Fake legal notice scam

Fake legal notice scam

Fake legal notice scam

Despite being more common in Latin America, scams involving fake legal notices are on the rise all over the rest of the world. The scam is nothing more than a phishing attack whereby scammers pose as judicial bodies and encourage victims to click on links, download files contaminated with viruses, or complete false forms. 

The consequences of the scam can be immediate financial losses or misuse of the data for crimes later down the road. 

How the fake legal notice scam works

Fake legal notices usually begin with a phone call, an email, or a message that appears to be from a legal institution. 

Scammers exploit the general population's trust in these institutions to trick them into taking harmful actions. These messages often claim that victims have won a lawsuit and are due financial compensation, or, perhaps, that they have pending court cases and failure to act immediately will result in serious consequences.

These scams commonly use language or designs similar to those used by official government institutions. There have even been cases of criminals sending fake documents to convince their victims that the contact is legitimate.

Social engineering: psychological manipulation tactics

Scammers use a combination of urgency and fear to pressure victims into taking impulsive actions. The most commonly used pretexts for this type of scam are:

- Lawsuits for debts or moral damages.

- Subpoenas to attend a court hearing or give evidence.

- Charges for a fine or court fee.

- Receipt of benefits for compensation or a legal settlement.

Messages may include personal details procured from public data or through phishing and data leaks. There is also the use of legal terms and topics that aren’t typically part of our daily lives, making it harder to spot the scam.

How to spot the fake legal notice scam

Have you received a legal notice? Then don't allow fear or haste to get the better of you. There are a few ways to spot a fake legal notice:

Analyze the content and confirm the sender:Scams may contain inaccurate or false contact information, etc. As such, look up the number or email address of the person who sent the message or made the call, comparing it with the contact details used by the official institution.

Be wary of requests for personal information:Legitimate institutions rarely request personal or financial information by email, message, or phone call. For example, a criminal may ask the victim to confirm the residential address on file. Be cautious of any contact requesting sensitive data.

Don't make any supposedly urgent payments:If you receive a legal fee that you don't recognize, contact a lawyer or reach out to the institution cited in the charge via official service channels.

Beware of links and attachments:Never click on links or download attachments before confirming their legitimacy. After all, they may contain malware that compromises the security of your device. What's more, links can lead to fake websites with forms designed specifically to capture your data. 

Be wary of urgent tones:Cybercriminals often draft messages with an urgent tone to destabilize their victims, causing them to act without thinking. One such example is a notice of a fine or criminal charges for disobedience in the event of failing to appear in court.


Close attention and digital education are key elements in avoiding fake legal notices and other online threats. By reading messages calmly and analyzing everything you receive carefully, you will avoid falling victim to scams trying to manipulate you emotionally.

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