, such as fertilizer formulations, nutrient management, soil health, and market development. 

  • The IFDC also provides training and advisory services to farmers, agro-dealers, extension agents, and policy makers on best practices for fertilizer use and crop production. 

  • The IFDC website provides access to various publications, projects, and events related to fertilizer development and use. 

The International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) 

  • The IFPRI is a research center that provides evidence-based policy solutions to sustainably reduce poverty and end hunger and malnutrition in developing countries. 

  • The IFPRI conducts research on various topics related to food and agriculture, such as climate change, gender, governance, markets, and nutrition. 

  • The IFPRI also publishes the Global Food Policy Report, which provides an analysis of the major food policy issues, developments, and decisions of the past year and highlights challenges and opportunities for the coming year. 

  • The IFPRI website provides access to various publications, data, and tools related to food and agriculture policy. 

The World Bank 

  • The World Bank is an international financial institution that provides loans and grants to the governments of low- and middle-income countries for the purpose of pursuing capital projects. 

  • The World Bank supports various projects and programs related to agriculture and rural development, such as irrigation, land management, agribusiness, and food security. 

  • The World Bank also publishes the World Development Report, which provides in-depth analysis of a specific aspect of development, such as agriculture, climate change, or poverty. 

  • The World Bank website provides access to various data, publications, and projects related to agriculture and rural development. 

The International Fertilizer Association (IFA) 

  • The IFA is a trade association that represents the global fertilizer industry, which produces, trades, and distributes plant nutrients. 

  • The IFA provides statistics and forecasts on fertilizer production, consumption, trade, and prices, as well as information on fertilizer policies, regulations, and standards. 

  • The IFA also promotes the adoption of best practices for fertilizer use and stewardship, such as the 4R Nutrient Stewardship framework, the Fertilizer Industry Product Stewardship Initiative, and the Fertilizer Industry Sustainability Initiative. 

  • The IFA website provides access to various publications, data, and events related to the fertilizer industry and its contribution to food security and sustainable development. 


The following references provide more information and guidance on the factors to consider for fertilizer recommendations:

FAO. 2018. Voluntary Guidelines for Sustainable Soil Management. Rome.

IPNI. 2012. 4R Plant Nutrition: A Manual for Improving the Management of Plant Nutrition. Norcross.

IFA. 2016. Fertilizer Best Management Practices: General Principles, Strategy for their Adoption and Voluntary Initiatives vs Regulations. Paris.

Vanlauwe, B., Wendt, J., Giller, K.E., Corbeels, M., Gerard, B. and Nolte, C. 2014. A fourth principle is required to define conservation agriculture in sub-Saharan Africa: The appropriate use of fertilizer to enhance crop productivity. Field Crops Research, 155, pp.10-13. [URL]

Dobermann, A. and Nelson, K. 2013. Opportunities and solutions for sustainable food production. Background paper for the High-Level Panel of Eminent Persons on the Post-2015 Development Agenda.

Thank you ! Well done !

Valerio C. Tanguilig, PhD

Quality is conformance to requirements! It begins in the field by doing things right the first time and all the time!


Very informative! Thanks for sharing.

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