O.K, so I guess this isn't short enough for a post on LinkedIn, so I'm making it an article.
O.K, when God tells me to share something, I share it, without censoring, so here goes (Yeah, I'm a little scared, it's my first LinkedIn article and I'm writing "off the cuff"):
Here goes...
Like most "spousal" relationships - disagreements, arguments, and emotional hurt are going to occur; especially when there are children involved and said children have a right to help "troubleshoot/problem solve." After all, the more people that are involved in any decision making process, the more likely there is going to be disagreement, dissent, and distasteful interaction/dialogue; all else equal.
Anyway, it's Monday (8/11/20); right, & we're all "dealing" with Covid-19 and some important elections that are coming up, this year, and a bunch of other "bull-shit!" And, Mondays are f'ing tough for adults and children, regardless... adults & children who have work to get done on said Monday!
...So Michelle & I got into it (as we often, do).
LUKE 12: 51-54 (RSV)
"Do you think I have come to give peace on earth? No, I tell you, but rather division; for henceforth in one house there will be five divided, three against two and two against three; they will be divided, father against son and son against father, mother against daughter and daughter against her mother, mother-in-law against her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law."
As someone who's (I hate subjective, biased labels) autistic/on the spectrum : I was taught to try and avoid arguments @ all costs, when I was in early grade-school; especially... really good advice from "my" therapists, special ed teachers, social workers, psychiatrists, psychologists, para-pros, child advocate attorneys, child welfare workers, police who "dropped by" our house responding to requested welfare checks and domestic disturbances, etc.
But arguments still happen and neuro-typical people try really hard to get others on their side; when arguments occur (neuro-typical people tend to have a very hard time standing alone, especially during conflict/misunderstanding).
So, Michelle and I got into an argument and, IMO, Michelle was getting "scary"/"dangerous"/"irrational"/etc.; so I asked her to separate for a bit, as Charlie (our couples therapist), has told us to do. By the way, Charlie is awesome and he's the best therapist I've had since around middle school, I think. He also told us that we cannot escape our emotions and should come to terms with what we're feeling and why.
...He's A Genius & A Sage!
So, Michelle and I separated, for a bit, and then we had a text exchange:
Me: "Thanks"
Me: About Today: I was coming downstairs to get my phone to set an alarm so I was out of the upstairs by 2:00.
Michelle: Thanks for telling me. Maybe we can talk in person sometime after my call? I would like that!
Me: I heard you and Quinn talking about family matters which I should be included in when it comes to making family decisions (One parent should not "help" make "family" decisions unilaterally, without the other parent being given the right to "weigh in.")
Me: You do it often and whenever you think you can "handle it/direct" alone and/or you know I might different opinions on how our family makes decisions and trouble-shoots situations.
Me: It does hurt; but I put up with it because I Love You!
Me: As I've already stated you generally only ask for help after you've gotten yourself or someone else in "a mess."
Me: And, when I get involved in things that DO involve me, without you asking me to get involved, you get defensive and try to start a fight/sediment; IMO.
Me: You likely learned that parenting and spousal technique from your Mom and/or Your Dad; IMO...
Me: And it is very effective!
Me: sediment = argument
Me: You probably saw your parents "fight a lot" to get what each of them wanted; so you do the same; IMO.
Me: And, all the above is just my opinion and I understand if you "can't" understand.
Me ...Or if you're "resistant" to truths that are inconvenient for how you move through time/space and hurt your feelings.
Me (I shared this link, it IS NOT mine; but is is great; IMO!):
Me (I shared this link, it IS NOT mine; but is is great, IMO!):
Me (I shared this link, it IS NOT mine; but is is great, IMO!):
Me: Sure we can "talk," in person...
Me: But only after you've listened to what I have to say about us; above; please.
Michelle: I read and listened to the above. You are right and I am sorry. I still would like to talk in person, if you want. We can do a dialogue or not. I love you!
The above text exchange has not been edited; I apologize for the poor grammar, punctuation, spelling, missing words, and autocorrect mistakes, etc.
And that is all I will apologize for, in this article!
And I will definitely not apologize for being autistic/on the spectrum (I hate subjective, biased labels) nor will we change. For God made us who we are, and God loves us, each, and all; regardless of what we've done or do during our very brief experience(s) in time/space; until God calls us back!
1 CORINTHIANS 13: 4-8 (RSV):
"Love is patient and kind; love is not jealous or boastful; it is not arrogant or rude. Love does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrong, but rejoices in the right. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things."
Thanks be to God, Our Lord & Savior, Jesus Christ of Nazareth and Blessed, Immaculate Mother Mary, Ever Virgin; Amen!
Jason S. Vinluan, Esq.
Oh, and if you want to verify all the truths in the above; feel free to try and talk to Michelle; just not when she's doing yoga; after all - she has to remember to try and breath, too, in addition to being & maintaining balanced! ;)
Love You, 'Shell!
Senior Project Engineer - OEM Programs at REALTRUCK
4yI think as couples coming from 2 different families of origin, it takes a lot for you to understand how your partner reacts and why. There is always that looming inner question, "why don't they just do this...???" The unsaid drives you apart, the unknown breaks the best parts of togetherness into questions of "Why do I stay?". Overall these are very tough and deep subjects that are not very well taught by our own upbringing, and not modeled to our own children at most times. The brokeness has always been a struggle for us since the beginning of time. I have learned that having emotions, whether they are bad or good are good to have, its the way we react to them that is what we need to control. Thanks for sharing, the more we tend to share, the more we find that we are not alone to the struggles of this world. I am encouraged by your decision to share.
Go High Level (GHL) I SEO Specialist
4yLove this! For being bare and honest. Hope you two will continue to love and be respectful with each other no matter what. It what makes a family a family.