Facts About the Moon: 15 Fascinating Mysteries You Never Knew!
As we gaze up at the dark sky and admire the beauty of our universe, the Moon is always our cosmic hero of the night. Among all the astronomical bodies, it never fails to captivate us! Just as this natural satellite fascinates us, so will the facts about the moon mesmerize us.
Being our closest cosmic companion, the Moon has always inspired many myths, legends, and countless works of art throughout human history. But these facts will leave you amazed!
So let’s quickly explore the mysterious world of our solar sibling and get to know 15 unique and fascinating facts about the moon.
1. A cosmic collision was the reason behind the Moon today.
Long ago, Earth had a huge crash with a big space rock. The Moon was born from a colossal impact between Earth and a Mars-sized body.
This smash-up sent pieces flying around Earth, which later joined together to make the Moon we have today.
2. The Moon is slowly drifting away every year.
Every year, the Moon moves a tiny bit away from us. If this keeps up, it’ll take longer for this natural satellite to go around Earth in the future.
However, some facts about the moon claim that year after year, it is stepping 3.8 cm away from Earth. As a result, it will take 47 days to orbit us, instead of the current 27.3 in the far future. Well, this makes it one of the most interesting facts about the moon.
3. The existence of lunar water has been discovered.
The Moon has hidden water ice in its dark mystery. These craters are so deep and shadowy that sunlight never reaches them. This discovery is exciting because it’s like finding unseen treasures for astronauts who might visit there in the future.
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Without a doubt, they could use this ice as drinking water or even to make fuel. It’s like finding wells of water there, which could help astronauts when they explore this quiet world. This ice could make the Moon a place where people can stay for a while, making it a new kind of home in space.
4. Like Earth, even the Moon gets Moonquakes.
Just like Earth, the Moon can shake too. These shakes are known as moonquakes. They happen because Earth pulls its natural satellite with its gravity. It’s a bit like how magnets pull on each other. This pull can cause the tremble.
Even though we can’t feel them, these moonquakes are real. They show us that the Moon is not completely still and quiet. It has its kind of activity, just like Earth has earthquakes. So, in a way, the two are similar because they both can experience these quakes.
5. Only one side of the Moon faces the Earth.
The Moon has a special way of moving, which means we only see one side of it from our planet. This happens because the lunar takes the same amount of time to spin around once as it does to go around the Earth a single time. So, it’s always showing us the same face.
Just because the Moon keeps one side facing us all the time, no matter where it is in the sky. This is a phenomenon called synchronous rotation. That’s why we’re familiar with only one side of the Moon, and the other side remains hidden from our view.
6. There is no echo of sound due to the absence of air on the Moon.
On the Moon, it’s always silent. This is because it doesn’t have an atmosphere like Earth does. Without air, sounds can’t travel. So, if you were to yell or even scream over there, there wouldn’t be any echo at all. Your voice wouldn’t bounce back to you. That’s why the Moon is such a quiet place.
Therefore, no matter how loud you try to be, the quietness of the lunar will make it so that you hear nothing. It’s a place of complete silence, where the usual noises we hear on Earth just don’t exist. Well, this was one of the lesser-known facts about the moon I have come across.
CXO Relationship Manager
8mothank you so much for useful information and it's Fascinating insights.
CXO Relationship Manager AT BHARAT CXO
8moThank you for sharing this information for useful