The Fad of "Human Design"
The Washington Post put out an article in the beginning of 2023 as part of their New Year’s predictions stating Human Design was “IN”.
This electrified the HD community and they began using this as their crutch to validate what they knew all along from their own experience. That HD is the real thing and one can only know empirically and “now I’m right because a media source says so”.
See, up to this point it’s only been the esoteric community or those who hang on the fringes that accepted it much less even granted it beingness.
But now, things have changed. Especially after that man-made virus ushered in “The Era of the Individual”.
People are starting to realize that there just might be some benefit to this HD thing as "woo woo" as it sounds.
There’s only one problem…
The public doesn't know how to differentiate one HD practitioner from another AND the source of HD isn't easily found - they aren't exactly good at marketing to the business world.
Some sites offer individual help of the esoteric nature, others are trying to penetrate the business world.
👉 Consider the possibility that there are people who are selling courses or training others on HD that don’t have permission to by the copyright and trademark owners.
👉 Consider that there are people changing the original source material to suit their conditioning and ego.
👉 Consider that people are taking these courses with adaptations and then hanging a shingle as an HD practitioner and selling themselves as HD.
The public has no idea and they shouldn’t have to think about this. But, as we’ve seen with just about every religion, philosophy, science, coaching program, and now Human Design that people for whatever reason can’t just accept the source AS IS and feel they must play “God” and change it. Some feel anointed after attending a webinar to go deliver their newfound knowledge to the world and position themselves as an expert or source.
Then it multiplies because that’s what good conditioning and “the program” does.
Everyone’s a YouTuber/Influencer…
Recommended by LinkedIn
This isn’t meant to scare you away from HD or it’s business application called BG5. In fact, I know from experience (since 2007) how wonderful it is. But I knew to go to the source. I got certified (meaning I had to demonstrate that I knew it and could correctly apply the knowledge) not just regurgitate it as is done in school systems in the US and now in the maverick world of HD by rogue individuals who attended a webinar.
I am writing this article today to point you in the direction of two sources so that you get the correct form of the knowledge from individuals who were correctly trained, correctly taught and correctly certified students that demonstrated correctly that they know the correct information and can apply it without variation or deviation.
So if you want to dive into HD or BG5 (business and career application of HD which will rock your face off) then you would do best to visit these two sites to select a practitioner so that you don’t end up selecting that practitioner with a "sample size of one".
For HD:
If whoever is selling you on their HD or BG5 acumen and can’t show you their certs, run in the other direction.
Feel free to DM me here on LinkedIn if you’d like to discuss going the BG5 (HD for career and business) route, I use it every week in my career as a Partner in Executive Search helping leaders. My certs are below. Look me up on that link above for verification.
Human Design; Human Design System; BG5; OC16; Life Cycles; Manifesting Generators; Express Builders; Generators; Builders; Advisors; Projectors; Manifestors; Initiators; Reflectors; Evaluators; Careers; Executive Coach; Executive Coaching; Productivity
Unbiased advice & solutions to guide your success.
9moThis is exactly why I'm in the BG5 Foundation Course! Human Design grabbed my interest, like it does for so many people, by the catchy "self-help" gurus on Instagram and other social platforms. I jumped for joy (almost literally) when I found BG5 right here on LinkedIn. Before that I was excited about Human Design, knew I would pursue it as my next career but didn't feel genuine to simply hang a shingle and say I'm a Human Design coach. Thanks for this great article Rob!
Strategic Planning: Empowering Leader’s Dreams, Teams, and Goals. End burnout, overwhelm, weak decisions, inefficient teams & unfocused goals that cost you missed opportunities.
9moAmazing article Rob! Everything you share is right on the money! I wish everyone who is interested in Human Design or BG5 would read this! 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽