FEEL to HEAL - a Silver Lining

FEEL to HEAL - a Silver Lining

You cannot heal until you are willing to feel and you cannot feel when you existing in a state of numbness.

I share a 'brief insight' into how each experience was there to access the medicine and to be of service as I AM. Healing is not something that has become the new fashion label of 2020 or 2021 and a calling to serve. My advice is keep learning how to heal yourself before opening up your arms for others. This is a lifelong gauntlet with initiations, tests, lessons and training to reveal the silver lining within the darkness.....

I feel tension in the bodysuit before even my hands with permission touch the skin. I can feel the other's pain and the exact location within my own body and this is how I work. I know your trauma within you without having to hear your story.

The story can easily keep you stuck in avoidance of going deeper as there is attachment to it.

The LAYERS are multilayered and TRAUMA & their emotions held hostage in the tissues release with encouragement, guidance and ONLY when the individual feels SAFE.

I have been releasing trauma since 2003. In 2003, I was pulled aside by a shaman and healer, can I work on you you asked. I was lost and immediately said yes, I felt the healing energy and chose to EXPLORE. I had an entity and 'Black Goo' wrapped around my pelvis and was hooked into my vagina. This BLACK GOO fed off fear, it was a dark and I saw it snarling as it was pulled out of me. It had been there since my rape, at 17 years old. It fed off my ANGER, rage and was sucking my life-force and increasing my self-destructive patterns. I passed out for 2 hours into a deep sleep when it was extracted from my bodysuit. I had two x two hour sessions.....

In 2018, I was trained how to do this entity removal of back goo, amongst many other Harry potter type practices and ancient as Fk.

I am grateful to the healers that pulled me to one another and took me under their wing as there were angels in disguise. Everything was playing a role to GUIDE me home to what I needed to REMEMBER.

This is the same 'black goo' I am seeing and feeling in many people bodies and I was given this gift for a reason. This black goo is a 'self-replicating' Entity with nano-bots in the framework, it is bio-hacked thus creating a hostile takeover in the individual.

Holy smoke..... healing is going to have to SHIFT.

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'Some' of the things/patterns I played out:

NUMBNESS & PAIN were addictions of choice. Self inflicted PAIN helped me to feel 'something' and gave me a let down, like a 'HIGH'. Pain is a doorway and not the LIE you have been fed to avoid experiencing it. I dive into where most run from

ADDICTIONS became a state of numbness and denial and HOW EASILY could I rationalise a drink, a joint, another line, mindless sex and anything else on offer. I would party and dance till I dropped. I have an addictive personality, like many. I see it as a gift as it showed me where to begin Breaking FREE. The addiction is an effect and not a cause. When you have an addictive personality you become RELENTLESS in your inner healing and the path to KNOWing thy self.

CODEPENDENCY a natural progression as fits snuggly with the addictions & destructive habits and further removed me from my CORE Wound. Yes, codependency in #relationships and experiencing abusive partners as WE ATTRACTED one another. I played the victim games and became the master manipulator (other name, perpetrator or rescuer) , I learn to be a fighter and lets' just say against a man, came off the worst. Both of us in SURVIVAL desperate to feel LOVED and avoidance of the discomfort of feeling alone/ lonely. This was a contrast to shift from codependency & learning to be independent as an adult and then step away from the 'safety' of groups. To evolve into interdependence (selfless devotion to serve Source/God)

No one understood me, I now know as I am from the future. I felt so out of control on the inside that when I took drugs and danced barefoot in fields, I felt FREE, Joyful and connected to my SPIRIT. I felt my childlike innocence and we really played and PUSHED the boundaries of society. I was fearless and the way we PUSHED the LIMITS was like watching an action movie. I even fell out of a super tall tree onto my back and literally bounced back up to my feet, laughing and everyone was .. WTF! I was highly constructive, drawing, painting, embroidering and dancing and felt HOME in a world that didn't get me. It was LSD that began to open my mind to INFINITE possibilities and STATES of BEING. It also assisted with my depression. This was the 90's. I am an EXPLORER so leaping into the unknown is nothing new to me. Fascinating that now the science backs it! It is like we were exploring timelines and shifting limits in the Quantum! I have reclaimed my innocence as I am HIGH on LIFE, dancing, music, nature connects me to Spirit, PLUS I have healed the CORE wound that was lost for so long. I work in the Quantum field.

Bulimia became a way to CONTROL my IMPULSE impulsive eating, it was a way to feel something beyond the numbness. I was leaking energy from my throat, I STOPPED speaking up for me and shoved all my emotions back down. I felt unheard, angry, unloveable, fat and when added my contribution to the family dinner table, was told, 'don't be so silly, that would never happen.' When I purged I felt a RELIEF, like cutting my skin and bleeding. I felt a feeling of 'let down, going beyond and a relaxation. The throat and the Yoni are connected, Heal the Yoni ladies and your TRUE VOICE emerges with no force.

Self-loathing of my body became dysmorphia at 10 years old when I began my periods and was sexually fully developed. I had to learn how to grow into my skin and voluptuous VJJ. I began writing erotica at 11 years old until my mum found letters to pen pals in Sweden, Finland and Switzerland writing sexually explicit material. This is where the Sexual SHAME began. I guide my Mum & women in womb, Yoni LOVE & feminine wisdom. I fully embody my sensuality as I did when I was 5. I trained in pranayama for over a decade, as it is this mastery that connects us to higher states of consciousness & evolving intimacy. Even 'self-purging' is an ancient practice to access higher consciousness! I giggle at the irony!

  • I accepted my weirdness and then everyone wanted to be weird, it became the IN thing.
  • I was NUMB for most of my life as to feel my full sensual and powerful self sacred me or was fed off my others. I had to learn how to USE it with DISCERNMENT.
  • Trained for years as a healer and then observing the surge of 'helpers for humanity' and yet many coming at it from the 'unhealed space'. Hmmmm. I trained to be R.N in 1993... as I WANTED TO HELP PEOPLE.... (🚩 ), ..... as I didn't know how to help or heal me..... yes, BIGGER picture of the victim consciousness playing out. You are on the right path and there are things to heal in YOU... I SEE it all as I played it all.

I am observing the LOST guiding the lost and feeding off the lost and saying they are going to save, help & fix you!

The TRUTH is ...
NO ONE is coming to save you!
No one can fix you -it is your human mission
to learn how to heal all the fragmented aspects of you so you can come into WHOLENESS.
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This is a 'Snap shot,' as my life is like chapters in a book and there are many books. My past NO LONGER EXISTS and I have ZERO attachment to any of it. It all SERVED my awakening as a Healer & Mentor.

  • I lost count of how many times I cleaned the slate.
  • Change is something I mastered from a young age, even my Mum asks, 'Where do you come from?' The future Human Being Mum and I am still learning what it all means.
  • DISAPPOINTMENT a wise teacher, SUFFERING a powerful GUIDE to FREEDOM.
  • My Core Wound was abandonment of my INNOCENCE. It many layers and after 17 years, the final root came out and I began to Trust in self, even when many in society still rejects me or some men lust over me.
  • Addictions are EASY to shift from when you KNOW where to LOOK 🌺

It is time To EXPLORE YOUR Inner Healing and Shadows - to evoke your gifts

  • We have a society trapped in bodysuits that are numb and in fear.
  • Many are afraid to feel as they have been FED THE LIE that PAIN is bad!
  • Some have become addicted to using their pain to gain attention, like a feed your pain show!
  • Many are sacred to work with me yet I walk the talk, so it is a safe and smooth path for you. Those that TRUST and take this leap never look back, they grow wings & fly free.
  • Many are numbing out "CORE Emotions" with drugs, sex, alcohol and porn.
  • Some stuck in public self-flagellation of the EGO hiding behind intellect.

I INVITE you to explore this and become curious to what is still blocking the view and what are you playing out to STOP feeling the deep inner pain?

I offer in person (Sydney) and remote (Zoom) sessions and this is NOT Reiki, I stopped being a reiki master years ago as it has a ceiling. This is reiki on STEROIDS x 10.

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This is my Church as a golden child of God, I am here to serve in the LIGHT.

I guide you how to heal you.

I support you how to collect all the fragmented aspects and restore your wholeness.

Like many other chosen ones, we would do it all again as it was only in the darkness that we were able to SEE the Truth of the Light.

Zoe-Anna x #healer #trauma #guide #shaman #soulmission

Annette Parker

Specialist Coach for Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) ⚛ | Top 15 Coach Brisbane - Influence Digest 2024 ⚛ | Mentor ⚛ | Counsellor ⚛ | Business Owner @ Phoenix Mind Health ⚛ |

Zoe Bell ❤️🔥🧙

The Alignment Wytch | Founder of The Mystics Temple | Wayshower | Author & Artist "For Those Ready to Remember Their Power" ~ Elevating Visionaries To SOAR ⚡️


Many women & men are sexually numb. Underneath the numbness is Shame, guilt, self-loathing and fake over stilunationx. They perform to hide in the sexual display yet beneath the skin they are screaming in SILENCE & pain. The fierce exterior is a façade. The tissues numb & shrivelled. Longing for touch and still feeling hollow. Chasing the next high to feel something. Yes, I am talking to what is hiding. I know how to talk to the body And into the pain.... I want everyone to feel what I do To be free & sensually unapologetic To fully awaken & restore What’s been made wrong. ❤️❤️❤️

Kyle R. Bell 🛎🔔

Killer B2B Fintech copywriting and marketing strategies (I generate new leads and revenue for B2B Fintech companies)


Many people numb their emotions by various activities. A lot of people I've met do it through excessively playing sports year round.

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