Feeling - Grasping of Time - 3rd Guide To Intuitive Way Of Life
By Lionel Yang, October, 2024 Updated: 26th Jan, 2025
Feeling, on contrary to popular believe, is not sensational, subjective experience or a personality type but a direct contact of intuition with cosmic purpose in time, its consciousness and change. That’s also a different between feeling and fancy, feeling is about self organization of thought and understanding, getting to know the knowing through repentance, forgiveness, hope and humility. While fancy is secular, individualistic selfishness, and it often misunderstood as feeling and framed feeling as a kind of disorder.
This 3rd writing is a hand-holding guide to intuition through feeling, the direct contact to cosmic purpose.. In previous writing we have meditated that intuition is lived across being-in-time. Intuition is felt when time is guided by purpose. Feeling guides thought and understanding into self organization of time’s purpose in repentance, forgiveness, humility and hope. Time is the life force where purpose, consciousness and change are felt simultaneously. This trans-disciplinary or trinity (three in unity) doctrine is intuited in feeling before thought and understanding are guided into time’s purpose. Feeling is how consciousness, in becoming aware of time and its purpose, getting to know the knowing. Feeling is the vitality in transformation of consciousness, as life force that flown in time is felt and vitalized in change through getting to know being-in-time, and of time.
There are four stages, if you may, how feeling finesses between consciousness and change as being unfolds purpose of life force in time:
i. Grasping. Feeling begins in getting to know the knowing of being-in-time through intellectual effort or tension by listening time in silence. Feeling gets to know the purpose of time by waiting in silence and at the same time stretching the tension to endure time. Feeling gets to know the trinitarian unity of purpose, consciousness and change.
ii. Participation. The Feeling in waiting and stretching guides knowing of thought and understanding through sympathy, through which one is moved into the inner tension of being-in-time to grasp what is graceful, ineffable, animate and vicarious within it..
iii. Reminiscence. The sympathetic feeling that holds intensity as being-in-time with purpose would self organize thought and understanding towards novelty, heterogeneity and complexity in relations and simultaneity of the past and the future as it ensures in repentance, forgiveness, humility and hope in present.
iv. Correspondence. The transformation of consciousness of being-in-time is embodied in feeling for purpose towards change. Feeling is stretched in tension across flown time into the stream of ceaseless change. Feeling for multiplicity is fully ready as spontaneity of life force, its vitality into simultaneity of heterogeneity, novelty, complexity of creative evolution.
The Rationalists
Rationalists are against intuition of feeling, they have endeavored a kind of freedom that is depending on control and conditioning of predictable change and freezes time into mechanistic clock. The disrespect that has given to the intuition of feeling from educational to professional setting, is largely due to controlled conditioning by the rationalists that feeling is merely sensational or subjective. It is also a mistake of analytical psychology placing feeling as a kind of specific personality type, for only certain people with subjective experience. It is the rationalists who has stuck themselves in analytics thinking that discriminated feeling as fancy.
In addition, the Enlightenment and Scientific Revolution have endeavored a wrong trajectory of liberation. Instead of liberating people’s feeling to unite purpose, consciousness and being, the secular-motivated rationalists have carefully suppressed the trinitarian of intuition, heralds liberation merely as freedom of private wealth creation and selfishness. The rationalists further created economics and technology of doing more with less in order to gain more control to the vicious cycle of private wealth creation into the hands of few. Feeling is locked in the mechanistic clock designed by rationalists in order that the wholesomeness of our trinitarian intuition, the simultaneity of purpose, consciousness and being is not felt into the self organization of thought and understanding. Humans are controlled by economics and technology to be broken down into divisible labour to gain productivity for capitalists, those rationalists that have grown extremely wealthy and powerful. that, in the process of rationality, have created a widening gap of wealth inequality and privileged living.
That’s also a discrimination of the rationalists to destitute the intuition of feeling as a kind of disorder. Feeling is a direct contact of cosmic purpose and its endurance towards order in self organization through time. That’s a different between control and self organization, both dignified order but control freezes time and self organization flows in time. Rationalists have created mechanistic time in order to freeze time and control the predictability of change.
Feeling is denied by the rationalists because of the fear of losing control. The rationalist will never satisfy with their own analysis, because it is fear they want to cover up in their analytics, fear of losing control to flow of change in time’s purpose, consciousness and being.
”Change requires freedom and freedom is about the ability to control your own future”
The change that has brought about by the Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment is based on this rational promise, that all subsequent disciplines from education to economics are based upon.
However, rationality is sustained by fear, the fear of losing control and thus losing the freedom itself. But in reality, freedom and change have nothing to do with control. It is just merely a deliberate lie by the rationalists to control the predictability of change motivated by their own fear.
The world has been living under this proud achievement of fear in breaking everything down to predictability.
What fear actually fear the most is hashtag#time, because time flows in ceaseless change. Fear will do whatever to freeze time and the hashtag#intuition of flowing with hashtag#complexity of change in order that change could be rationally broken down into predictable control. Fear is denying change by lying that freedom of change is about controlling the future. A very seductive and irresistible phrase instigated by fear to lock freedom of change from emerging.
The rationalists won’t want intuition of feeling to be set free because this kind of self organized thought and understanding would break every known controlled orthodoxies - rational, empirical, analytics and positivist that have worked in freezing time and change through purpose and consciousness. The irony is life could never be controlled from its vital impulse and force of nature towards purpose and self organized change. Our thought and understanding could never escape the feeling of trinitarian order of time’s purpose, consciousness and being. The fabricated order of way of knowing by controlling thought and understanding conditioned by the rationalists is so strong is like we are living in an artificial world built deliberately to mechanistic time in order to lock us from the real time outside this artificial world.
To redeem feeling is to redeem time, to restore the rightful thinking from education to economics is to redeem felt time, the time that lived. Time will disrupt the orthodoxy that chain us in mechanical time and fixed us into analytics, in order that we could be control for labor and productivity.
WAITING - Feeling Time
The rationalists believe the future is controllable and predictable,
They will then divide the future into visible pieces (empiricism) and repeatable parts (positivism) into plans and timeline,
But what they are planning is actually their fear,
The fear of losing control and predictability,
The rationalists planned no actual plans, and the future of hope would fatigue as they fickle in fear,
A rationalist is depicted as a Gradgrind in Charles Dickens's novel, "Hard Times". A Gradgrindian is :
plain, bare, monotonous,
inflexible, dry, dictatorial,
unwholesomely deficient,
(Gradgrind) would go in and damage any subject whatever with his right, follow up with his left, stop, exchange, counter, bore his opponent to the ropes, and fall upon him neatly.
Phew...Only if i had had Dictkens's talent to say something like that so smooth, sincere and sick about rationalists...
But my talent is only limited to waiting,
so that time is stretched and become heterogeneously interesting,
so that time have enough feelings for what has been and what might have been,
so that time could fill the missing relations and become wholesome,
so that time would also call on others who have felt the same force, purpose and change,
so that collective consciousness of novelty would evolve into complex order and allow creative evolution to happen at the right time,
so that life will be lived in hope, no fear.
Arts As Intuitive Object In Getting To Know The Feeling Of Courage
Arts has been an endeavor of pure perception as long as the rationalists had started ruling our thought and understanding. Arts has become the appreciation of empirical and positivist readiness. Feeling in getting to know arts and the knowing grows out of arts are no longer necessary. Arts has become factual, the starting point where intuition vanished and ended.
However, arts as an intuitive endeavor would vitalize the self organization of thought and understanding. Pure beauty imagined through arts is preserved in time's purpose and time's chance simultaneously. The sympathy that consciously felt into beauty would reconnect the vital force of "getting to know" or feeling before and after thought and understanding in order that ;
to grow courage, not fear,
to free one being from the fickleness of controlled mindset and to feel strengths in the stream of ceaseless change,
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to bring feeling of courage to indivisibility and simultaneity of totally lived time, the repentance, forgiveness, humility and hope,
to bind feeling into the simultaneity of purpose and change.
Arts as an object of feeling would require an elevated narrative of embodied existence :
one that would intuit in time.
one that in perpetual tension of unity and multiplicity,
between ready and present,
never ending shaping an reshaping,
one that becomes an object of trinitarian intuition -
purpose, consciousness and ceaseless change.
The conscious alteration is not in the object of arts,
but the grasping of feeling,
participation of courage in before and after,
in reminiscence with the totality of lived time,
and in correspondence with being-in-time.
The artistic feelings that flown time into thought and understanding would resemble as the "as-if" of::
“Permanent Novelty”
“Never Fading Efficacy & Vivacity”
And the most courageous ones, would be of eternity, of grace and light.
The Feeling Of Time
Feeling sinks one senses in understanding thought as a balanced whole, not merely in parts in getting to know what's before, in between and after thought and understanding. Feeling flourishes courage that is needed to change through the life force of time, overcomes the fear conditioned by rationality in the control of clock time.
Thought and understanding are felt as life force in time and of time, not merely predictable maneuvering of clock time.
Feeling is not subjective experience, it is the intuition that flown onto one in the grasping, participating, in reminiscence and correspondence with heterogeneous simultaneity of the hermeneutics (what's missing and indivisible) and phenomenology(being), in time as well as of time, as one draws the trinitarian unity of purpose, consciousness and change from cosmic reality.
Feeling is more than the totality of experience as feeling touches new surface and relations in time and of time. The whole of lived time intuits beyond experience, repeats to differ, relates in anew and orders towards complexity as one's feeling streams along the vital impetus of flown time.
Perhaps in the course of fighting the loosing battle of happiness, one has to lose the battling of rational thinking and its fear trapped by clocked time, in such that happiness could gain through the truth in feeling, restoring grace upon humility, hope and courage for justice.
"I, that please some, try all,
both joy and terror Of good and bad,
that makes and unfolds error,
The seasons alter:
hoary-headed frosts Fall in the fresh lap of the crimson rose".
- Shakespeare, The Character Of Time, Winter's Tale.
Would redemption in feeling brings happiness? I don't know if one would be happier, but one would be more acceptance in the inevitable suffering. One would become more enduring and tolerance with time as through it, the purpose is felt. One would become more sympathetic as feeling grows and getting to know repentance, forgiveness, hope and humility of time. And in sympathetic feeling, one would arrive to different kind of knowing, not the kind that’s pre-trained and controlled for predictability, but the kind that’s calling, the ceaseless change that grows in them as time flown. One would become more fulfilled through purpose, consciousness and change in time, not wanting to predict and control. One would become more resilient and elastic through knowing in sympathy, not rationality . And if one accept this kind of intuitive way of life and its god-making, one would become content and happy..
Feeling One Own Way Back To Life
“The struggle (of humans) against power is the struggle of memory against forgetting” - ― Milan Kundera, The Book of Laughter and Forgetting
If power brought about the greatest degradation in ethics, in reading Kundera, it is because humans had forgotten how to live by remembrance.
(One ought to read Kundera as hermeneutically intuitive as possible because being inspired by Bergson, Kundera's own memory would also subject to alterity of his past as the open future of what-could-have-been.)
The ultimate purpose of memory is to allow evolution to consciously alter the course of ethics in correspondence with the inevitable flux of change over time. Change doesn't require power, the "dark force" that obsessed with control and fed on fear. Change requires feeling of vital force to grasp, participate, in reminiscence and correspondence with the interpenetration of repentance, humility, forgiveness and hope.
Change is about remembering one own way back to failing, back to ignorance, back to laughter of the unanswerable, back to breaking boundary, back to strengths and back to life !
This feeling of time's purpose defines the meaning of inevitable suffering of human existence across the chaos of betterness. Forgetting works against remembrance, we struggled to remember not just our own experience, but those experiences not of our own but synchronized in collective fate, as when we allowed our feeling to levitate onto the whole sympathy of otherness from dichotomy and division that would decay into forgetfulness.
Feeling is fundamental consciousness to human beings in be able to know anything at all before all rationality of knowledge creation. Feeling allows us to see what are truly there in the world before all five senses. Rationality of five senses are just passing moments that are glued together by perception of feeling.
"...no one can do a thing about feelings, they exist and there's no way to censor them. We can reproach ourselves for some action, for a remark, but not for a feeling, quite simply because we have no control at all over it.” - Kundera.
Sympathy - The Reset Button To Re-Activating Life Force
Entering this decade, more people are attending to the way to living through "transformation of consciousness" connecting to the "natural internet out there" for information guiding one's knowing unique to one's own lifetime, in contrast with synthetic thinking that learned through education, social conditioning and technological internet.
However, most people do not realize that consciousness requires a person who has free will. The act of mental freedom itself is the consciousness because the "natural internet" unfolds itself in free act. In order to connect to this natural internet of lifetime, one has to be intuited to the coherent flowing of free act of nature, a person has to first becoming better as agent of free will.
We are now also more aware that the biggest obstacle to this natural becoming is synthetic thinking. It seems that there's another force wanting to prevent us in reaching this "information naturally endowed to our lifetime" because in doing so, this synthetic force will cease to exist, all that this synthetic force desires to keep things controllable and predictable will dissolve if we bypass the frozen timeline to connect to the free act of nature. The synthetic force therefore will do all it can, at all cost, to assert authority in us, keeps us obedience to its conditioning. However, the natural force always fight back because natural change is unpredictable and only by this mean of natural indeterminism, change could come anew and alive.
The storytelling between the synthetic and the natural forces has never ceased to entertain us since the beginning of storytelling itself. Bergson had wanted to find way to levitate from the dichotomy imprisonment of this storytelling, by his methods of intuition in gaining mind energy to free will and vice versa.
The act to free one's will to natural becoming requires tremendous mind energy and mental effort. This consciousness(intuition) requires one to be in intense tension into novelty, it takes tremendous strengths of one will to break out from the synthesis force, hypnotizing it and dreaming away to what's anew. Where do we get the mind energy? It requires us to dissolve the synthetic thinking that keeps us inert, the act of doing so released vital force to connect to the "natural internet" and receive information uniquely to our lifetime.
The paradox remains that where do they get the mind energy to dissolve synthetic thinking, isn't this act of free will itself requires life force at the first place? Bergson offers a solution to this paradox, by activating "sympathetic feeling". Sympathy is the "reset button" in rebooting and "wiped us clean" from the control of synthetic thinking and restoring the "immediate telepathy" with the "natural internet".
Fantastic diagram Do you do a talk around this?
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1moMax T.
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5moLionel Yang congratulations, thank you for sharing this profound journey. Shows your own experience reflected , so important in this moment where concepts are repeat , and not based on the own experience of life. Looking for collaboration and continue and deepening the journey.
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6moWhat a profound exploration of intuition and feeling.
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6moHow do you explain Sartre's "Existance takes the lead over Essence".?