Facts about Anxiety
www.benjaminhalpern.com #fearanxietystress

Facts about Anxiety

So who is likely to develop an anxiety disorder? Firstly, if you are reading this to get the answer for someone you know very well, possibly extremely well. You need to know that while I am sure that you are an extremely special and unique person. Having an anxiety disorder is not in any way what makes you unique. Just in the USA anxiety disorders affect 40 million people in a year, that’s just shy of 20% of the population. This refers to people who have a diagnosable anxiety disorder. Meaning, it affects your functionality of love & work, as it classified by the Diagnostical and Statistical Manual of Manual Health od Mental Health Disorder Disorders. If you add to the equation people whose quality of life is affected my anxiety, fear, panic & stress, the number are staggering. Just in the USA the cost to the government of managing anxiety is 42 billion dollars a year. Worldwide, more than 600 million people suffer from depression or anxiety. For the global economy, anxiety amounts to a cost of more than $900 billion. Now that we cleared some facts about how common of a challenge this is. Let’s briefly talk about the cost to you. People with an anxiety disorder are three to five times more likely to go to the doctor and six times more likely to be hospitalized for psychiatric disorders than those who do not suffer from anxiety disorders. Studies show that your company could expect to pay upwards of $3,000 more per employee based on their anxiety alone. They also show that 41 percent of employees from a range of industries reported high levels of anxiety in the workplace. Finally, the biggest cost is what you pay in quality of life, your inability to achieve emotional freed to live the life you desire & deserve.

The good news now is, that this is the most treatable mental health challenge. The prognosis is great; you can overcome the affect that anxiety has in your life. You can achieve the piece of mind and ability to live a great life emotionally. Getting up in good mood, excited to take on the day. Happy and content throughout your day regularly. The absence of fear, anxiety, stress, panic, associated depression, is within reach for you. You deserve to live a life that’s worth living emotionally. One that you look forward to, a life that juices you and fulfills you.

You may wonder how I know this and I speak so confidently about your ability to achieve this goal of emotional freedom. The answer is simply that I have directly worked with thousands of people whose life’s were overwhelmed, and their performance was extremely hampered, buy feelings of anxiety and stress. And I happy to share with you, that once they learned the skills tools and technologies to manage their mind they were freed for the debilitating clutches their negative emotions had on their lives.

Finally, a very important must understand is that despite that you are the only one who can to navigate and fix this challenge in yourself, is totally not your fault that you developed it in the first place. Its seems like a paradox, but nevertheless a piece of truth that you need to recognize. You were taught as child how to walk, talk, get dressed, & brush your teeth. No one ever taught you how to manage the “supercomputer between your ears”, and it doesn’t come with a manual either. It’s about time you learned how to manage it effectively & efficiently to make it work for you, to achieve your deserved life.   

In the following articles I will share with you, the latest & greatest, skills, tools & technologies, to help you achieve emotional freedom, by overcomes the emotional blocks, namely anxiety, fear, panic & stress. So you can forge ahead and live the life you desire & deserve.   

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